CS61A 02. Names

Names, Assignment, and User-Defined Functions

Built-in functions & Names

control + L 清屏 但不改变所处环境

pi   —— name pi is not defined

from math import pi
from math import sin


define own names

Using Assignment works

radius = 10
area, circ = pi * radius * radius, 2 * pi * radius

f = max
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custom functions
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from operator import add, mul

with a def statement - 3rd way by names to value

def square(x,y):
(一定要退格) return square(x) + suqare(y)


area =  pi * radius * radius

此时,area 不会随着radius的改变而更新

def area():
    return pi 

reevaluated every time it's called

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about names

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The answer is 3

Environment Diagrams

Environment Diagrams visualize the interpreter's process


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Execution rule for assignment statements:

  1. Evaluate all expressions to the right of = from left to right.
  2. Bind all names to the left of = to those resulting values in the current frame.
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Defining Functions

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Looking up names in environments

要注意 global frame 和local frame 的区别

print and none

print 和 直接输入看上去结果非常相似,但是还是有许多不同之处,比如直接输入none时不会有任何反应,而print(none)则会真的显示出none来,print还可以显示出多个数值。

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这时我们发现了一个有趣的现象,当输入print(print(1), print(2))时,显示出了下面这个非常奇怪的结果,这是怎样发生的呢?

None None

我们要从 display 和 value 的区别说起了。

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pure functions just return value
non-pure functions have side effects (display the output)

print()就是属于 non-pure functions

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第一步:display 1 2,returns None
第二步:display None None, returns None
第三步:None 作为value是不显示的,结束

// 表示可以被整除

n = n // 2

!= 表示 不等于

while n! = 1:


if n % m == 0:

你可能感兴趣的:(CS61A 02. Names)