[Quora] 地球上最高点在哪里?

What's the highest point on Earth?



Paul Chelarescu:

Many of us have learnt that Mount Everest is the tallest mountain on Earth. Well, that is partially true.

Everest rises 8,848 m above sea level. But what is sea level? Well, sea level refers to an "average" of mountains and valleys altitude. But the Earth is not completely round, it is an oblate spheroid. So we forgot to take this into consideration when we invented sea level.
珠穆朗玛峰高于海平面 8848 米 。但是什么叫做海平面呢?海平面是相对于山峰和谷底的一个“平均值”。但是地球本身并不是完全圆形的,它是一个扁球体。所以当我们计算海平面的时候没有把这因素考虑进去。

Mount Chimborazo (volcano)is located in Ecuador and very near the equator. And, because of the shape of the Earth, it is the furthest point from the center of the planet still on ground, even if its altitude is 6,310 m.
钦博拉索山位于厄瓜多尔,非常接近于赤道。以及,尽管它只有 6310 米高,但是因为地球的形状,它是离地球中心最远的地方。

[Quora] 地球上最高点在哪里?_第1张图片

One more interesting fact: the tallest mountain measured from bottom to top is Mauna Kea. Its altitude is 4,205 m, but if you measure it as described it is more that 10,000 m tall.
还有一个有趣的事实:从底部到顶部进行测量最高的山峰是冒纳凯阿火山。它的高度是 4205 米,但如果你从它的底部开始测量的话有超过一万米高。

[Quora] 地球上最高点在哪里?_第2张图片

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