比特币硬分叉-bitcoin gold(比特币黄金)到底是什么?


文章题目是:Bitcoin Gold: What you need to know

咱们先看看Jimmy Song 是谁?领英介绍:Full stack developer, manager and bitcoin early adopter. 全栈开发者,比特币早期开发者,他还是一位管理人员。看来是一位区块链爱好者,还是业内老鸟了,所以他的观点有一定的参考价值。

比特币硬分叉-bitcoin gold(比特币黄金)到底是什么?_第1张图片

Bitcoin Gold: What you need to know

There’s a Bitcoin hard fork around the corner and it’s not 2x.Announcedright before Bitcoin Cash forked, Bitcoin Gold is scheduled to go live sometime in November. In this article, I’m going to explain what Bitcoin Gold is, how and when it will hard fork and what you’ll need to do to prepare.

这次不久就会发生的比特币硬分叉不是2X(另外一种比特币硬分叉,可能在11月份发生),它在Bitcoin Cash(比特币第一次硬分叉,国内称为BCC,国外称为BCH)的硬分叉前就已经公布了,Bitcoin Gold 计划是在11月份某个时间启动。在这篇文章中,我将说解释说明什么是Bitcoin Gold,这次硬分叉是如何发生的,什么时候发生以及你需要做什么准备工作。

What is Bitcoin Gold?

Bitcoin Gold is the brainchild of Jack Liao and is launching as a hard fork of Bitcoin. The goal of BTG is to become a better gold than Bitcoin. The chief way they have decided to do this is trying to solve miner centralization through a proof-of-work change.

Bitcoin Gold是Jack Liao的点子并实施这次比特币的硬分叉。BTG(即Bitcoin Gold的简称,下文同)的目标是变得比特币更好。他们想主要通过转变pow的方式来解决原比特币矿工过于集中的问题。

Changing proof-of-work is generally going to require a hard fork and BTG has decided to go that route. The proof-of-work that they’ve chosen isEquihash, a memory-hard algorithm that’s fairly ASIC and also used by ZCash. The idea is to give mining back to the users who can start using CPUs and GPUs to mine.


BTG developers are also considering a premine of up to 1%. How that will be executed is unclear, but will probably consist of taking some of the mining reward as they’re committed to keeping BTG at the 21 million limit.


What’s so special about ASIC resistance? 什么让ASIC(比特币一个大的矿机专业生产商,据说当算力达到过比特币的51%算力的危险值,如果达到比特币将失去最重要的特性-无法更改记录,从而失去人们对它的信任。)如此特殊的抵抗?

ASICs are Application Specific Integrated Circuits. They’re different from CPUs in that they do only one thing, but they do it really, really well.


Bitcoin mining is currently completely dominated by ASICs, mostly produced by Bitmain, Bitfury and Canaan. This is largely due to the proof-of-work function (SHA256) being reasonably simple and not requiring much RAM. Equihash, on the other hand, is a pretty complex hashing function and requires a lot of RAM to perform. That means it’s much more expensive to produce ASICs for Equihash and the speed gain isn’t nearly as much.

比特币挖矿现在已经完全被ASIC设备所控制,基本上都是由Bitmain(比特大陆),Bitfury and Canaan生产的。这主要是因为pow工作权益证明很简单,不需要太多RAM。而另一方面Equihash是一个复杂的散列函数,需要大量RAM来执行。这样如果ASIC为Equihash生产挖矿机就昂贵很多,收益速度也不会同样的多。

To give you an idea, a normal CPU can mine SHA256 at around 5–10 MH/s. An ASIC can mine SHA256 at around 5–10 TH/s, or about 1 million times more work per second than a CPU can. By comparison, a normal CPU can mine Equihash at around 10–30 H/s, where as specialized equipment can do something like 1000–3000 H/s, or about 100 times more work per second.

给你一个想法,一个普通的CPU可以在大约5-10 MH / s的时候挖出SHA256。ASIC可以在大约5-10个TH / s的时间内挖掘SHA256,每秒工作一百万次比CPU高出很多。相比之下,正常的CPU可以在10-30 H / s的范围内挖掘Equihash,专门的设备可以像1000-3000 H / s,每秒工作量大约100倍。

In other words, the playing field is a lot more level with Equihash than SHA256 due to the ASIC-resistance. Of course, it’s hard to know how much economics would change if Equihash were to become as profitable, but suffice it to say that the efficiency gain would still be much less than SHA256.


When are they going to Hard Fork? 什么时候开始硬分叉?

Their plan is to pick a block on October 25, 2017 to fork from, hence the date on their webpage. That doesnotmean that their coin launches on that day, just that the Bitcoin blockchain gets frozen for the BTG chain on that day and new BTG blocks built on top later.

他们计划是在17年10月25日选择一个块从他们网页的这个日期上开始分叉。这并不是说他们新币会在那天产生,只有在Bitcoin 区块链冻结那天,BTG新链出来,BTG块也会在新链上面产生。

Currently, they are planning an early November release, which means that their blockchain will have no blocks for a week or so in between.


The Bitcoin Gold developers plan to create a testnet sometime in mid-to-late October. They’ll make theirsoftwareavailable soon after.


What does it mean for me?对为来说这是意味着什么呢?

Bitcoin Gold will only affect you if you own Bitcoin when they pick the hard fork block, that is, around October 25. You will receive the exact amount of Bitcoin Gold as Bitcoin you hold at that block.


They are planning strong replay protection, so you probably won’t have to worry about replay attacks. However, you will most likely need to download a wallet or construct transactions manually to be able to move your Bitcoin Gold tokens.


Basically, if Bitcoin Gold isn’t worth very much (less than 0.0001 BTC or so), it’s probably not worth doing anything. If it’s actually worth something (say 0.01 BTC or higher), there will be tools that wallet developers will most likely write so you can access your Bitcoin Gold.


If you have your Bitcoins on an exchange, the exchange will likely credit you with your Bitcoin Gold eventually. This will especially be true if BTG has value above 0.01 BTC. Generally, it’s better to control your own private keys as that gives you the most flexibility. That said, the fiduciary duty any exchange or merchant has when they take possession of your Bitcoin means they probably have to give you the Bitcoin Gold due to you.


Conclusion 结论:

Bitcoin Gold is another hard fork that will bring some changes to the ecosystem. If you’re a holder, there isn’t that much to fear here, and there may be some free money in it for you! If you’re a developer for any wallet or exchange, that’s another story.




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