JP Morgan Screening到底要些什么材料?

以下内容适用 JP Morgan Summer Internship @ UK

收到offer之后,公司会陆续发邮件来request一系列文件,又多又复杂。偏偏这些邮件来的又晚却又要得很急,所以说来说去到底要些什么材料? 下面和大家分享一下,方便后来的同学提早准备,未雨绸缪。

对于英国读书持有tier4 签证的同学,一般第一封邮件是确认visa的expiring date,以及学校出具的一份学生证明(必须包含具体term date)。 需要回一封确认信,附上两份文件的扫描件。

接下来是来自两个team的不同的request:第一封来自[email protected],需要递交完整的passport & visa 扫描件; 第二封来自[email protected],这次是在FADV 的网页上直接填写,而且返回键失效,必须一次性填完。需要提交的文件包括住址证明((a (bank statement or utility bill dated in the last 3 months ),Passport copy(photo page) ORbirth certificate。 最后会被要求对文件签字。除了需要提交的文件以外,还有以下信息需要提供:

1. Permanent Address. Please be sure to use your permanent home address as your current address on BOTH forms – not your university or temporary addresses (unless you only have a bank statement or bill addressed to your temporary address)

2. Complete address history with post codes for the past 6 years, including overseas addresses if any and ensure there are NO GAPS or overlaps in your address history.

3. National Insurance number (applicable only for UK hires) / Irish PPS number (applicable only for Ireland hires). If you do not currently have a National Insurance number then please enterAA999999Ainto the relevant space on the form

4. Bank details for payroll. If you do not currently have a UK bank account you will need to get one before you join.




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