
Web server

Last updated February 3, 2016. Created on September 13, 2012.

Edited bylikewhoa,AFowle,damien_vancouver,JvE.Log in to edit this page.

Drupal works on anyweb serverwith PHP support.

Security note:Some security features are only provided for Apache and IIS through the use of .htaccess and web.config files. You are responsible for recreating these features when using a different webserver.

Apache (Recommended)官方推荐用apache啦

Apacheis the most commonly used web server for Drupal. Drupal will work on Apache 2.x hosted on UNIX/Linux, OS X, or Windows.

The majority of Drupal development and deployment is done on Apache, so there is more community experience and testing performed on Apache than on other web servers. Drupal 7 and 6 will likely work on Apache 1.3.

You can use the Apache 'mod_rewrite' extension toallow for clean URLs. Note that with Drupal 8, clean urls are enabled by default and can't be disabled, so mod_rewrite needs to be installed and enabled for Drupal 8 to work.

The Apache Virtualhost configuration must contain the directiveAllowOverride Allto allow Drupal's .htaccess file to be used.

If the Apache server hasOptions+MultiViewsenabled by default, then the Apache Virtualhost configuration should also containOptions-MultiViews(or have -MultiViews added to the existing Options directive).

SymLinks: Drupal versions prior to 8.0 set +FollowSymLinks option in the .htaccess file. This prevents Drupal running on shared hosts which require +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch instead for security reasons. Drupal 8.0 does not set either option, but this causes installation on at least OpenSuse distributions to fail. The onscreen error messages are unhelpful, but the error logs identify the problem correctly in both cases. If you edit the .htaccess file remember that you have to re-edit after updates which overwrite the file!

System requirements

Last updated March 15, 2016. Created on February 2, 2003.

Edited byhansfn,B_man,jcnventura,japerry.Log in to edit this page.

Note: this page should not be edited without first discussing the changes in aDrupal Core issueas the requirements for each version of Drupal are decided upon by the Drupal Core developers.

To install and run Drupal your web server must meet certain minimum requirements. Most web hosting companies meet these requirements. However, a few stand out by also actively supporting the Drupal community. If you need hosting, consider selecting one ofthese web hosts.


Note that the minimum requirements of Drupal core can be subject to change, given an important enough reason. Where such a change is likely to have broad impact on Drupal's user base, every effort will be made to communicate these decisions ahead of time.

Disk space

A minimum installation requires 15 Megabytes. 60 MB is needed for a website with many contributed modules and themes installed. Keep in mind you need much more for the database, files uploaded by the users, media, backups and other files.

Web server

Apache, Nginx, Microsoft IIS or any other web server with proper PHP support.

More details about web server requirements.


Drupal 8:

MySQL 5.5.3/MariaDB 5.5.20/Percona Server 5.5.8 or higher with PDO and an InnoDB-compatible primary storage engine,

PostgreSQL 9.1.2 or higher with PDO,

SQLite 3.6.8 or higher

Drupal 7:

MySQL 5.0.15/MariaDB 5.1.44/Percona Server 5.1.70 or higher with PDO,

PostgreSQL 8.3 or higher with PDO,

SQLite 3.3.7 or higher

Drupal 6:

MySQL 4.1.1 or higher,

PostgreSQL 7.1

Microsoft SQL ServerandOracleare supported by additional modules.

More details about database requirements.


Drupal 8: PHP 5.5.9 or higher

Drupal 7: PHP 5.2.5 or higher (5.4 or higher recommended).

Drupal 6: PHP 5.x only (5.2.5 or higher recommended). Warning: support for PHP 4.x has been dropped. Drupal core should work with PHP 5.3.x, but PHP 5.3.x and higher may produce errors or unexpected behavior especially for contributed modules and themes.

More details about PHP requirements,includingPHP memory.

See also theSite Performance sectionof the Administration Guide and thewebhosting troubleshooting FAQ.
