菜鸟硬翻《Discover Meteor》术语表,大家来拍砖




A Meteor Collection is the data store that automatically synchronizes between client and server. Collections have a name (such as posts), and usually exist both on client and server. Although they behave differently, they have a common API based on Mongo's API.

Meteor集合是在客户端和服务器端之间自动同步的数据储存。集合具有一个名称(例如:posts),而且通常都存在于客户端和服务器端。虽然它们表现不同,但它们都有一个基于Mongo API的通用API。


The client-side collection is an in-memory data store offering a Mongo-like API. The library that supports this behaviour is called “MiniMongo”, to indicate it's a smaller version of Mongo that runs completely in memory.

客户端集合是一种指向类似Mongo API的内存数据储存。支持此类行为的代码库被称为“迷你Mongo”,这表示它是一个完全运行于内存的小型Mongo数据库。


Mongo is a document-based data-store, so the objects that come out of collections are called “documents”. They are plain JavaScript objects (although they can't contain functions) with a single special property, the _id, which Meteor uses to track their properties over DDP.

Mongo是一种基于文档的数据储存,因此源自集合的对象被称为“文档”。它们是带有一个特别的 _id 属性的简单Javascript对象(尽管它们不能包含函数),Meteor用该属性通过DDP来跟踪它们其他属性。


DDP is Meteor's Distributed Data Protocol, the wire protocol used to synchronize collections and make Method calls. DDP is intended as a generic protocol, which takes the place of HTTP for realtime applications that are data heavy.



When we talk about the Client, we are referring to code running in the users web browser, whether that is a traditional browser like Firefox or Safari, or something as complex as a UIWebView in a native iPhone application.



The Meteor server is a HTTP and DDP server run via node.js. It consists of the all the Meteor libraries as well your server- side JavaScript code. When you start your Meteor server, it connects to a Mongo database (which it starts itself in development).



A Meteor Method is a remote procedure call from the client to the server, with some special logic to keep track of collection changes and allow Latency Compensation.

Meteor方法(Method)是指一个从客户端到服务器端的远程过程调用,该调用带有一些特别的业务逻辑来保持数据集变更的跟踪并允许延迟补偿(Latency Compansation)。

延迟补偿(Latency Compensation)

Is a technique to allow simulation of Method calls on the client, to avoid lagginess while waiting for the server to respond.



A template is a method of generating HTML in JavaScript. By default, Meteor supports Handlebars, a logic-less templating system, although there are plans to support more in the future.


模板数据上下文(Template Data Context)

When a template renders, it refers to a JavaScript object that provides specific data for this particular rendering. Usually such objects are plain-old-JavaScript-objects (POJOs), often documents from a collection, although they can be more complicated and have functions available on them.



When a template needs to render something more complex than a document property it can call a helper, a function that is used to aid rendering.



The Session in Meteor refers to a client-side reactive data source that's used by your application to track the state that the user's in.



A publication is a named set of data that is customized for each user that subscribes to it. You set up a publication on the server.



A subscription is a connection to a publication for a specific client. The subscription is code that runs in the browser that talks to a publication on the server and keeps the data in sync.



A cursor is the result of running a query on a Mongo collection. On the client side, a cursor isn't just an array of results, but a reactive object that can be observed as objects in the relevant collection are added, removed and updated.



A Meteor package can consist of 1. JavaScript code to run on the server. 2. JavaScript code to run on the client. 3. Instructions on how to process resources (such as SASS to CSS). 4. Resources to be processed.

A package is like a super-powered library. Meteor comes with an extensive set of core packages. There's also Atmosphere, which is a collection of community supplied third party packages.

一个Meteor程序包由以下几方面组成:1. 在服务器端运行的Javascript代码;2. 在客户端运行的Javascript代码;3. 如何处理各类资源的指令(例如:用于CSS的SASS);4. 被处理的各类资源。



Deps is Meteor's reactivity system. Deps is used behind the scenes to keep HTML automatically sync with the underlying data model.


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