
take up sports=do sports=take up exercise= work out 

我们将从5w1h的结构来展开sports 的话题:

1. What

1.1 What's your relationship with sports:

* watch it: on TV, on the spot as field audience (现场观众), an athletics meeting, stadium, football match,

I'm really competitive, so when I'm watching sports like baseball or soccer on TV. I'm up at the TV "come on, let's go!" cheering on like that. 

* play it = be on the field: --> why do you like to play sports?

* avoid it: get used to sedentary lifestyle and low activity level 

1.2 What sport? (之后继续展开,深化)

* swimming/ football/judo/ yoga/bungee jumping/kite-surfing/playing tennis/jogging/basketball / marathon / triathlon (三项全能)/ rock climbing / field hockey/ Bikram, the hot yoga / pole vault 撑杆跳高/ brisk walk 快步走/ hurdle 跨栏跑 / 

* a graceful sport: that is not violent or aggressive, or not so physical 

1.2.1 Football: 

* football fan, a football match, have a season ticket, home games, away games, football season

1.3 What kinds of sports?

* individual sports/ team sports

* indoor sports/ outdoor sports

* winter sports/ summer sports

* strenuous and active sports such as soccer and boxing which requires stamina and strength / relaxing and gentle sports such as yoga and walking 

* water sports 

* mental sport 

2. Who 

* personal trainer: who design fitness program/ supervise me to train harder

* friends/family: good way to spend time with friends and stay fit together

* team members 

* random people we meet up on the sports venue

* sport star: for example, Kobe (之后展开,为什么他成为你的sport star)/icon/idol ; children look up to their sport star, so I think these people have an enormous responsibility for setting up a good model for young children and teenagers. / numerous hours of hard training

3. Why

1.1 Why do you like playing sports: 

* social side of sports: good way to spend time with friends and meet up people who share the same interests 

*competitive/ driven to excel/set records/ to get personal bests 

* way to keep fit/keep in shape/ good for health/burn calories/avoid being out of condition/ avoid being out of shape / feel refreshed and recharged 

*good mood/ mental health: when I play sport, I forget about everything and just enjoy myself. / forget our daily routine for a little while/ relaxing/ stress relieving/ thrilling/ dynamic/ active rest 

*learn about failure: become more resilient 

1.2 Why do you prefer individual sports to team sports? 

* Compared with individual sports, it's harder and more time consuming to organise team sports. 

* And if I do badly in a team game I always feel I'm letting everybody down. 

* Another major reason is probably that I enjoy time alone. When I am running, biking or swimming, I can just really get into the zen of the speed, the movement, and quiet my mind actually. 

1.3 Why do you like team sports? 

* There are some significant pyschological benefits of doing team sports. Some of those comes from the communal experience of being in a team, for example, learning to trust and depend on others, to accept help, to give help, and to work together to reach a common goal. 

Another benefits is that by working and working during sports, especially with a good coach, you reinforce with a gross mindset within yourself, that's when you say, even if I can't do something today, I can improve myself through practise and achieve it eventually. 

4. Where 

* sports centre: latest sports facilities, athletics track, football pitches, squash & tennis courts, swimming pool

* squash/tennis/ badminton court

* gym: dumbbell, jog on the treadmill 

* field (baseball), stadium (soccer), mountains, lake, ocean

5. When

* time of the day, days of the week

* since when 

6. How 

* How it's played: ball, bat, club, racket, net, goal, sporting gear (sporting equipment), safety gear (for example, helmet)

* How often: regularly; on a daily/weekly/ monthly/regular basis 

Other useful words & expressions:

1. I used to be religious about (= focus on/ serious about ) doing yoga. 

2. amateur/ professional 

3.  who won :  play against/ win against/ beat/ lose against/ lose to/ be beaten by 

4.  scores : the game ended in a draw/ tie; they tied (打成平手)

     It was a blowout/ they blew them out/ they were blown out by them (大胜/大败)

     It was a close game/ It was a nail-bitter. (旗鼓相当)

5. qualifier 资格赛--> compete in the statewide/ compete in the nationwide 

6. passtime 

7. cheer on : I go to the stadium to cheer on my team. 

8. kicks off: The game kicks off at 7 pm tonight. 

9. be keen on doing something 

10. keep-fit exercises 

11. blow the competition away 

12. build muscle 

Questions to think about:

(1) How can sports bring people from different countries closer together?

(2) What are the advantage of hosting different international sporting events in a country?

(3) How can we encourage children to participate in different types of sporting activities ?

(4) What's the most popular sports in China? 

(5) Do you think children get enough exercise these days?

(6) How can parents encourage children to get more exercise? 

(7) Is there a different between the exercise that boys usually like and the exercise that girls usually like? 
