[Toddler's Bottle] - coin1

Mommy, I wanna play a game!
(if your network response time is too slow, try nc 0 9007 inside server)

Running at : nc 9007


    -              Shall we play a game?              -
    You have given some gold coins in your hand
    however, there is one counterfeit coin among them
    counterfeit coin looks exactly same as real coin
    however, its weight is different from real one
    real coin weighs 10, counterfeit coin weighes 9
    help me to find the counterfeit coin with a scale
    if you find 100 counterfeit coins, you will get reward :)
    FYI, you have 30 seconds.
    - How to play - 
    1. you get a number of coins (N) and number of chances (C)
    2. then you specify a set of index numbers of coins to be weighed
    3. you get the weight information
    4. 2~3 repeats C time, then you give the answer
    - Example -
    [Server] N=4 C=2    # find counterfeit among 4 coins with 2 trial
    [Client] 0 1        # weigh first and second coin
    [Server] 20         # scale result : 20
    [Client] 3          # weigh fourth coin
    [Server] 10         # scale result : 10
    [Client] 2          # coun
terfeit coin is third!
    [Server] Correct!

就是在30秒内,以给定的输入次数完成游戏 100 次, 即 100 次找到 N 枚硬币中的 1 枚次品。
对于输入下标对应的硬币是否合格,主要看返回的weight末位数字是 0 (合格)还是 9 (含不合格)就可以了;直接输入当然不现实,可以简单地用二分法处理,连接服务器并跑出 flag 。人生苦短我用Python :P

这里还有一个问题,笔者一开始通过 pwn 库写脚本远程连接该服务器,无论怎么改进算法,最多跑出 8 次就到 30 秒的时限。所以如果不是在服务器本地跑(HOST = 0)一般是肯定来不及的,这里网络延迟的影响远远大于算法效率。

所以我们得先登录到,任选一个之前连接过的用户登录,到 /tmp 目录下创建自己的目录,放上脚本即可。另外由于服务器上没有 pwn 或者 zio 库,只能手打 socket 连接:

import re
from socket import *

# func: get output str of numbers between inv
def getInv(inv):
    invList = []
    split = ' '
    for i in range(inv[0], inv[1]):
    return split.join(invList)

# server addr info
HOST = '0'  # local at
PORT = 9007
BUFSIZE = 1024

clientSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)

# start: [Server]: N=? C=?
startPattern = re.compile(r'^N=(\d*)\sC=(\d*)$');
# step: [Server]: ***0 (qual)
qualPattern = re.compile(r'^(\d*0)$');
# step: [Server]: ***9 (unqual)
unqualPattern = re.compile(r'^(\d*9)$');

curInv = None  # current interval
preInv = None  # previous interval

while True:
    data = clientSocket.recv(BUFSIZE)
    print data

    match1 = startPattern.match(data)  
    match2 = qualPattern.match(data)  
    match3 = unqualPattern.match(data)  
    if match1:  # match startPattern
        curInv = (0, int( 
        preInv = (0, int( 
        print getInv(curInv)
        clientSocket.send(getInv(curInv) + '\r\n')  # send numbers to HOST 
    elif match2:  # match qualPattern
        preInv = (curInv[1], preInv[1])
        curInv = (preInv[0], (preInv[0]+preInv[1])/2 + (preInv[0]+preInv[1])%2)
        print getInv(curInv)
        clientSocket.send(getInv(curInv) + '\r\n')

    elif match3:  # match unqualPattern
        preInv = curInv
        curInv = (preInv[0],  (preInv[0]+preInv[1])/2 + (preInv[0]+preInv[1])%2)
        print getInv(curInv)
        clientSocket.send(getInv(curInv) + '\r\n')

    elif 'wrong' in data or 'error' in data or 'bye' in data:


最后终于能在时限内跑出 flag ,结果如下:

Correct! (99)

Congrats! get your flag

time expired! bye!

你可能感兴趣的:( [Toddler's Bottle] - coin1)