《Steve Jobs》之政变

"Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water, or do you want a chance to change the world?"

  • 寻找CEO
  • 蜜月期
  • 分裂
  • 危机
  • 摊牌
  • 政变
  • 尾声


时间来到了1983年,这个时候的乔布斯早已财富名誉双收了。这个时候乔布斯已经做了一件改变世界的事情,那就是推动个人电脑的普及,也就是APPLE II电脑。并且公司也上市了,在个人电脑的市场份额上与IBM分庭抗礼.


《Steve Jobs》之政变_第1张图片



"Jobs knew that he was not ready to run the company himself, even though there was a part of him that wanted to try. Despite his arrogance, he could be self-aware. Markkula agreed; he told Jobs that he was still a bit too rough-edged and immature to be Apple’s president. So they launched a search for someone from the outside.",

乔布斯亲自寻找人选来管理这家7年前他和沃兹尼亚克创立的公司。一开始他们直接找到IBM的主管PC部门的经理Don Estridge(在现在很难想象,两家是直接竞争的关系,竟然直接去挖对方核心人物),乔布斯他们一开始想找一个懂技术的来管理这个团队,但是被Estridge拒绝之后,他们转变了思路,寻求一个更懂市场懂人来管理公司。

于是,他们看上了百事可乐的CEO:John Sculley。说服他来苹果乔布斯费了好些功夫。


“We want to change the way people use computers,”



Jobs wanted Sculley to share his excitement about the Macintosh. “This product means more to me than anything I’ve done,” he said. “I want you to be the first person outside of Apple to see it.”


另外,这也是乔布斯摆脱沃兹尼亚克阴影的第一款产品,APPLE I和APPLE II完全是沃兹尼亚克设计的,人们普遍认为沃兹尼亚克的功劳更大。


"Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water, or do you want a chance to change the world?"


当然光靠梦想是不够,乔布斯还答应给Sculley 100万美元的周薪。



"We could complete each other’s sentences because we were on the same wavelength. Steve"


1984年1月22号,Macintosh广告在美国超级碗决赛场上播放,这是世界上第一台采用图形用户界面的个人电脑,与当时采用DOS命令行纯文本用户界面的IBM PC形成了鲜明的对照,它只播放了一次,却造成了空前的轰动,美国的三大电视网和将近50个地方电视台都在超级杯后报道重放了“1984”,还有上百家报刊杂志评





"“The happiest two days for me were when Macintosh shipped and when John Sculley agreed to join Apple,” he said. “This has been the greatest year I’ve ever had in my whole life, because I’ve learned so much from John.”"


"Their first substantive disagreement was over how to price the Macintosh.",选自:"Steve Jobs (English Edition)"


"“Don’t worry, I’m not going to let him get away with it!” But in the end, Sculley prevailed. Even twenty-five years later Jobs seethed when recalling the decision: “It’s the main reason the Macintosh sales slowed and Microsoft got to dominate the market.” The decision made him feel that he was losing control of his product and company, and this was as dangerous as making a tiger feel cornered.",选自:"Steve Jobs (English Edition)",



"“You guys failed,” he said, looking directly at those who had worked on the Lisa. “You’re a B team. B players. Too many people here are B or C players, so today we are releasing some of you to have the opportunity to work at our sister companies here in the valley.”"



"“Apple has one leader,” he said, “Steve and me.” He looked across the room, caught Jobs’s eye, and watched him smile. “It was as if we were communicating with each other,” Sculley recalled. But he also noticed that Arthur Rock and some of the others were looking quizzical, perhaps even skeptical. They were worried that Jobs was completely rolling him."



"The problem was a fundamental one: It was a dazzling but woefully slow and underpowered computer, and no amount of hoopla could mask that. Its beauty was that its user interface looked like a sunny playroom rather than a somber dark screen with sickly green pulsating letters and surly command lines. But that led to its greatest weakness: A character on a text-based display took less than a byte of code, whereas when the Mac drew a letter, pixel by pixel in any elegant font you wanted, it required twenty or thirty times more memory. The Lisa handled this by shipping with more than 1,000K RAM, whereas the Macintosh made do with 128K."


"Wozniak decided to leave quietly to start a new company that would make a universal remote control device he had invented. It would control your television, stereo, and other electronic devices with a simple set of buttons that you could easily program. He",选自:"Steve Jobs (English Edition)",作者:Walter Isaacson

沃兹尼亚克觉得公司忽视了APPLE II部门,经过APPLE II仍然占了公司很大一部分营收,所以决定自己成立一家公司做一种万能遥控可以控制家里所有电器的设备。可以看到还是这些做技术的人知道技术将怎么发展,虽然他们做不好产品。



"explaining that he wanted to make sure that Wozniak’s remote wouldn’t look like something made by Apple. “We don’t want to see our design language used on other products. Woz has to find his own resources. He can’t leverage off Apple’s resources; we can’t treat him specially.”",

“People were looking to me to take control, to get him to sit down and shut up, but I didn’t,” Sculley recalled. As the meeting broke up, he heard someone whisper, “Why doesn’t Sculley shut him up?”


For Jobs, the problem was that Sculley never became a product person. He didn’t make the effort, or show the capacity, to understand the fine points of what they were making.


For Sculley, the problem was that Jobs, when he was no longer in courtship or manipulative mode, was frequently obnoxious, rude, selfish, and nasty to other people.







“There is no one who admires your brilliance and vision more than I do,”

“But this is really not going to work,”

“We have developed a great friendship with each other,”

“but I have lost confidence in your ability to run the Macintosh division.”


He told Sculley he knew nothing about computers, was doing a terrible job running the company, and had disappointed Jobs ever since coming to Apple. Then he began to cry. Sculley sat there biting his fingernails.


“I’m going to bring this up with the board,” Sculley declared. “I’m going to recommend that you step down from your operating position of running the Macintosh division. I want you to know that.” He urged Jobs not to resist and to agree instead to work on developing new technologies and products.





“You were really great the first year, and everything went wonderful. But something happened.”


Jobs had been unable to get Macintosh software developed, come up with new models, or win customers.





Months earlier, Apple had gotten the right to export computers to China, and Jobs had been invited to sign a deal in the Great Hall of the People over the 1985 Memorial Day weekend.


他将这个计划告诉了许多他自认为信任得的人,包括Mike Murray.

He also confided in the corporate human resources director, Jay Elliot, who told him bluntly that the proposed rebellion wouldn’t work. Elliot had talked to some board members and urged them to stand up for Jobs, but he discovered that most of the board was with Sculley, as were most members of Apple’s senior staff.



He even revealed his plans to Gassée on a walk around the parking lot, despite the fact that Gassée had come from Paris to take his job. “I made the mistake of telling Gassée,” Jobs wryly conceded years later.

Gassée 当晚就告诉了Sculley。于是历史进程就因此改变了,Sculley取消去中国的计划。

隔天早上,在executive staff meeting上, Sculley直接质问乔布斯,这件事是否属实。


“I think you’re bad for Apple, and I think you’re the wrong person to run the company,” he replied, coldly and slowly. “You really should leave this company. You don’t know how to operate and never have.”


‘It’s me or Steve, who do you vote for?’

于是,董事会的成员们,一个一个用"I like .... But ..."的说法,几乎都选择了Sculley。





“I don’t know whether I can go through with this.” When Eisenstat asked what he meant, Sculley responded, “I think I’m going to resign.”


“Steve, can I talk to you?” she said. His jaw dropped. “Do you have any idea what a privilege it has been even to know someone as fine as John Sculley?” she demanded. He averted his gaze. “Can’t you look me in the eyes when I’m talking to you?” she asked. But when Jobs did so— giving her his practiced, unblinking stare— she recoiled. “Never mind, don’t look at me,” she said. “When I look into most people’s eyes, I see a soul. When I look into your eyes, I see a bottomless pit, an empty hole, a dead zone.” Then she walked away.


It finally sank in. Jobs realized there was no appeal, no way to warp the reality. He broke down in tears and started making phone calls— to Bill Campbell, Jay Elliot, Mike Murray, and others. Murray’s wife, Joyce, was on an overseas call when Jobs phoned, and the operator broke in saying it was an emergency. It better be important, she told the operator. “It is,” she heard Jobs say. When her husband got on the phone, Jobs was crying. “It’s over,” he said. Then he hung up.






《Steve Jobs》之政变_第2张图片

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