2019-03-19-FDA Recalls Losartan Lots, Another Blood Pressure Drug Contaminated With a Cancer Caus...


FDA Recalls Losartan Lots, Another Blood Pressure Drug Contaminated With a Cancer Causing Impurity

By BRITTANY SHOOT March 18, 2019

原文 译文(机译+略改)
The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued more recalls for the blood pressure medication losartan. 美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)发布了更多关于血压药物氯沙坦的召回。
The latest recall notices were issued on Friday as two separate, voluntary recalls, both being issued in conjunction with Missouri-based Legacy Pharmaceuticals Packaging, LLC. No adverse effects related to these recalled hypertension drugs have been reported. Lists of the impacted lots of losaratan potassium tablets included in these latest recalls can be found here and there. 最新的召回通知是在上周五发布的,是两起独立的自愿召回,都是与总部位于密苏里州的遗留药品包装一起发布的。没有与这些召回的高血压药物相关的不良反应的报告。在最近的召回事件中受影响的氯萨拉坦钾片的清单随处可见。
As with the multitude of other blood pressure medication recalls that have piled up since 2018, these two recalls are due to a cancer-causing impurity found in trace amounts in the recalled lots of losartan. In these recalls, the chemical found was N-Nitroso N-Methyl 4-amino butyric acid (NMBA), which is listed as a potential human carcinogen. NMBA is the third type of carcinogen found in blood pressure medications that were then recalled. 自2018年以来,大量其他降压药召回事件层出不穷,这两起召回事件都是由于在召回的大量氯沙坦中发现了微量致癌杂质。在这些召回中,发现的化学物质是N-亚硝基N-甲基4-氨基丁酸(NMBA),它被列为一种潜在的人类致癌物。NMBA是在随后被召回的降压药中发现的第三种致癌物质。
These recalls are bad business for everyone, not just impacted consumers. In February, the House Energy and Commerce Committee wrote to now-outgoing FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb to inquire about inspections at overseas drug packaging plants. At least a dozen cardiovascular drugs have been recalled recently, including types of amlopidine, irbesartan, and valsartan. 这些召回事件对所有人来说都是件坏事,不仅仅影响到消费者。今年2月,众议院能源和商务委员会(House Energy and Commerce Committee)致信即将离任的FDA专员戈特利布(Scott Gottlieb),询问有关海外药品包装工厂的检查情况。最近至少有12种心血管药物被召回,包括氨氯吡定、厄贝沙坦和缬沙坦。
The FDA cautions that if you take any medications for hypertension, it is important not to discontinue use until you speak with your physician. Not taking blood pressure medication can be extremely dangerous, even if the risks associated with taking a medication tainted with a toxin also seem high. FDA警告说,如果你服用任何治疗高血压的药物,重要的是在与医生交谈之前不要停止使用。即使服用含有毒素的药物的风险似乎也很高,但不服用降压药是非常危险的。
  • FDA
    (abbr)Pure Food and Drug Administration <美><正>食品及药物管理局;
  • impurity
    ① (N-COUNT) 杂质;不纯物质 Impurities are substances that are present in small quantities in another substance and make it dirty or of an unacceptable quality.
    ② (N-UNCOUNT) 淫乱;不贞 Impurity is the state of being no longer pure, especially sexually pure.
  • issue
    ① (N-COUNT) 重要问题;议题;争论的问题 An issue is an important subject that people are arguing about or discussing.
    ② (N-SING) 首要事项;要点;问题的要害 If something is the issue, it is the thing you consider to be the most important part of a situation or discussion.
    ③ (N-COUNT) (报刊的)期,号,版次 An issue of something such as a magazine or newspaper is the version of it that is published, for example, in a particular month or on a particular day.
    ④ (VERB) 发表;发布 If you issue a statement or a warning, you make it known formally or publicly.
    ⑤ (VERB) 向…颁发;(正式)发给 If you are issued with something, it is officially given to you.
    ⑥ (VERB) (液体、声音、气味)流出,发出,冒出 When something such as a liquid, sound, or smell issues from something, it comes out of that thing.
    ⑦ (PHRASE) 争论中的;讨论中的 The question or point at issue is the question or point that is being argued about or discussed.
    ⑧ (PHRASE) 使…引起关注;在…上挑起争论 If you make an issue of something, you try to make other people think about it or discuss it, because you are concerned or annoyed about it.
    ⑨ (PHRASE) 不同意;对…持异议 If you take issue with someone or something they said, you disagree with them, and start arguing about it.
    ⑩ (PHRASE) 在…方面有困难 If someone has issues with a particular aspect of their life, they have problems connected with it.
  • separate
    ① (ADJ) 分开的;单独的;独立的 If one thing is separate from another, there is a barrier, space, or division between them, so that they are clearly two things.
    ② (ADJ) 不同的;各别的 If you refer to separate things, you mean several different things, rather than just one thing.
    ③ (V-RECIP-ERG) (使)分开;(使)分离;分割;划分 If you separate people or things that are together, or if they separate, they move apart.
    ④ (V-RECIP-ERG) (使)分离;(使)分裂;(使)分开 If you separate people or things that have been connected, or if one separates from another, the connection between them is ended.
    ⑤ (V-RECIP) 分居 If a couple who are married or living together separate, they decide to live apart.
    ⑥ (VERB) 隔开;阻隔;使分开 An object, obstacle, distance, or period of time which separates two people, groups, or things exists between them.
    ⑦ (VERB) 分辨;区分;区别 If you separate one idea or fact from another, you clearly see or show the difference between them.
    ⑧ (VERB) 使得以区分;使获得区别 A quality or factor that separates one thing from another is the reason why the two things are different from each other.
    ⑨ (VERB) (两个参赛队或竞争者比分)相隔,相差 If a particular number of points separate two teams or competitors, one of them is winning or has won by that number of points.
    ⑩ (V-ERG) 分割;划分;拆散 If you separate a group of people or things into smaller elements, or if a group separates, it is divided into smaller elements.
    ⑪ (PHRASE) 分道扬镳;分手;分路而行 When two or more people who have been together for some time go their separate ways, they go to different places or end their relationship.
  • legacy
    ① (N-COUNT) 遗产;遗赠 A legacy is money or property which someone leaves to you when they die.
    ② (N-COUNT) (事件或历史的)遗留问题,后遗症 A legacy of an event or period of history is something which is a direct result of it and which continues to exist after it is over.
  • pharmaceutical
    ① (ADJ) 制药的 Pharmaceutical means connected with the industrial production of medicine.
    ② (N-PLURAL) 药物;药品 Pharmaceuticals are medicines.
  • conjunction
    ① (N-COUNT) (事件的)同时发生,同地发生 A conjunction of two or more things is the occurrence of them at the same time or place.
    ② (N-COUNT) (语法中的)连词 In grammar, a conjunction is a word or group of words that joins together words, groups, or clauses. In English, there are co-ordinating conjunctions such as 'and' and 'but', and subordinating conjunctions such as 'although', 'because', and 'when'.
    ③ (PHRASE) 连同…;与…一起 If one thing is done or used in conjunction with another, the two things are done or used together.
  • adverse
    (ADJ-GRADED) 不利的;有害的 Adverse decisions, conditions, or effects are unfavourable to you.
  • hypertension
    (N-UNCOUNT) 高血压 Hypertension is a medical condition in which a person has very high blood pressure.
  • tablet
    ① (N-COUNT) 药片;片剂 A tablet is a small solid round mass of medicine which you swallow.
    ② (N-COUNT) (黏土、石头制成的)牌,匾,碑 Clay tablets or stone tablets are the flat pieces of clay or stone which people used to write on before paper was invented.
  • multitude
    ① (QUANT) 许多;大量;大批;大群 A multitude of things or people is a very large number of them.
    ② (N-COUNT) 一大群人;人群 You can refer to a very large number of people as a multitude .
    ● ...surrounded by a noisy multitude.
    ● ...the multitudes that throng around the Pope.
    ③ (N-COUNT-COLL) 民众;大众;群众 You can refer to the great majority of people in a particular country or situation as the multitude or the multitudes .
  • pile up
    ① (PHRASAL VERB-ERG) (使)堆放;(使)堆积;(使)成堆 If you pile up a quantity of things or if they pile up, they gradually form a pile.
    ② (PHRASAL VERB-ERG) (使)(工作、问题、损失等)积聚 If you pile up work, problems, or losses or if they pile up, you get more and more of them.
  • trace
    ① (VERB) 追溯;查考;探索 If you trace the origin or development of something, you find out or describe how it started or developed.
    ② (VERB) 查出;探出;找到 If you trace someone or something, you find them after looking for them.
    ③ (VERB) (用手指或脚尖等在表面上)勾画…的轮廓,描绘,勾勒 If you trace something such as a pattern or a shape, for example with your finger or toe, you mark its outline on a surface.
    ④ (VERB) (把透明纸覆盖在底样上)映描,描摹 If you trace a picture, you copy it by covering it with a piece of transparent paper and drawing over the lines underneath.
    ⑤ (N-COUNT) 少许;微量 A trace of something is a very small amount of it.
    ⑥ (N-COUNT) 痕迹;遗迹;踪迹;足迹 A trace is a sign which shows you that someone or something has been in a place.
  • in trace amounts
  • carcinogen
  • inspection
    ① (VERB) 检查;审视 If you inspect something, you look at every part of it carefully in order to find out about it or check that it is all right.
    ② (VERB) 视察;检阅 When an official inspects a place or a group of people, they visit it and check it carefully, for example in order to find out whether regulations are being obeyed.
  • discontinue
    ① (VERB) 终止;中断 If you discontinue something that you have been doing regularly, you stop doing it.
    ② (VERB) 停止,终止(生产) If a product is discontinued, the manufacturer stops making it.
  • physician
    (N-COUNT) (正式美国英语或过时英国英语中的)医生,内科医生 In formal American English or old-fashioned British English, a physician is a doctor.
  • taint
    ① (VERB) 玷污,毁坏,损害,败坏(地位、名誉) If a person or thing is tainted by something bad or undesirable, their status or reputation is harmed because they are associated with it.
    ② (N-COUNT) (地位、名誉的)玷污,污点,瑕疵 A taint is an undesirable quality which spoils the status or reputation of someone or something.
    ③ (VERB) 污染,毁坏(食品、药品) If an unpleasant substance taints food or medicine, the food or medicine is spoiled or damaged by it.
  • toxin
    (N-VAR) 毒素 A toxin is any poisonous substance produced by bacteria, animals, or plants.

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