
一: 精品技术论坛的斑竹共享的东东, 在此下载
用法狠简单了,把你的Pattern放到下面的输入框里,字符串放到上面,然后把那个Instant Verifiy选中,如果Pattern符合,那个字符串立刻就变成蓝色,嘿嘿,方便吧。。。而且可以帮助效验Pattern的有效性。。欣喜吧。。
二:   http://www.rexv.org/,在线版的,使用AJAX写成,下面是人家自己的说明:
         This site is a Regular Expression evaluator for three different regular expression systems:
  1. PHP PCRE.
  2. PHP Posix.
  3. Javascript.
The site is written with the help of the so called AJAX technology, therefore will work on the following browsers:
  1. Internet Expolorer 5+.
  2. Mozilla Firefox 1.0+
  3. Opera 7.54+
  4. Safari 1.2+
The site is still in the process of active development and testing, so don't hesitate to send me any bug reports or suggestions you may have.More information about Regular Expressions you can find in these sites:
Happy evaluation :-)
