
2019-10-08 DBA2


今天课程是之前就见过的Marko,来自Slovenia,之前做广告页,现在教课,很有意思,但不是非常自信,做过建筑师,工程师,创业者,广告人,现在学术届,有意思。architect, marketing strategy, advertising company, engineering-advertiser-entrepreneur-acedemia。

哲学开始于客观,一旦被挑战呢就很主观philosophy starts to be objective, then being challenged, become subjective;这是啥道理,如果说宇宙真理亚里士多德和佛陀很久就知道,是客观,但慢慢变成主观?还是说没有科学为依据,都是知道,所以被认为主观!


主观本体论是社会科学subjectivist ontology is social science,所以存科学不包含社会科学,我虽然不以为然,也不介意。


qualitative: grounded theory, case study定性分析可以使用grounded theory和case study,我决定定性,自以为定量不擅长,也许定性也不咋样!

Marko通过自己DBA过程写了一本书,阐述他的方法论,我认为太理论,而且教学逻辑不够严谨theoretical, chaotic, I am not impressed。哎,我这种学生不容易折服!



下午是来自卡萨布兰卡的法国教授Vincnet,我还蛮喜欢。喜欢heliotropic style: to the sun, positive leadership, emotion contagion(传染),就是追逐日光太阳的人,非常正面,可以感染他人!

特征性长期存在,但真实领导力可以培养,是个状态,这个我认可,很多人天生外向,即使控制还是在那里闪啊闪,但可以发展成为好的leader,如果培养得当。traits last longer, like extrovert, but authentic leadership is state, u can develop。刚看完老子“自矜者不久”,这不是抽我一鞭子吗,反正习惯了,抽吧!

eudaemonic welling is perceived主管性很强,没啥不好的。

bibliographic tools: endnotes, theory mapping 利用好这个工具。我还需要研究一下




“The PERMA model was created by Martin Seligman to sum up the five elements that Positive Psychology research suggests are essential to human wellbeing. Ravenswood has adopted a sixth element, Positive Health, as every other PERMA element is underpinned by physical wellbeing. 

Positive Emotion:

The ability to view the past, present and future with a positive perspective can result in better health, a more creative and productive work performance and improved relationships. When we boost our positive emotions, we increase our enjoyment of everyday tasks and are more likely to persevere and find creative solutions to problems. We are also less likely to develop depression. 


We thrive when we are absorbed in what we are doing. We are in flow when we feel time stop and lose ourselves in a situation, task or project. Our interests might be unique to us but we share the need to fulfil our individual potential by engaging in activities that absorb and inspire us. Students who identify their own key strengths gain confidence from consciously engaging in activities that make them feel productive and valuable.


Human beings are social creatures and require good relationships to achieve well-being. Like laughter, happiness is contagious and positive relationships lead to shared positive experiences, which in turn increases the number of positive relationships in our lives. Meanwhile, strong networks provide us with support in difficult times and enable us to maintain perspective and balance.


Meaning comes from serving a cause bigger than ourselves and is an important component in attaining wellbeing. Once we have identified what matters most to us, we can start to see a deeper purpose or mission in the work we do and apply our strengths in service of this mission. Connecting to something larger than ourselves can also protect us against depression.


Establishing goals and striving to accomplish them results in a self-belief that is important for self-esteem and well-being. This in turn helps to build resilience in the face of challenges and makes us more likely to work harder and achieve more the next time. 

Positive Health:

Ravenswood’s Positive Education programs will have a focus on the development of physical heath, mindfulness and self-regulation.”

晚上约了IMD几个女士,虽然BSL有印度访客我也好奇但轮不开就做选择,当然是见女人!我去汇合她们交通不方便,最后去的bar在我之前酒店Grancy那里,经过几次 Ta Cave都是人满为患站着喝酒潮人,不喝酒我也喜欢酒吧氛围有些过份,就喝葡萄汁,吃cheese和bread with olive paste,好吃,IMD市场总监D提到自己奥地利男友搬回奥地利,她有很多energy,猎头介绍到IMD,住在zug,和Stephan邻居,太有意思了。另一个意大利女人来自venice,PED毕业,申请留在学校,聪明!一个中国女人V,17年在瑞士,和老公分开啦,喜欢做BD,有男朋友有老公,不缺少爱,老公说:等你60岁玩够了再回来,认为IMD中国很多生意,富裕个人那么多!


我介绍自己:离婚,一个人过得很好: IMD中国市场很重要,之前中国大使来访提到一个瑞士学校连锁被中国人买了,我看了一下介绍老板Virginie Morgon说:收购了瑞士的两家酒店管理学院,这是世界排名靠前的两家酒店管理学院之一。一家叫理诺士,另外一家叫格里昂酒店管理学院。我们知道中国市场对现代服务业的需求也很大,因为中国过去可能比较缺乏这方面的经验,所以我们中间的一家学院就和上海的锦江集团有很多合作,我们在上海有我们的校区,帮助培养高端的酒店管理和现代服务业管理的人才、高管。我们现在还在扩大合作,在跟上海市合作进一步合作,扩大这样的一个酒店管理对中国市场的培育、合作。



