
select '本科毕业生' a,
       nvl(t.b, 0) b,
       round(nvl(t.b, 0)/t.d*100,2)||'%' e,  
       nvl(t.c, 0) c,
       round(nvl(t.c, 0) /t.d*100,2)||'%' f  
(select '1' hdss, count(*) bkshznum
          from (select * from jy_jyxt_syxxb 
         WHERE xlccdm = '31'
           and byzd5 = '1' and mzdm='01') where bynf='2014'
           union all

select '2' hdss, count(*) bksssmznum
          from (select * from jy_jyxt_syxxb 
         WHERE xlccdm = '31'
           and byzd5 = '1' and mzdm<>'01') where bynf='2014'
 union all
 select '3' hdss, count(*) zrs
          from (select * from jy_jyxt_syxxb 
         WHERE xlccdm = '31'
           and byzd5 = '1') where bynf='2014')
   for hdss in('1' as b, '2' as c, '3' as d)) t
   union all
select '毕业研究生' a,
       nvl(t.b, 0) b,
       round(nvl(t.b, 0)/t.d*100,2)||'%' e,  
       nvl(t.c, 0) c,
       round(nvl(t.c, 0) /t.d*100,2)||'%' f  
(select '1' hdss, count(*) bkshznum
          from (select * from jy_jyxt_syxxb 
         WHERE xlccdm = '11'
           and byzd5 = '1' and mzdm='01') where bynf='2014'
           union all

select '2' hdss, count(*) bksssmznum
          from (select * from jy_jyxt_syxxb 
         WHERE xlccdm = '11'
           and byzd5 = '1' and mzdm<>'01') where bynf='2014'
 union all
 select '3' hdss, count(*) zrs
          from (select * from jy_jyxt_syxxb 
         WHERE xlccdm = '11'
           and byzd5 = '1') where bynf='2014')
   for hdss in('1' as b, '2' as c, '3' as d)) t
   union all
select '总体' a,
       nvl(t.b, 0) b,
       round(nvl(t.b, 0)/t.d*100,2)||'%' e,  
       nvl(t.c, 0) c,
       round(nvl(t.c, 0) /t.d*100,2)||'%' f  
(select '1' hdss, count(*) ztbkshznum
          from (select * from jy_jyxt_syxxb 
         WHERE byzd5 = '1' and mzdm='01' and (xlccdm = '31' or xlccdm = '11')) where bynf='2014'
           union all

   select '2' hdss, count(*) bksssmznum
          from (select * from jy_jyxt_syxxb 
         WHERE byzd5 = '1' and mzdm<>'01' and (xlccdm = '31' or xlccdm = '11')) where bynf='2014'
 union all
    select '3' hdss, count(*) zrs
          from (select * from jy_jyxt_syxxb 
         WHERE byzd5 = '1' and (xlccdm = '31' or xlccdm = '11')
           ) where 1=1 and bynf='2014')
   for hdss in('1' as b, '2' as c, '3' as d)) t
1 本科毕业生 13 92.86% 1 7.14%
2 毕业研究生 2 100% 0 0%
3 总体 15 93.75% 1 6.25%
  • round 除法留几位小数点

  • pivot 行列转换

  • nvl(t.b, 0) 如果t.b是null,那么返回0

  • substr 截取字符,例如(1994-06-09),sj='1994-06-09' substr(sj,0,4) 就会把1994筛选出来

  • distinct重复的值只取一个,例如,时间筛选出来有很多条记录且时间是一样的,例如1994,多条,那么执行如下sql,就只筛选出一个

select distinct(dlsj) sj from (select substr(sj,0,4) sj from JY_JYWZ_YHDLJLB 
            where sj is not null  order by sj asc)
  • 视图:类似于联表查询的结果,只能查询
