英国是公认的现代足球发源地,英超联赛和英超“六大豪门”是全球瞩目的超级IP,其中英超联赛更是体育品牌及赛事商业开发最成功的典范 – 2018/19赛季的营收额超过56亿欧元,雄踞欧洲五大联赛之首;2019 – 2022赛季,英超仅赛事转播权销售额超过90亿英磅,当仁不让全球范围内最具商业价值的足球联赛。
不仅英超联赛称雄世界足坛,英超俱乐部也个个价值连城。品牌评估机构Brand Finance发布的“2019年全球最有价值足球(俱乐部)品牌”中,英超俱乐部在前十名中占据了六席。商业价值以外,最令球迷们欣喜的莫过于英超球队在竞技层面重回代表世界职业足坛之巅 – 四支英超球队包揽了2018/2019赛季欧冠与欧联杯四个决赛,可谓开启了从商业价值到竞技实力双料统治的“英格兰足球盛世”。
我们很容易关注英超目前的繁荣,却极易忽略掉,支撑起金字塔尖英超的英格兰足球根基,那就是遍布英国各郡、各村、各社区大大小小的,像“草根”一样多一样亲民的俱乐部(仅英格兰就有三万多间足球俱乐部)、多达24级别的国家联赛以及全英国多达1700多个的不同级别联赛、以及活跃于这些赛事和训练的成千上万球探。 与此相关的足球经纪人行业、足球律师等新兴行业在英国应运而生,理论与实践均引领世界之先,并与英国足球产业的发展相辅相成。
Nick de Marco皇家大律师从女王公园巡游者(QPR)死忠球迷到享誉英伦的足球法大咖的成长轨迹;
前利物浦青训学院教练Alex Arnold对中国足球(及青训)的观察、反思与建议;
资深草根足球教练Rob Skupien阐释足球为什么有益儿童身心健康与全面发展;
体育的核心是人,体育产业的价值根植于人与人的连结。因此,中英体育法律周设计了大量的交流环节,利用午餐、茶歇和酒会为参与者创造充分的互动机会。8月3日(周六),中英体育法律周特意安排了“足球仲夏夜”家庭日活动,欢迎大家莅临北京圣露海利根花园(也是英国重要文化财海利根花园Lost Gardens of Heligan和圣露庄园正合力打造的、座落在北京的纯正英式花园),亲近城市中的绿洲,体验英式草根足球,以及与Rob Skupien教练一起探讨足球对儿童身心健康,茁壮成长的积极作用。
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Nick de Marco QC
英国皇家大律师,体育法(特别是足球法)领域当事人的不二之选。2019年Who’s Who Legal将其列为“英国最受尊敬的三位皇家大律师之一”;《钱伯斯》评论其为“足球监管业务领域最杰出的专家”。他的体育业务领域涵盖各类商事索赔、纪律惩戒和兴奋剂听证、体育赞助事项、有关球员和经纪人的合同和转会费争端等。Nick注重知识总结和分享,不仅是Blackstone Chambers体育法简报的主笔,也是2018年出版的《足球与法律》一书的作者和总编。该书是世界范围内第一本全面总结足球法律的指南。
Nick de Marco QC is ranked as one of the leading barristers in Sports Law, regarded by clients the “go to” barrister in sports disputes, in particular, in football. Who’s Whol Legal 2019 ranked Nick as one of the top 3 Most Highly Regarded Sports Law Silks in the UK; Chambers UK described Nick as “the foremost expert on football regulatory matters”. His broad sports practice covers a variety of commercial claims, disciplinary and doping hearings, sport's sponsorship cases, and claims concerning the interpretation of the footballers’ and agents’ contracts and transfer fees.
Nick cares about knowledge sharing. He is an editor and regular contributor of Blackstone Chambers Sports Law Bulletin; he is also an author and General Editor of Football and the Law, the first comprehensive guide to football law in the world.
蔡果 Guo Cai
Ms. Guo Cai holds the dual qualifications to practice law in the People’s Republic of China (Jin Mao Law Firm) and the State of New York, the United States. She is the founder and convener of LexVeritas International Law and Sports Business Group. A graduate from Harvard Law School and China University of Political Science and Law, she also holds an LLM in Human Rights (Distinction) from the University of Hong Kong. As a volunteer thoroughly involved in the Beijing Olympics 2008, Ms. Cai dedicated her expertise in international dispute resolution (in particular, arbitration) to the sports industry following the Rio Olympics 2016. With a steady increase of her sports law portfolio, Ms. Cai grows in tandem with the Chinese sports industry and aspires to connect international best practice with sports in China.
Rowan Simons
Rowan (罗文),北京万国群星足球俱乐部(2001年成立)董事长,是英国草根足球理念在中国最坚定的倡导者和践行者。万国群星是北京第一家外资足球俱乐部,运营着首都最大的草根足球网络。罗文在中国的体育、娱乐和传媒领域积累了超过三十年的丰富经验,当之无愧位列体育领域最受尊敬的外国专家。自2015年,罗文受聘为中英足球文化交流项目特别顾问,负责由习近平主席在英格兰国家足球博物馆亲自发布的,有关现代足球和古代足球发源地文化交流的项目。罗文也是《足球无疆》一书的作者,该书通过其本人在中国学习、工作、推动草根足球的经历,书写了中国足球的沉浮和中国二十年的发展历程。
The chairman of ClubFootball FC (established in 2001), Rowan is the most faithful advocate and practitioner of grassroots football in China. ClubFootball FC is the first foreign-owned football club in China and the operator of the capital’s largest grassroots network. With more than 30 years’ experience working in China’s sports, entertainment and media industry, Rowan is one of the most highly regarded foreign experts in the sports sector. In 2015, Rowan was appointed Special Advisor to the landmark football cultural exchange partnership between National Football Museum, Manchester and China Linzi Football Museum, Zibo, which was personally launched by President Xi Jinping during his state visit to the UK. Rowan is the author of the critically acclaimed “Bamboo Goalposts”, a book of reflection by a foreigner on Chinese football and society developments.
Alex Arnold
Alex is the Director of Football at ClubFootball based in Beijing, China. Before coming to China, Alex was an Academy coach at Liverpool Football Club’s Academy for 7 years. Alex has been with ClubFootball in China for over 5 years. Alex currently oversees all of ClubFootball’s coaching and development programmes. He also runs ClubFootball’s education programs in collaboration with, among others, English Premier League and the British Council, delivering coach education programmes throughout China. A Physical Education and Sports Science graduate, Alex holds the UEFA B licence and FA Youth Modules. He will complete his UEFA A licence next year.
Rob Skupien
Rob is the Head of Youth Development at ClubFootball based in Beijing, China, and has 10+ years experience of grassroots football coaching in the UK, USA and China, coaching players of all abilities aged from 3 to 18 years old. Rob is also currently Chairman of the Beijing International Junior Football League, a development based football league in Beijing that brings together around 1,000 children from local Chinese and International schools to play regular matches in the spirit of fairplay. Rob has been in Beijing for 6 years, and is a firm believer in the power of sport to develop not only children’s physical and technical proficiency, but also the social and psychological skills that are required in many situations of later life.
毛皓杰 Roger Mao
Roger曾任职于Thomas Cook Sport China,并创立“浪来浪趣”旅行社。他毕业于牛津布鲁克斯大学,获得2015英国旅游高等协会“最佳硕士奖”。Roger的足迹遍及全球近50个国家,为在华体育品牌,球队赞助商,媒体与球迷组织定制多元丰富的海外观赛体验,圆梦现场;并推动欧洲足球俱乐部在华落地营销活动,拉近球迷球队与赞助商的距离。
Roger Mao worked as business development manager at Thomas Cook Sport China and founded UK Wanderlust. He graduated from Oxford Brookes University and was awarded Best Postgraduate Student by UK Association for Tourism in Higher Education. Roger’s footprints cover around 50 counties, providing sports brand, sponsors, media and fans club in China various and tailor-made oversea sports travel services. In addition, he contributed the offline marketing activities for European football clubs and narrowed the distance among clubs, sponsors and fans.