Analysis of Diode Circuits

Analysis of Diode Circuits


Summary of Diode Models

  • Diode Model : exp, constant-v, ideal
    • All three models are nonlinear.
    • All three models distinguish between positive and negative voltages.
      ("Rectification"(整流): keep all the positive voltages, and throw all the negative voltages)
    • The ideal model "passes" positive voltages; the constant-v model "passes" voltages greater than V_{D-on}; the exp model "passes" voltages significantly if V_D > 700 - 800 mV.

Application Examples

  • Charger/Adapter(充电器/电源适配器)
    1. 通过变压器降低电压幅值。
    2. 通过整流电路(内含二极管),使电流方向恒为正。
    3. 通过低通滤波器,保留电流的直流部分。

Practice with Diode Circuits

Example (Using ideal model of diode)

  • (a)

    Analysis of Diode Circuits_第1张图片
    Analysis of Diode Circuits 1
  • (b)

    Analysis of Diode Circuits_第2张图片
    Analysis of Diode Circuits 2
  • (c)
    Find the relationship between V_x and I_x ; V_x and V_{out}

    Analysis of Diode Circuits_第3张图片
    Analysis of Diode Circuits 3

    Analysis of Diode Circuits_第4张图片
    Analysis of Diode Circuits 4

  • (d)

    Analysis of Diode Circuits_第5张图片
    Analysis of Diode Circuits 5

Application Example 2

Analysis of Diode Circuits_第6张图片
Analysis of Diode Circuits 6


  • The voltage across each diode is a weak function of its current.
  • The diodes operate as a simple voltage regulator.

Principles of Diode Circuit Analysis

  1. Begin by assuming certain states of all diodes, check the final result against these assumptions.
  2. If a diode is about to turn on or off, it must sustain a voltage of V_{D-on}, but its current is small
  3. If a diode is on and carries a current, the current must flow from the anode to the cathode.

Example 1

Using constant-voltage model of diode

Analysis of Diode Circuits_第7张图片
Analysis of Diode Circuits 7

Raise V_x so much that V_N reaches (V_{D-on} + V_B) \Rightarrow D1 begins to turn on
Since the current thru D1 is still small \Rightarrow Voltage drop across R1 is small. (which can be neglected)

Quiz 1

Plot "V_N vs V_x"

Analysis of Diode Circuits_第8张图片
Analysis of Diode Circuits 8

Example 2

Using constant-voltage model of diode

Swap D1 with R1 , the relationship between V_x and I_x doesn't changed.

Analysis of Diode Circuits_第9张图片
Analysis of Diode Circuits 9

Quiz 2

Plot "V_N vs V_x"

Other Examples of Diode Circuits


Analysis of Diode Circuits_第10张图片
Analysis of Diode Circuits 10


Plot V_N vs V_x

Analysis of Diode Circuits_第11张图片
Analysis of Diode Circuits 11

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