微软威胁情报中心总经理的十句话——From John Lambert——太精辟了.......

                                                  微软威胁情报中心总经理 John Lambert的十句话
1. What is the most important network security spend: Sensor appliances? SIEM? Threat intelligence feeds? It's your analyst team.
2. Defenders, you're not stopping attacks. You're increasing attacker requirements. 'Stopping' breeds a mindset ignorant of countermoves.
3. Your network is a directed graph of credentials. Hacking is graph traversal. See the graph or all you'll see is exfil.
4. Things go wrong right here. Admins focus on control to possess secrets. Hackers focus on secrets to possess control. Hackers are right.
5. On vulns: You can argue over exposure, difficulty, and likelihood. Security researchers write exploits because they like the truth.
6. Pentest is the most misused security practice. Pentest is diagnostic. Go from treating the bugs as output, to treating them as input.
7. Software engrs hide reality by using architecture over implementation. Hackers reveal reality by using implementation against architecture.
8. Do security jobs need a degree? Remember self-taught hackers made most of our progress. When academia sits out, autodidacts show the way.
9. If you shame attack research, you misjudge its contribution. Offense and defense aren't peers.  Defense is offense's child.
10. Biggest problem with network defense is that defenders think in lists. Attackers think in graphs. As long as this is true, attackers win.

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