You Drive Your Own life 20190809


there is a first time for everything.

I woke up at 4:00 O'Clock this morning, but slept again as it is too early. it is heavy foggy today.

I learn and review 23 words this morning.

Relative Automotive News:

1 the automobile and motorcycle businesses started failing from the April.  ,that caused mass layoff. totally about 35000 people in different relative companies, it's bad for the whole supplychain of the India market.

2 the sales volume started going down in the American, Chinese,European and Indian markets, only the Japanese market looks well now.

I will go home this afternoon earlier than before. because this is Friday and the GM is on vacation.  Hahaha…

I went back home by the car of the supplier.  and I am waiting in the kindergarten to pick up my son now.

we will have dinner at my friend's restaurant to celebrate birthday for my daughter's friend.

my daughter bought a gift and wrote postcard for her friend.

You Drive Your Own life 20190809_第1张图片

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