Flutter 控件-Drawer使用




如果没有设置AppBarleading属性,则当使用Drawer的时候会自动显示一个IconButton来告诉用户有侧边栏(在 Android 上通常是显示为三个横的图标)。

Drawer的child属性定义了其展示的内容,通常是用一个 ListView来实现,而在ListView最上面通常会有个 DrawerHeader来设置当前用户的基本信息,最常用的一个具体的 DrawerHeaderUserAccountsDrawerHeader



  • decorationheader区域的decoration,通常用来设置背景颜色或者背景图片
  • durationcurve:如果decoration发生了变化,则会使用 curve设置的变化曲线和duration设置的动画时间来做一个切换动画
  • child: Header里面所显示的内容控件
  • padding: Header里面内容控件的padding值,如果child为null,则这个值无效
  • margin:Header四周的间隙

如果想在DrawerHeader中显示用户账户信息,比如类似于 Gmail 的 联系人头像、用户名、Email 等信息,则可以使用 UserAccountsDrawerHeader这个特殊的DrawerHeader


UserAccountsDrawerHeader可以设置用户头像、用户名、Email 等信息,显示一个符合MD规范的 drawer header。其常用属性如下:

  • margin:Header四周的间隙
  • decoration:header区域的decoration,通常用来设置背景颜色或者背景图片
  • currentAccountPicture:用来设置当前用户的头像
  • otherAccountsPictures:用来设置当前用户的其他账号的头像(做多显示三个)
  • accountName:当前用户的名字
  • accountEmail:当前用户的 Email
  • onDetailsPressed: 当 accountName 或者 accountEmail 被点击的时候所触发的回调函数,可以用来显示其他额外的信息



  • icon:配置菜单项的图标和图标尺寸、颜色
  • child:具体的菜单项内容
  • onPressed:当点击菜单项的时候所触发的回调函数
  • selected: 当前菜单项是否选中了

我将DrawerItem添加了删除线,因为在最新的Flutter中已经找不到DrawerItem这个类了,可以使用ListTiles 和 AboutListTiles作为替代


class HomeBuilder {
  static Widget homeDrawer() {
    return new ListView(padding: const EdgeInsets.only(), children: [
      new ClipRect(
        child: new ListTile(
          leading: new CircleAvatar(child: new Text("A")),
          title: new Text('Drawer item A'),
          onTap: () => {},
      new ListTile(
        leading: new CircleAvatar(child: new Text("B")),
        title: new Text('Drawer item B'),
        subtitle: new Text("Drawer item B subtitle"),
        onTap: () => {},
      new AboutListTile(
        icon: new CircleAvatar(child: new Text("Ab")),
        child: new Text("About"),
        applicationName: "Test",
        applicationVersion: "1.0",
        applicationIcon: new Image.asset(
          width: 64.0,
          height: 64.0,
        applicationLegalese: "applicationLegalese",
        aboutBoxChildren: [
          new Text("BoxChildren"),
          new Text("box child 2")

  static Widget _drawerHeader() {
    return new UserAccountsDrawerHeader(
//      margin: EdgeInsets.zero,
      accountName: new Text(
        style: HStyle.titleNav(),
      accountEmail: new Text(
        "[email protected]",
        style: HStyle.bodyWhite(),
      currentAccountPicture: new CircleAvatar(
        backgroundImage: new AssetImage("images/ymj_jiayou.gif"),
      onDetailsPressed: () {},
      otherAccountsPictures: [
        new CircleAvatar(
          backgroundImage: new AssetImage("images/ymj_shuijiao.gif"),

class HomePage extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return new Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBase.appBar("Home"),
      drawer: new Drawer(
        child: HomeBuilder.homeDrawer(),

void main() => runApp(new MyApp());

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  // This widget is the root of your application.
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return new MaterialApp(
      title: 'Flutter Demo',
      theme: new ThemeData(
        // This is the theme of your application.
        // Try running your application with "flutter run". You'll see the
        // application has a blue toolbar. Then, without quitting the app, try
        // changing the primarySwatch below to Colors.green and then invoke
        // "hot reload" (press "r" in the console where you ran "flutter run",
        // or press Run > Flutter Hot Reload in IntelliJ). Notice that the
        // counter didn't reset back to zero; the application is not restarted.
        primarySwatch: Colors.blue,
      home: new HomePage(),


Flutter 控件-Drawer使用_第1张图片


Flutter 控件-Drawer使用_第2张图片


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