1. 城市信息隐藏在网页中
3、 节点(标签)查找方法与遍历发法(必要时画出节点数结构)
通过正则匹配出城市信息,然后通过正则解析遍历每个城市,然后通过请求json数据,解析每个岗位的信息,而页数,则是通过返回json中的numTotal 来判定,因为每页数据量是90条,而页数就是条数除以90,如果有余数就加1页
1 # 构建待抓取url列表 2 def get_province(): 3 # 随意访问一个网址 4 start_url = 'https://sou.zhaopin.com/?p=12&jl=489&sf=0&st=0&kw=%E8%BD%AF%E4%BB%B6&kt=3' 5 # 发起请求 6 rsp = requests.get(url=start_url, headers=headers) 7 # 正则匹配城市信息 8 city_str = re.search('__INITIAL_STATE__=(.*?)', rsp.text, re.S).group(1) 9 # 解析成json格式 10 city_json = json.loads(city_str) 11 province = city_json['basic']['dict']['location']['province'] 12 return province
1 # 存放抓取结果 2 page_data = [] 3 for item in province: 4 for sub in item['sublist']: 5 # 启动爬虫 6 result = start_zl(item['name'], sub['code'], keyword) 7 if len(result) != 0: 8 page_data.extend(result)
1 def start_zl(city_name, city_code, keyword): 2 print("抓取城市:" + city_name + "_" + city_code + "信息中") 3 page = 0 4 max = None 5 result = [] 6 while True: 7 print('当前{}页中'.format(page + 1)) 8 next_page = page * 90 9 now_time = int(time.time() * 1000) 10 url = "https://fe-api.zhaopin.com/c/i/sou?" \ 11 "pageSize=90" \ 12 "&cityId={}" \ 13 "&salary=0,0&workExperience=-1&education=-1&companyType=-1&employmentType=-1&jobWelfareTag=-1&" \ 14 "kw={}" \ 15 "&start={}" \ 16 "&kt=3&_v={}" \ 17 "&x-zp-page-request-id=84cec3861cb34e77a0f76870970d07c1-{}-988542" \ 18 "&x-zp-client-id=cd61dab4-7d6d-4c58-a963-b9a4c1474d9f".format(city_code, keyword, next_page, 19 random.random(), now_time) 20 while True: 21 try: 22 rsp = requests.get(url=url, headers=headers) 23 desc_json = json.loads(rsp.text) 24 if desc_json['data']['numTotal'] == 0: 25 max = 0 26 break 27 # 获取页数 28 if max is None: 29 count = desc_json['data']['numTotal'] 30 if count <= 90: 31 max = 1 32 else: 33 if count % 90 == 0: 34 max = count // 90 35 else: 36 max = count // 90 + 1 37 for item in desc_json['data']['results']: 38 try: 39 result.append( 40 ['zhilian', item['jobName'], item['salary'], city_name, item['workingExp']['name'], item['eduLevel']['name'], item['company']['name'], 41 item['jobType']['items'][0]['name'], item['company']['type']['name'], 42 item['company']['size']['name'], '_'.join(item['welfare'])]) 43 except Exception as e: 44 continue 45 break 46 except Exception as e: 47 print(url) 48 print("错误:", e, ", 返回结果:", rsp.text) 49 if page >= max: 50 break 51 page += 1 52 53 return result
1 # 读取excel文件 2 df = pd.read_csv('最终数据.csv', encoding='utf-8')
1 # 格式化学历信息 2 education = [] 3 for c in df['学历要求']: 4 if '月' in c: 5 c = '其他' 6 elif c == '中专' or c == '中技': 7 c = '中专/中技' 8 education.append(c) 9 df['education'] = education 10 # 按楼层分组 11 df_education = df.groupby(df['education']) 12 df_education = df_education.size() 13 value = df_education.values 14 attr = list(df_education.keys())
1 pattern = '\d+' 2 # 去除 "薪资面议" 等无效数据 3 df.drop(df[df['薪资'].str.contains('面议')].index, inplace=True) 4 5 salary_list = df['薪资'].values 6 # 将字符串转化为列表 7 df['salary'] = df['薪资'].str.findall(pattern) 8 avg_salary = [] 9 # 统计平均工资 10 for salary in salary_list: 11 k = re.findall(pattern, salary) 12 int_list = [int(n) for n in k] 13 # 取工资区间平均值 14 if len(int_list) == 2: 15 avg_wage = (int_list[1] + int_list[0]) / 2 16 else: 17 avg_wage = int_list[0] 18 # 去除无效数据 19 if 0 < avg_wage < 100: 20 avg_salary.append(avg_wage * 1000)
1 # 公司福利词云图 2 def word_cloud(): 3 wc = WordCloud({"theme": ThemeType.MACARONS}) 4 word_dict = {} 5 for word in df['公司福利']: 6 if 'nan' in str(word): 7 continue 8 r = r"[0-9\s+\.\!\/_,$%^*()?;;:-【】+\"\']+|[+——!,;:。?、~@#¥%……&*()]+" 9 # 去除特殊符号 10 word = re.sub(r, '', str(word), re.S) 11 # cut分词,并去重 12 words = set(jieba.cut(word, cut_all=False)) 13 # 统计词频 14 for word in words: 15 if len(word) < 2: 16 continue 17 if word not in word_dict: 18 word_dict[word] = 1 19 else: 20 word_dict[word] += 1 21 # 词频排序 22 word_list = sorted(word_dict.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) 23 # 生成图 24 wc.add("", word_list, word_size_range=[20, 100], shape=SymbolType.DIAMOND) 25 wc.set_global_opts(title_opts=opts.TitleOpts(title="福利分析")) 26 return wc
1 left_num = 10 2 rigth_num = 30 3 for x in range(0, len(value)): 4 pie.add( 5 "", 6 [[attr[x], round(value[x] / val_sum * 100, 2)], ["剩余", round((val_sum - value[x]) / val_sum * 100, 2)]], 7 center=[str(left_num) + '%', str(rigth_num) + '%'], 8 radius=[60, 80], 9 label_opts=new_label_opts() 10 ) 11 left_num += 20 12 if left_num > 90: 13 left_num = 10 14 rigth_num += 40 15 pie.set_global_opts( 16 title_opts=opts.TitleOpts(title="学历岗位数对比"), 17 legend_opts=opts.LegendOpts( 18 type_="scroll", pos_top="5%" 19 ), 20 )
1 map = Map({"theme": ThemeType.MACARONS}) 2 map.add( 3 "岗位数", 4 [list(z) for z in zip(attr, value)], 5 "china" 6 ) 7 map.set_global_opts( 8 title_opts=opts.TitleOpts(title="地区岗位数对比"), 9 visualmap_opts=opts.VisualMapOpts(max_=200), 10 )
1 label = [ 2 '3k以下', '3k-5k', '5k-8k', '8k-12k', '12k-15k', '15k-20k', '20k-25k', '25k以上' 3 ] 4 bar = Bar() 5 bar.add_xaxis(label) 6 bar.add_yaxis('智联', pin_value) 7 8 bar.set_global_opts(title_opts=opts.TitleOpts(title="平台岗位工资对比"))
1 with open("智联全国数据.csv", "w", newline='', encoding='utf-8') as datacsv: 2 # dialect为打开csv文件的方式,默认是excel,delimiter="\t"参数指写入的时候的分隔符 3 csvwriter = csv.writer(datacsv, dialect=("excel")) 4 # csv文件插入一行数据 5 csvwriter.writerow(['抓取来源', '岗位名称', '薪资', '工作地点', '工作经验', '学历要求', '公司名称', '公司行业', '公司类型', '公司规模', '公司福利']) 6 for temp in page_data: 7 # csv文件插入一行数据 8 csvwriter.writerow(temp)
1 import requests 2 import time 3 import json 4 import csv 5 import re 6 import random 7 import openpyxl 8 9 10 def start_zl(city_name, city_code, keyword): 11 print("抓取城市:" + city_name + "_" + city_code + "信息中") 12 page = 0 13 max = None 14 result = [] 15 while True: 16 print('当前{}页中'.format(page + 1)) 17 next_page = page * 90 18 now_time = int(time.time() * 1000) 19 url = "https://fe-api.zhaopin.com/c/i/sou?" \ 20 "pageSize=90" \ 21 "&cityId={}" \ 22 "&salary=0,0&workExperience=-1&education=-1&companyType=-1&employmentType=-1&jobWelfareTag=-1&" \ 23 "kw={}" \ 24 "&start={}" \ 25 "&kt=3&_v={}" \ 26 "&x-zp-page-request-id=84cec3861cb34e77a0f76870970d07c1-{}-988542" \ 27 "&x-zp-client-id=cd61dab4-7d6d-4c58-a963-b9a4c1474d9f".format(city_code, keyword, next_page, 28 random.random(), now_time) 29 while True: 30 try: 31 rsp = requests.get(url=url, headers=headers) 32 desc_json = json.loads(rsp.text) 33 if desc_json['data']['numTotal'] == 0: 34 max = 0 35 break 36 # 获取页数 37 if max is None: 38 count = desc_json['data']['numTotal'] 39 if count <= 90: 40 max = 1 41 else: 42 if count % 90 == 0: 43 max = count // 90 44 else: 45 max = count // 90 + 1 46 for item in desc_json['data']['results']: 47 try: 48 result.append( 49 ['zhilian', item['jobName'], item['salary'], city_name, 50 item['workingExp']['name'], item['eduLevel']['name'], item['company']['name'], 51 item['jobType']['items'][0]['name'], item['company']['type']['name'], 52 item['company']['size']['name'], '_'.join(item['welfare'])]) 53 except Exception as e: 54 continue 55 break 56 except Exception as e: 57 print(url) 58 print("错误:", e, ", 返回结果:", rsp.text) 59 if page >= max: 60 break 61 page += 1 62 63 return result 64 65 66 # 构建待抓取url列表 67 def get_province(): 68 # 随意访问一个网址 69 start_url = 'https://sou.zhaopin.com/?p=12&jl=489&sf=0&st=0&kw=%E8%BD%AF%E4%BB%B6&kt=3' 70 # 发起请求 71 rsp = requests.get(url=start_url, headers=headers) 72 # 正则匹配城市信息 73 city_str = re.search('__INITIAL_STATE__=(.*?)', rsp.text, re.S).group(1) 74 # 解析成json格式 75 city_json = json.loads(city_str) 76 province = city_json['basic']['dict']['location']['province'] 77 return province 78 79 80 if __name__ == "__main__": 81 headers = { 82 "User-Agent": 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/74.0.3729.169 Safari/537.36' 83 } 84 # 获取城市信息 85 province = get_province() 86 print(province) 87 # 搜索关键词 88 keyword = 'python' 89 90 # 存放抓取结果 91 page_data = [] 92 for item in province: 93 for sub in item['sublist']: 94 # 启动爬虫 95 result = start_zl(item['name'], sub['code'], keyword) 96 if len(result) != 0: 97 page_data.extend(result) 98 99 with open("智联全国数据.csv", "w", newline='', encoding='utf-8') as datacsv: 100 # dialect为打开csv文件的方式,默认是excel 101 csvwriter = csv.writer(datacsv, dialect=("excel")) 102 # csv文件插入一行数据 103 csvwriter.writerow(['抓取来源', '岗位名称', '薪资', '工作地点', '工作经验', '学历要求', '公司名称', '公司行业', '公司类型', '公司规模', '公司福利']) 104 for temp in page_data: 105 # csv文件插入一行数据 106 csvwriter.writerow(temp) 107 108 print("抓取完成")
1 from pyecharts.charts import Page, Bar, Map, WordCloud, Pie, Line 2 from pyecharts import options as opts 3 import pandas as pd 4 from pyecharts.commons.utils import JsCode 5 from pyecharts.globals import ThemeType, SymbolType 6 import re 7 import jieba 8 9 10 # 学历分布饼图 11 def pie_multiple(): 12 # 格式化学历信息 13 education = [] 14 for c in df['学历要求']: 15 if '月' in c: 16 c = '其他' 17 elif c == '中专' or c == '中技': 18 c = '中专/中技' 19 education.append(c) 20 df['education'] = education 21 # 按楼层分组 22 df_education = df.groupby(df['education']) 23 df_education = df_education.size() 24 25 value = df_education.values 26 attr = list(df_education.keys()) 27 print(attr) 28 val_sum = sum(value) 29 pie = Pie({"theme": ThemeType.MACARONS}) 30 # 格式化显示格式 31 fn = """ 32 function(params) { 33 if(params.name == '剩余') 34 return '\\n\\n\\n' + params.name + ' : ' + params.value + '%'; 35 return params.name + ' : ' + params.value + '%'; 36 } 37 """ 38 39 def new_label_opts(): 40 return opts.LabelOpts(formatter=JsCode(fn), position="center") 41 42 left_num = 10 43 rigth_num = 30 44 for x in range(0, len(value)): 45 pie.add( 46 "", 47 [[attr[x], round(value[x] / val_sum * 100, 2)], ["剩余", round((val_sum - value[x]) / val_sum * 100, 2)]], 48 center=[str(left_num) + '%', str(rigth_num) + '%'], 49 radius=[60, 80], 50 label_opts=new_label_opts() 51 ) 52 left_num += 20 53 if left_num > 90: 54 left_num = 10 55 rigth_num += 40 56 pie.set_global_opts( 57 title_opts=opts.TitleOpts(title="学历岗位数对比"), 58 legend_opts=opts.LegendOpts( 59 type_="scroll", pos_top="5%" 60 ), 61 ) 62 return pie 63 64 65 # 岗位覆盖地区图 66 def map_visualmap(): 67 # 格式化地区信息 68 county = [] 69 for cou in df['工作地点']: 70 cou = cou[:2] 71 county.append(cou) 72 df['county'] = county 73 # 按楼层分组 74 df_county = df.groupby(df['county']) 75 # 获取分组后的数据 76 county_size = df_county.size() 77 value = county_size.values 78 value = [int(val) for val in value] 79 attr = list(county_size.keys()) 80 81 map = Map({"theme": ThemeType.MACARONS}) 82 map.add( 83 "岗位数", 84 [list(z) for z in zip(attr, value)], 85 "china" 86 ) 87 map.set_global_opts( 88 title_opts=opts.TitleOpts(title="地区岗位数对比"), 89 visualmap_opts=opts.VisualMapOpts(max_=200), 90 ) 91 return map 92 93 94 # 工资区间柱状图 95 def bar_img(): 96 fanwei = [0, 3000, 5000, 8000, 12000, 15000, 20000, 25000, 100000] 97 label = [ 98 '3k以下', '3k-5k', '5k-8k', '8k-12k', '12k-15k', '15k-20k', '20k-25k', '25k以上' 99 ] 100 bar = Bar() 101 bar.add_xaxis(label) 102 103 pattern = '\d+' 104 # 去除 "薪资面议" 等无效数据 105 df.drop(df[df['薪资'].str.contains('面议')].index, inplace=True) 106 107 salary_list = df['薪资'].values 108 # 将字符串转化为列表 109 df['salary'] = df['薪资'].str.findall(pattern) 110 avg_salary = [] 111 # 统计平均工资 112 for salary in salary_list: 113 k = re.findall(pattern, salary) 114 int_list = [int(n) for n in k] 115 # 取工资区间平均值 116 if len(int_list) == 2: 117 avg_wage = (int_list[1] + int_list[0]) / 2 118 else: 119 avg_wage = int_list[0] 120 # 去除无效数据 121 if 0 < avg_wage < 100: 122 avg_salary.append(avg_wage * 1000) 123 124 df_avg = pd.DataFrame({'avg': avg_salary}) 125 # 对工资进行分组 比如:0-3000, 3000-5000这种 126 fenzu = pd.cut(df_avg['avg'].values, fanwei, right=False) # 分组区间 127 pin_shu = fenzu.value_counts() # series,区间-个数 128 pin_value = pin_shu.values 129 pin_value = [int(pin) for pin in pin_value] 130 131 bar.add_yaxis('智联', pin_value) 132 133 bar.set_global_opts(title_opts=opts.TitleOpts(title="平台岗位工资对比")) 134 return bar 135 136 137 # 公司福利词云图 138 def word_cloud(): 139 wc = WordCloud({"theme": ThemeType.MACARONS}) 140 word_dict = {} 141 for word in df['公司福利']: 142 if 'nan' in str(word): 143 continue 144 r = r"[0-9\s+\.\!\/_,$%^*()?;;:-【】+\"\']+|[+——!,;:。?、~@#¥%……&*()]+" 145 # 去除特殊符号 146 word = re.sub(r, '', str(word), re.S) 147 # cut分词,并去重 148 words = set(jieba.cut(word, cut_all=False)) 149 # 统计词频 150 for word in words: 151 if len(word) < 2: 152 continue 153 if word not in word_dict: 154 word_dict[word] = 1 155 else: 156 word_dict[word] += 1 157 # 词频排序 158 word_list = sorted(word_dict.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) 159 # 生成图 160 wc.add("", word_list, word_size_range=[20, 100], shape=SymbolType.DIAMOND) 161 wc.set_global_opts(title_opts=opts.TitleOpts(title="福利分析")) 162 return wc 163 164 165 if __name__ == "__main__": 166 # 读取excel文件 167 df = pd.read_csv('智联全国数据.csv', encoding='utf-8') 168 169 # 自定义画布,多图合一 170 page = Page(layout=Page.SimplePageLayout) 171 172 # 添加到页面 173 page.add(pie_multiple(), map_visualmap(), bar_img(), word_cloud()) 174 # page.add() 175 176 page.render('智联可视化.html')