








One Page Love Story - A Song For You

by Adam Stanley

It was early April, and the hours of light had just begun to stretch out a little longer each evening, where it lay on the tips of the leaves, and they shimmered in the brisk, cool wind like sequins. Sitting cross-legged, Emma picked up her guitar, and strummed a few chords to see if it was in tune. She brushed her hair from her face, and began to sing.

She had called me after school and asked me to come over. When I got there, we walked out towards the farthest pasture on the edge of her father’s property, until we found a place near the river, and she spread out the old quilt. You could hear the water, and see the space in the trees where the river separated the fields, but the riverbank was hidden by the undergrowth, and the river itself was invisible. We talked for a while about the school and how much she was looking forward to graduation and then she was going to spend the summer at her aunt’s house.

She picked her guitar up from the grass.

“So,” I asked, “are you going to play me a song?”

She looked away and began to sing. As she sang, her quite, yet passionate voice rose above the glowing fields, and then ascending further into the sky, as if it was some buoyant thing like a balloon, it was blown by the wind until it disappeared into the distance, settling in a place that seemed very far away. A place that seems to be moving even further away, with every new spring that passes.

We stayed out there ‘til it was almost dark. I sat there, listening, in that last few minutes golden light. It was a light that beyond brilliant, as if in desperation the sun had quickly showered all of its beauty on our faces, scattering its last fiery rays across the fields and trees, so that night could not steal any of its majesty; so that none of its brilliance would be wasted.

We lost touch after graduation, and for a reason I have never understood, she killed herself that fall. I didn’t find out until later, that the song she sang that day was about me. Her sister had found the lyrics in one of Emma’s diaries. She handed it to me and I held the yellowing notebook in my hand like a relic, and I read the words out loud. Though they were legible, printed neatly in that almost calligraphic script that I remember well, without her voice they made no sense, as if the words had been encrypted by time, the meaning irreversibly blurred by the years in between, and when she killed herself, she took the meaning with her, and I would never understand them.
