1. 简介
OriginLab为中国学生提供了一个免费半年正版中文Origin 2018的许可,只要你是在校大学生,只要你有以edu.cn/ac.cn结尾的学校邮箱,你就能拥有它。OriginLab 2018b,拥有直接切换中英文,能够直接给坐标轴添加箭头等2017版中没有的功能,此外正版导出图片无水印。
视频地址:OriginLab 2018b半年免费试用
2. 操作步骤
(1) 申请学校邮箱
OriginLab为中国学生提供了一个免费半年正版中文Origin 2018的许可,只要你是在校大学生,只要你有以edu.cn/ac.cn结尾的学校邮箱,你就能拥有它。因此使用OriginLab首先需要申请以edu.cn/ac.cn结尾的学校邮箱。
(2) 获取序列号、密钥
链接:OriginLab 2018b下载百度云链接提取码:24m6
(3) 安装OriginLab
输入密钥:工具栏最右Help——Activate License——输入密钥
修改语言:Help——Change Language
查看激活结果:Help——About Origin…——Time remaining until expiration
(4) 序列号
3. 官网介绍
Origin is an industry-leading scientific graphing and data analysis software. Origin is used by 500,000+ registered customers in more than 6,000 companies, 6,500 colleges and universities, and 3,000 government agencies and research labs, worldwide.
"Origin is a powerful and full-featured data analysis software. Our research groups use a variety of the many features that Origin offers including linear and non-linear curve fitting, model validation, dataset comparison tools, and multi-dimensional data analysis. The powerful visual representation tools with accompanying descriptive statistical parameters help aid in hypothesis testing, model development and verification, and data analysis. Although coming from different backgrounds, Origin has helped our different research groups better collaborate and share research tools and user developed content with one another using a common software platform."
——Review, Journal of CheminformaticsOriginLab