Genesys入门 - 04 事件订阅和消息传递

01 大纲


订阅和消息传递API ICWS为交互中心系统发生更改时通知应用程序提供了一种方式。有关订阅概念的更多信息,请参阅“ 设计原则”页面。


  • 管理订阅
  • 检索邮件





要创建此订阅,客户端应用程序必须使用PUT / icws / {sessionId} / messaging / subscriptions / status / user-status方法,并提供userIds应用程序有兴趣接收状态信息的列表。


// This example snippet assumes the existence of a helper
// method for sending a request to the active ICWS session.
var sendRequest = function(httpMethod, path, requestPayload, responseCallback) { };

// The type of the message associated with the user-statuses subscription
userStatusMessageType = ''

 * Starts the subscription for users statuses for user1 and user2.
 * @see stopUserStatusSubscription
function startUserStatusSubscription() {
    // The PUT request requires a list of userIds
    payload = { userIds:['user1', 'user2'] };

    session.sendRequest('PUT', '/messaging/subscriptions/status/user-statuses', payload, 
        function(status, jsonResponse) {
            if ((status >= 200) && (status <= 299)) {
                // Subscription was started
            else {
                // There was an error starting the subscription.
                // Details are in the jsonResponse.
                throw new Error(jsonResponse)

 * Stops the subscription for users statuses.
 * @see startUserStatusSubscription
function stopUserStatusSubscription() {
    // The DELETE request does not take any payload values.
    payload = {};

    session.sendRequest('DELETE', '/messaging/subscriptions/status/user-statuses', payload, 
        function(status, jsonResponse) {
            if ((status >= 200) && (status <= 299)) {
                // Subscription was stopped
            else {
                // There was an error stopping the subscription.
                // Details are in the jsonResponse.
                throw new Error(jsonResponse)

function displayUserStatuses(userStatusMessage) {
    var statusIndex, statusCount, currentStatus;
    if (!userStatusMessage.isDelta) {
        // If the message is not a delta, we must clear all previous 
        // information and prepare for refreshed information
    // process the userStatusMessage to update the display
    statusCount = userStatusMessage.userStatusList.length;
    for (statusIndex = 0; statusIndex < statusCount; statusIndex++) {
        currentStatus = userStatusMessage.userStatusList[statusIndex];
        updateStatusForUser(currentStatus.userId, currentStatus.statusId);

// Register a callback with the message channel (see example in the Retrieving Messages section)
// Note: The registration happens before the subscription is started to ensure no messages are missed.
registerMessageCallback(userStatusMessageType, displayUserStatuses);

// Start the subscription

// The subscription can be stopped using the following:



使用第一种方法 - 短轮询 - 事件消息在ICWS服务器上的消息传递通道中排队,直到客户端应用程序请求消息从队列中删除并发送到应用程序的内容。

通过GET / icws / {sessionId} / messaging / messages方法检索消息。客户端应用程序应定期轮询此资源以获取消息。

使用第二种方法 - 服务器发送的事件 - 事件消息在ICWS服务器上的消息传递通道中可用时发送。在这种情况下,没有必要定期轮询GET / icws / {sessionId} / messaging / messages资源; 但是,必须实例化适当的事件源对象。在使用服务器发送的事件之前,客户端应用程序应确保ICWS服务器上支持此方法。这可以通过检查该功能的GET / icws / connection / features资源来完成messagingmessaging版本2及更高版本支持服务器发送的事件。或者,客户端应用程序可以从features201 HTTP响应的属性中检索支持的功能版本POST / icws / connection如果include提供包含该features值的查询参数。有关处理版本控制的更多信息,请参阅版本控制页面。

Genesys入门 - 04 事件订阅和消息传递_第1张图片



// This example snippet assumes the existence of a helper
// method for sending a request to the active ICWS session.
var sendRequest = function(httpMethod, path, requestPayload, responseCallback) { };

// This example snippet assumes the existence of a helper function:
// A function determining whether server-sent events messaging is supported by inspecting the messaging feature version (supported in messaging version 2).
var isServerSentEventsSupportedOnServer = function() {};

// Dictionary of ICWS message __type ID to the callback (type: icwsMessageCallback)
// to invoke when that message is received.
var icwsMessageCallbacks = {};
var messageProcessingTimerId;
var eventSourceInstance;

// Polling interval for retrieving ICWS message queue.

 * Sets the callback for a particular type of ICWS message.
 * @param {String} messageType The ICWS message type. (ex:
 * @param {icwsMessageCallback} messageCallback The callback to invoke with the message details.
 * @throws {Error} The messageCallback was undefined.
 * @throws {Error} A callback is already registered for the specified messageType.
function registerMessageCallback(messageType, messageCallback) {
    if (messageCallback === undefined) {
        throw new Error('Invalid argument "messageCallback".');
    if (!icwsMessageCallbacks[messageType]) {
        icwsMessageCallbacks[messageType] = messageCallback;
    } else {
        throw new Error('Message callback already registered for message type: ' + messageType);

 * Starts the message processing mechanism, if not already running.
 * @see stopMessageProcessing
function startMessageProcessing() {
    if (isServerSentEventsSupportedOnServer() && typeof EventSource !== 'undefined') {
        if (!eventSourceInstance || eventSourceInstance.readyState === EventSource.CLOSED) {
            var messagingUrl = getSessionUrl('/messaging/messages');
            eventSourceInstance = new EventSource(messagingUrl, {
                withCredentials: true // Allows the Cookie HTTP request header to be sent
            eventSourceInstance.onmessage = onServerSentEventMessage;
    } else {
        // Only send the next request once the previous result has been received.
        function runTimerInstance() {
            messageProcessingTimerId = setTimeout(runTimerInstance, ICWS_MESSAGE_RETRIEVAL_INTERVAL_MS);
        if (!messageProcessingTimerId) {

 * Stops the message processing mechanism, if running.
 * @see startMessageProcessing
function stopMessageProcessing() {
    if (eventSourceInstance) {
        if (eventSourceInstance.readyState !== EventSource.CLOSED) {
    } else if (!!messageProcessingTimerId) {
        messageProcessingTimerId = null;

 * Implements the message processing mechanism timer callback.
 * @see startMessageProcessing
 * @see stopMessageProcessing
function messageProcessingTimerCallback() {
    var payload, messageIndex, messageCount, jsonMessage, messageType, messageCallback;
    // The messaging GET request does not take any payload values.
    payload = {};

    sendRequest('GET', '/messaging/messages', payload, function(status, jsonResponse) {
        if ((status >= 200) && (status <= 299)) {
            // Process retrieved messages.
            messageCount = jsonResponse.length;
            for (messageIndex = 0; messageIndex < messageCount; messageIndex++) {
                jsonMessage = jsonResponse[messageIndex];
                messageType = jsonMessage.__type;
                // For each message, invoke a registered message callback if there is one.
                messageCallback = icwsMessageCallbacks[messageType];
                if (messageCallback) {
                } else {
                    // No registered message handler.
 * Handles eventSourceInstance's message event and relays it to the correct callback.
 * @param {Event} event The onmessage event data.
 * @see stopMessageProcessing
function onServerSentEventMessage(event) {
    var message, messageType, messageCallback;
    try {
       // Process the data off of the event. It is a JSON string.
       var message = JSON.parse(;
       messageType = message.__type;
       // Invoke a registered message callback if there is one.
       messageCallback = icwsMessageCallbacks[messageType];
       if (messageCallback) {
       } else {
           // No registered message handler.
    catch (error) {
       // Failed to process message.

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