zzulioj - 2618: ACM-ICPC亚洲区域赛ZZULI站



Jenny likes balls. He has some balls and he wants to arrange them in a row on the table.
Each of those balls can be one of three possible colors: red, yellow, or blue. More precisely, Jenny has R red balls, Y yellow balls and B blue balls.
He may put these balls in any order on the table, one after another.
Each time Jenny places a new ball on the table, he may insert it somewhere in the middle (or at one end) of the already-placed row of balls.
Additionally, each time Jenny places a ball on the table, he scores some points (possibly zero). The number of points is calculated as follows:
1.For the first ball being placed on the table, he scores 0 point.
2.If he places the ball at one end of the row, the number of points he scores equals to the number of different colors of the already-placed balls (i.e. expect the current one) on the table.
3.If he places the ball between two balls, the number of points he scores equals to the number of different colors of the balls before the currently placed ball,
  plus the number of different colors of the balls after the current one.
What's the maximal total number of points that Jenny can earn by placing the balls on the table? 

hint:对于志在区域赛的acmer们,数学思维和英语读题能力是必不可少的 : )
hint again: 感谢husy(胡胜勇)对本次周赛试题的数据测试及标程提供
每组数据包含三个整数R,Y,B  (0<= R,Y,B <=10000)
样例输入  Copy
2 2 2
3 3 3
4 4 4
样例输出  Copy


#define max(a, b) (a > b ? a : b)
#define min(a, b) (a < b ? a : b)
#define mst(a) memset(a, 0, sizeof(a))
#define _task printf("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n")
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
typedef pair<int, int> P;
const double eps = 1e-7;
const int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f;
const ll ll_INF = 233333333333333;
const int maxn = 1e3+10;
int main(void) {
    int t;
    scanf("%d", &t);
    while(t--) {
        ll r, y, b;
        scanf("%lld%lld%lld", &r, &y, &b);
        ll temp = min(r, min(y, b));
        ll res;
        if (temp>=2)    //三种球都大于1
            res = 15 + (r+y+b-6)*6;
        else if (temp>=1) { 
            if ((r>1&&y>1) || (r>1&&b>1) || (y>1&&b>1)) //两种球大于1一种球小于1
                res = 10 + (r+y+b-5)*5;
            else if (r > 1 || y > 1 || b > 1) //两种球等于1一种球大于1
                res = 6 + (r+y+b-4)*4;
            else    //三种球都等于1
                res = 3;
        else if ((!r && y>0 && b>0) || (!y && r>0 && b>0) || (!b && y>0 && r>0)) { 
            if ((r>1&&y>1) || (r>1&&b>1) || (y>1&&b>1)) //一种球等于0另外两种大于1
                res = 6 + (r+y+b-4)*4;
            else if (r > 1 || b > 1 || y > 1) //一种球等于0另外一种等于1一种大于1
                res = 3 + (y+r+b-3)*3;
            else    //一种球等于0,另外两种大于1
                res = 1;
        else if (r>1 || y>1 || b>1) //只有一种球且大于1
            res = 1 + (y+r+b-2)*2;
        else // 只有一种球且等于1或者全都是0
            res = 0;
        printf("%lld\n", res);
    return 0;



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