


约定优于配置(convention over configuration),也称作按约定编程,是一种软件设计范式,旨在减少软件开发人员需做决定的数量,获得简单的好处,而又不失灵活性。(这个约定,常见于团队开发规范、项目结构、代码规范、数据库军规等等。)






  1. 配置的定义:都是基于Key/Value的配置项
  2. 配置的设置方式:代码预置或外部配置文件预置
  3. 配置的持久化
  4. 配置值的读取



  1. 配置的名称
  2. 配置的默认值
  3. 配置的简要描述
  4. 配置的应用范围


/// Defines a setting
public class SettingDefinition
        /// Unique name of the setting.
        public string Name { get; private set; }

        /// Default value of the setting.
        public string DefaultValue { get; set; }

        /// Display name of the setting.
        /// This can be used to show setting to the user.
        public string DisplayName { get; set; }

        /// A brief description for this setting.
        public string Description { get; set; }

        /// Scopes of this setting.
        /// Default value: .
        public SettingScopes Scopes { get; set; }

        public SettingDefinition(string name, string defaultValue, string displayName, string description, SettingScopes scopes)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(name));

            Name = name;
            DefaultValue = defaultValue;
            DisplayName = displayName;
            Description = description;
            Scopes = scopes;

        public SettingDefinition(string name, string defaultValue)
            : this(name, defaultValue, null, null, SettingScopes.Application)



public enum SettingScopes
    /// Represents a setting that can be configured/changed for the application level.
    Application = 1,

    /// Represents a setting that can be configured/changed for each Tenant.
    /// This is reserved
    Tenant = 2,

    /// Represents a setting that can be configured/changed for each User.
    User = 4,

    /// Represents a setting that can be configured/changed for all levels
    All = Application | Tenant | User



public interface ISettingDefinitionManager
    /// Get the  object with the unique name.
    /// Unique name of the Setting
    /// The object.
    SettingDefinition GetSettingDefinition(string name);

    /// Get a list of all setting definitions.
    /// All Settings
    IEnumerable GetAllSettingDefinitions();


  1. 通过代码预置
  2. 通过配置文件预置


/// 设置提供者,用来返回具体的配置项列表。
public abstract class SettingProvider
    public abstract IEnumerable GetSettingDefinitions();


public class TestSettingProvider : SettingProvider
    public override IEnumerable GetSettingDefinitions()
        return new List()
            new SettingDefinition("EmailSettingNames.DefaultFromAddress", "[email protected]"),
            new SettingDefinition("EmailSettingNames.DefaultFromDisplayName", "mydomain.com mailer"),
            new SettingDefinition("EmailSettingNames.Smtp.Port", "587"),
            new SettingDefinition("EmailSettingNames.Smtp.Host", "smtp.qq.com"),
            new SettingDefinition("EmailSettingNames.Smtp.UserName", "[email protected]"),
            new SettingDefinition("EmailSettingNames.Smtp.Password", "123456"),
            new SettingDefinition("EmailSettingNames.Smtp.Domain", ""),
            new SettingDefinition("EmailSettingNames.Smtp.EnableSsl", "true"),
            new SettingDefinition("EmailSettingNames.Smtp.UseDefaultCredentials", "false")


如果通过配置文件读取,在.NET Core中可以注入IConfiguration 来获取。


/// 用于提供入口去注入设置提供者类型
public interface ISettingConfiguration
    ITypeList Providers { get; }
public class SettingConfiguration : ISettingConfiguration
    public ITypeList Providers { get; private set; }

    public SettingConfiguration()
        Providers = new TypeList();


var settingConfiguration = new SettingConfiguration();


public class SettingDefinitonManager : ISettingDefinitionManager
    private readonly ISettingConfiguration _settingConfiguration;
    private readonly IDictionary _settings;

    public SettingDefinitonManager(ISettingConfiguration settingConfiguration)
        _settingConfiguration = settingConfiguration;
        _settings = new Dictionary();

    /// 初始化(加载系统定义的所有设置项)
    public void Initialize()
        foreach (var providerType in _settingConfiguration.Providers)
            if (Activator.CreateInstance(providerType) is SettingProvider provider)
                foreach (var setting in provider.GetSettingDefinitions())
                    _settings[setting.Name] = setting;

    /// 根据设置项的名称获取设置定义
    public SettingDefinition GetSettingDefinition(string name)
        if (!_settings.TryGetValue(name, out var settingDefinition))
            throw new Exception("There is no setting defined with name: " + name);

        return settingDefinition;

    /// 获取所有的设置定义
    public IEnumerable GetAllSettingDefinitions()
        return _settings.Values;

至此就完成了配置项的定义、设置和读取。如果对设计模式熟悉的话,这就是传说中的Provider Pattern



/// Represents a setting information.
public class SettingInfo
    /// TenantId for this setting.
    /// TenantId is null if this setting is not Tenant level.
    public int? TenantId { get; set; }

    /// UserId for this setting.
    /// UserId is null if this setting is not user level.
    public long? UserId { get; set; }

    /// Unique name of the setting.
    public string Name { get; set; }

    /// Value of the setting.
    public string Value { get; set; }

    /// Creates a new  object.
    public SettingInfo()


    /// Creates a new  object.
    /// TenantId for this setting. TenantId is null if this setting is not Tenant level.
    /// UserId for this setting. UserId is null if this setting is not user level.
    /// Unique name of the setting
    /// Value of the setting
    public SettingInfo(int? tenantId, long? userId, string name, string value)
        TenantId = tenantId;
        UserId = userId;
        Name = name;
        Value = value;


/// 实现该接口以完成设置项的CURD
public interface ISettingStore
    /// Gets a setting or null.
    /// TenantId or null
    /// UserId or null
    /// Name of the setting
    /// Setting object
    Task GetSettingOrNullAsync(int? tenantId, long? userId, string name);

    /// Deletes a setting.
    /// Setting to be deleted
    Task DeleteAsync(SettingInfo setting);

    /// Adds a setting.
    /// Setting to add
    Task CreateAsync(SettingInfo setting);

    /// Update a setting.
    /// Setting to add
    Task UpdateAsync(SettingInfo setting);

    /// Gets a list of setting.
    /// TenantId or null
    /// UserId or null
    /// List of settings
    Task> GetAllListAsync(int? tenantId, long? userId);




/// This is the main interface that must be implemented to be able to load/change values of settings.
public interface ISettingManager
    /// Gets current value of a setting.
    /// It gets the setting value, overwritten by application, current tenant and current user if exists.
    /// Unique name of the setting
    /// Current value of the setting
    Task GetSettingValueAsync(string name);

    /// Gets current value of a setting for the application level.
    /// Unique name of the setting
    /// Current value of the setting for the application
    Task GetSettingValueForApplicationAsync(string name);

    /// Gets current value of a setting for a tenant level.
    /// It gets the setting value, overwritten by given tenant.
    /// Unique name of the setting
    /// Tenant id
    /// Current value of the setting
    Task GetSettingValueForTenantAsync(string name, int tenantId);

    /// Gets current value of a setting for a user level.
    /// It gets the setting value, overwritten by given tenant and user.
    /// Unique name of the setting
    /// Tenant id
    /// User id
    /// Current value of the setting for the user
    Task GetSettingValueForUserAsync(string name, int? tenantId, long userId);




  1. 注入ISettingConfiguration的默认依赖。
  2. 按需实现SettingProvider并添加到ISettingConfiguration实例的Provider属性中。
  3. 调用ISettingDefinitionManager的实例的Initialize方法,将所有的Provider中定义的配置项加载到内存中。
  4. 注入ISettingDefinitionManager的实例,已完成配置项定义的读取。
  5. 按需实现ISettingStore完成配置项值的持久化。
  6. 注入ISettingManager完成对配置项值的读取。


在.NET Core上的Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration也实现了一套通用配置模块,用于访问基于Key/Value的配置,支持读取命令行参数、环境变量、INI文件、JSON和XML文件,有兴趣的不妨一探究竟。
