阅读 outliers




1. 思维导图

阅读 outliers_第1张图片

2. 复盘总结

这本书的标题是outliers: The Story of Success。在书的第一页,作者就给出了outlier的定义:

out·li·er \-,l()r\ noun1: something that is situated away from or classed differently from a main orrelated body 2: a statistical observation that is markedly different in valuefrom the others of the sample

从文中就可以看出,作者所指的outlier异类,就是各界翘楚,他们的成功让人羡慕,却又不可复制。这本书之前,可能大家都更多的从individual个人的角度来揭秘他们成功的因素:例如talent,hard work等等。


文章的主体部分分为两部分:opportunities和cultural legacy。这也是作者整本书都在通过各种例证、调查试验想要强调的东西。


出生的时机里蕴含着大家很容易忽视的马太效应(The Matthew Effect),简而言之就是强者越强、弱者越弱的两极分化现象。


Canadian boys begin toplay the sport at the “novice” level, before they are even in kindergarten.From that point on, there are leagues for every age class, and at each of thoselevels, the players are sifted and sorted and evaluated, with the most talentedseparated out and groomed for the next level. By the time players reach theirmidteens, the very best of the best have been channeled into an elite leagueknown as Major Junior A, which is the top of the pyramid. And if your MajorJunior A team plays for the Memorial Cup, that means you are at the very top ofthe top of the pyramid. This is the way most sports pick their future stars.It’s the way soccer is organized in Europe and South America, and it’s the wayOlympic athletes are chosen. For that matter, it is not all that different fromthe way the world of classical music picks its future virtuosos, or the way theworld of ballet picks its future ballerinas, or the way our elite educationalsystem picks its future scientists and intellectuals.

这就是作者在文章中提到的“accumulative advantage”,优势一点点积累,就会带来更多的机遇,从而形成质变,真正的从人群中脱颖而出,成为一个“异类”。


The people at the very top don’t work just harder or even much harder than everyone else. They work

much, much harder.


Thousand hours ofpractice is required to achieve the level of mastery associated with being aworld-class expert—in anything,”

成功确实离不开自身的努力,但是并不是每一个人都能像Bill Joy一样,能够有大把的时间坐在计算机前编写程序。这也需要外部条件的契机。

这些契机包括家庭因素、社会因素、历史因素等等。一个智商高达195的天才最终却沦为平庸,生活上的阻挠、老师的不了解,这些都是原因。但这些原因归根结底:都是因为his family (the community)

he lived in didn’t prepare him well for the world.在中上层阶级的孩子们接受concerted cultivation的时候,普通人家的小孩可能正在被“放养”;在别人家庭接受着“勤劳就是美德”的熏陶时,这就是环境带来的差距。


But what truly distinguishes their histories is not their extraordinary talent but their extraordinaryopportunities.

在书的第二部分,讲的主要是cultural legacy在一个人成功的道路上所起到的作用。前面所提到的家庭环境就是一个层面,作者在此基础上还做出了以下的拓展:不仅仅是你生活的家庭环境,而且是一个种族所显现出来的传统与特点。

由于受潜移默化的影响,这种特征升值不是短时间就能改变的。我们可能会享受着“水稻种植——天道酬勤”的这种文化带来的恩惠,但也可能因为“等级分明——语言模糊”而困扰和威胁。这就需要我们自己决定是否需要摒弃自身的“cultural legacy”,寻求更好的发展方式。

Outliers are those whohave been given opportunities—and who have had the strength and presence ofmind to seize them.


3. 一点感悟





英文读书笔记 复盘总结

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