SRP | Single Responsibility Principle | 单一责任原则 |
OCP | The Open Closed Principle | 开放封闭原则 |
LSP | The Liskov Substitution Principle | 里氏替换原则 |
DIP | The Dependency Inversion Principle | 依赖倒置原则 |
ISP | The Interface Segregation Principle | 接口分离原则 |
Polymorphism 多态: Using child class behavior from base class pointers / use base class pointer to reference or make calls on derived classes
static and dynamic/ static - function overloaded / dynamic - virtual operations
Encapsulation 封装:- public/private / "Data Hiding" / "binding data and methods via a class
inheritance 继承: resusability"
inheritance vs Composition "Is-a == inheritance" "Has-a == data member"
Array insert : O(1) using index. Run time would be O(n) / Delete would be similar situation O (n) / Find would be O(n)
Linked list : insertion is O(n), Deletion O(n), Find O(n)
Binary Balanced Tree : Smallest elements in left hand tree. Largest on right hand side. Insertion is Nlogn, Delete is Nlogn, Find is O(logn)
1. re-entrance
2. Shared data between threads can cause data to be corrupted
3. Deadlock : caused by more than two threads and two resources
4.Race condition: use a mutex to lock the critical section to prevent data corruption.
Design Pattern:
solving same problem similar ways.
Readability, reuse, organization, proven