全裸男子飞机上看黄片后非礼空姐 被空乘和乘客制服拘捕

Naked passenger nabbed after watching porn, attacking crew on flight
全裸男子飞机上看黄片后非礼空姐  被空乘和乘客制服拘捕  

Bangladesh authorities have arrested a passenger, who stripped naked on a flight from Kuala Lumpur to Dhaka on Saturday.
据《新海峡时报》(New Straits Times)网站3月4日的消息:周六,一名男子在一架由吉隆坡飞往达卡的飞机上赤身裸体,遭孟加拉国当局逮捕。

全裸男子飞机上看黄片后非礼空姐 被空乘和乘客制服拘捕_第1张图片

The 20-year-old student of a private university in Cyberjaya, a Bangladeshi national, was picked up after the Malindo Air aircraft landed at Shahjalal International Airport.
这名20岁的孟加拉籍男子是马来西亚赛城赛城(Cyberjaya)一所私立大学的学生。他在飞机降落于沙贾拉尔国际机场(Shahjalal International Airport)后被带走。

全裸男子飞机上看黄片后非礼空姐 被空乘和乘客制服拘捕_第2张图片

It was learnt that the passenger had started behaving strangely not long after the aircraft had taken off from Kuala Lumpur International Airport.

At 10,000 feet, he was said to have stripped naked and started to watch porn at his seat, ignoring other passengers around him.

全裸男子飞机上看黄片后非礼空姐 被空乘和乘客制服拘捕_第3张图片

The male was alleged to have also masturbated on his seat while watching pornography on his laptop.Witnesses alleged that the man had also walked to the toilet undressed and that the man urinated on his seat,The Star reported.
马来西亚《星报》(The Star)报道称,这名男子据称他的座位上一边看色情视频一边自慰。多名目击者表示,该男子赤身裸体去了一趟卫生间,但却在他自己的座位上小便。

When approached, the disruptive passenger adhered to crew member's request to put on his clothes.直到到达目的地时,这名捣乱的乘客才遵循了机组人员的要求穿上衣服。

While the plane was at cruising level, the man tried to hug one of the female crew members while on his way to the toilet.

Shortly after, he started to misbehave again and made another attempt to hug another stewardess.

When the cabin crew head tried to calm him down, the man turned aggressive and attacked the crew member.With the help of the passengers, the crew members managed to apprehend the man and relocate other passengers who were seated behind him.

An airline spokesman when contacted confirmed the incident.“The crew on board has followed the standard operating procedure in restraining the passenger from causing further disruption onboard the flight.The disruptive passenger was accompanied by Dhaka security team upon arrival and he has been put to jail by the authorities there.The airline will continue to stay vigilant to ensure passengers travel soundly.”



全裸男子飞机上看黄片后非礼空姐 被空乘和乘客制服拘捕_第4张图片

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