Probably every single one of us have looked at glamorous celebrities on the red carpet and wished we could switch our outfits at least for a short while. Sounds like some kind of fantastic Cinderella case. Of course, life is far from a fairytale.
Most of us can't afford thousands of dollars'worth haute couture from the biggest names in the fashion world. But if we had the mindset and creativity of this incredible mother-daughter duo, dreams could turn into reality in less than 30 minutes.
Want to try on Chanel or Gucci? A talented Turkish mother Alya Chaglar and her cheerful daughter Stefani have been recreating top celebrity looks with the material that they have on hand. And surprisingly, paper or tin foil can be an amazing alternative for expensive chic fabric with a little bit of DIY wizardry.
想试试香奈儿或古驰吗?一位才华横溢的土耳其母亲Alya Chaglar和她快乐的女儿Stefani一直在用手头的材料重现顶级明星的造型。令人惊讶的是,纸或锡箔凭借一些非凡的DIY才能可以成为昂贵的别致织物的惊人的替代品。
All outfits are hand-made from unconventional materials that can be easily found in every household, including paper, cardboard, tin foil, plastic, and a handy lifesaver – a stapler.
These everyday life materials and creativity help Alya and Stefani to recreate over 60 glamorous looks of famous people like Beyoncé, Anne Hathaway, Lady Gaga, Jennifer Lopez, Taylor Swift, Gigi Hadid, and The Kardashians to name a few.
这些日常生活的素材和创意帮助Alya和Stefani重现了60多位名人的迷人外表,比如碧昂斯、安妮·海瑟薇、Lady Gaga、詹妮弗·洛佩兹、泰勒·斯威夫特、吉吉·哈迪德和卡戴珊姐妹。
Mother and daughter never take the easy path of referring to rather simple celebrity outfits, they take their DIY to another level by trying to recreate the most extravagant, odd and challenging designs.
TheydescribetheadventuresofHarryandhisfriendsat theHogwartsSchoolofWitchcraftand Wizardry.
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