

89、 在商言商吧,以利为天,生活教给我很多,商人是这个社会的发动机,推进商业化进程。商人是贫富润滑剂,是利益传送带,是革新催化剂,是文化布道者。

Talk about benefits in business, benefits first! Life teach me a lot, merchants are motivator in commercialization of this world. Merchant is lubricant between poor and rich, benefit conveyer, revolution activator, culture preacher.

90、 不要让你的臆测,预判,估计蒙闭了双眼,误导了自己,一切以事实为依据,为出发点,拥抱信念,坚持使你更强大!

Don’t let baseless conjecture blind your eyes, lead to a wrong way. Based on facts, start from it, hold on to faith, insistence make you stronger!

91、 音乐,让那些艰难岁月显得不再那么艰难,衔接那即将断裂的信念,抚平灵魂深处的皱纹,让我们神魂再次出发,飘扬天际。

Music make the hard times a little ease, strengthen the on-breaking faith, smooth the wrinkles in the soul, let us move back on way, fly up in the sky!

92、 你应该感谢折磨你的人,那个手执皮鞭不停鞭策你的人,因为有一天当你艰难困苦濒临绝境时,你会发现那个人在你身上埋藏的是万金难买的品质和坚韧不拔的毅力!

You should thank those who torment you, the one who keeps pushing you with a whip, for one day when you are on collapsing edge , you will find that man berried in you with the qualities and perseverance that are hard to buy for gold!!!

93、 有时候东墙就是要拆了补西墙的,拆完了就可以扎个篱笆,视野开阔了,世界敞亮了,多好!

Sometimes the east wall is to be torn down to build the west wall. When it is finished, we can put up a fence, broaden vision edge, what a great world. Wonderful!!!

94、 别人都搞出来了,为什么我们还要搞?傻逼问题,就像在问,美国都造出原子弹了,为啥中国人还要自己搞?!Someone else has already come up with it, why should we have to do it? Stupid question to ask, the United States has built atomic bombs, why do the Chinese want to do it? !

95、 当有些习惯慢慢渗透你的生活之后,你就会发现,这些习惯变成了水,变成了空气,成了生存必需品。

When some habits slowly seep into your life, you will find that these habits become water, air, necessities of life.

96、 总是在不懂爱的年纪,把情歌唱得撕心裂肺,而今尝遍了离别苦恨、孤寂心酸滋味,却只在窗边静点一支烟,漫看风云,无言也是一种美。

Always in the ignorant age, sing love songs with tearing heart, now after taste all the bitter of apart and lonely,  but only lean on window to point a cigarette, look aimlessly, silent leads to beauty.

97、 看的史书久了,难免不想青史留名,然人如沙数,我辈碌碌,恐终将如云摩岭雪,风抚磐石而已。

It is easy to want to leave a name in history after reading history book for a long time, but people so many as sands, we are mediocre and unambitious, almost comes to an end of nothing.

98、 命运是最难琢磨的,能在命运之河里掀起浪花的,要么是快船手,要么是臭石头,而且是那种又硬又大的臭石头。

Fate is the most difficult to figure out, who can wave a spray in fate river, maybe the Clippers, or stinking stones,  especially hard and big stinking ones.

99、 生若无情何如犬!老不顺己枉自烦!A ruthless man is no better than a dog! An old man don’t follow his own heart is to buy himself bills.

100、 每当我看见那些躺在席片子上呻吟的乞者,感慨万千,人有多种活法,关键是看你怎么选择?像一滩烂泥一样躺在死人堆里,还是趴在地上,这都不是我的选择,人还是要堂堂正正地站着活,所以,除了加倍努力,别无他法!

whenever I see those lying on the table moaning beggars, could not help thinking that man has a choice how to live, then what’s yours? Lying like mud in corpse hill or collapsing down the ground, this is not my choice, people have to stand upright, so there is no alternative but to work more hard!

101、 犯错是必然的,只有逡巡不前,不思进取,拖沓懒散的人才不会犯错,那也离坟墓不远了。

It is inevitable to make mistakes, and it is not far from the grave if you don't want to go ahead and procrastinate.

102、 当我们思考人生价值时,更多地强调了个人对于他人对于社会的意义,往往忽略了我们自己对于自身的价值,从这一方面展开,存在即合理是条真理。所有的世界在我身上镜像、合成、融汇、归一,这就是灵!

When we think about the value of life, we emphasize more about the meaning of the individual to the society, always neglect our own value to ourselves. Being is reasonable is a truth. All the world mirrored in me, composed, merged, returned to one, this is the soul!

103、 悲莫过于意冷心灰,我还是喜欢看你踌躇满志,意气风发的样子。

The most grievous thing is hopeless and despair, I would rather like the look you are fired  with boundless enthusiasm and ambitions.
