Age of Ambition 11

【赏析】本章Seven Sentence,用文中的两个成语:鸡同鸭讲(Chicken taking to a duck),杀鸡儆猴(kill a chicken to scare the monkeys)来概括本章再合适不过。


                   The Empty Chair

Recoil from instability

but struggle for a free land

Cluck ,Cluck—Quack ,Quack

chicken were killed to scare the monkeys

they broke down in tears

but only to see a empty chair

Age of Ambition 11_第1张图片


1、 Midway through Liu’s statement ,the judge cut him off 讲到一半就打断说话

2、 To recall doing 回忆起

3、 Plainclothes security agents 便衣

4、 He seemed congenitally incapable of cooperation 天生不会

5、 Her relations with her patron were fraying 关系日生罅隙

6、 She was clashing with her backers

7、 To divvy up sth =divide and share

8、 …grandstanding—draping herself in the flag of free speech to disguise her desire to gain control of the company (哗众取宠make people pay attention to you instead of thinking about more important matters )

9、 Nobel complex情结/complex:to think too much about sth 例句:I used to have a complex about my looks 以前总是纠结于自己的长相

10、 A savvy diplomat /老到的have a good understanding

11、 The moment was recorded only as a ghost, of sorts. …之类的。

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