Various Comet Projects Hosted by Google Code

The proliferation of Comet projects continues to grow. In addition to the many products already mentioned previously at Comet Daily, a quick search of Google Code shows the following initiatives of varying quality and completeness:

aexo is a research project providing infrastructure for activity-based-computing in pervasive environments
cometbox is a C# Comet implementation
FlexComet provides a Bayeux implementation for Flex developers
liftweb is scala-based web development framework that borrows Erlyweb’s scalability for Comet-style applications
msgbus provides a lightweight, evented HTTP/HTTPS PubSub message bus
rocket-gwt includes a Comet implementation for GWT
rupy, a 50KB Java NIO HTTP server, includes Comet support
Seaside is a smalltalk development framework
sprocket is a Perl Networking Framework
SymbolicWeb provides a Common Lisp GUI using AJAX and Comet
webchat2 is a chat app with a PHP server implementation
