



公司注册资金50万以上!公司注册时间在2年以上(若不符合条件,则保证金3万)  京东合作模式为SOP  (即商家自己发货模式)

SOP模式商家仅需要给顾客提供普通发票(可以不是一般纳税人)。  京东目前合作的账期为月结,后期将陆续开放T+1结算,实销实结。

 京东目前的政策是满59元免运费,运费由合作商家承担,部分偏远地区可设置邮费。



天猫入驻须知 1.

天猫有权根据包括但不仅限于品牌需求、公司经营状况、服务水平等其他因素退回客户申请;同时天猫有权在申请入驻及后续经营阶段要求客户提供其他资质;天猫将结合各行业发展动态、国家相关规定及消费者购买需求,不定期更新招商标准。 2.

请务必确保您申请入驻及后续经营阶段提供的相关资质的真实性(若您提供的相关资质为第三方提供,如商标注册证、授权书等,请务必先行核实文件的真实有效性),一旦发现虚假资质,您的公司将被列入非诚信客户名单,天猫将不再与您进行合作。 3. 天猫暂不接受个体工商户的入驻申请,也不接受非中国大陆企业的入驻申请。













一、保证金= 30,000元(用于交易纠纷的赔付)


三、交易服务费=商家在京东商城以京东价售出的产品销售额* 5%左右。






Today’s B2B CMO has many ways to go when it comes to creating deeper and closer customer relationships. Yet, knowing what path to take can be incredibly difficult. That’s because there’s so much technology, data sources, devices and channel options to consider. While there’s so many ways to communicate, it’s becoming harder to actually engage the B2B audience.

However, entrepreneurs like Srihari Kumar, a four-time company founder, includingZenIQ, has some thoughts about adjustments marketing leaders can make to improve their career trajectory. Here are five ways he suggests to address the current B2B challenges for CMOs and leverage new opportunities:



While business-to-consumer activity exists both online and offline, the acronym B2C has primarily been used to describe the online variety.

B2C businesses played a large role in the rapid development of the commercial Internet in the 1990s. Large sums of venture capital flowed to consumers in the form of free online services and discounted shopping, spurring adoption of the new medium. When the capital markets turned sour, however, the B2C companies were among the first to fall, and they fell fast. Many companies tried to follow the herd of investors by undergoing a B2C toB2Bmakeover.

For awhile after the .com bubble, B2C was used infrequently except when it was followed by “…is dead.” However, with more people online, new technologies and new online revenue models, many types of B2C companies are now flourishing online.


Consumer-to-consumer electronic commerce is a growing area of e-commerce. However, according to Meta analysis of critical themes of e-commerce, C2C e-commerce was only represented in the area of online auctions [7]. C2C transactions generally involve products sold through a classified or auction system. Products sold are often used or second hand. C2C is projected to grow in the future because of its cost effective; this means it minimizes the cost of using third parties. Retailers see it as very important, given the growing use of social media channels by consumers to share their option about specific stock, which often drives increased traffic to stores [5]. C2C is the oldest form of e-commerce we know, used well before internet appeared, although they can and are supported by large websites nowadays. They are a way of helping people to deal directly with each other or to buy more conveniently from companies. The goal of C2C is to enable buyers and sellers to find each other easily. They benefit in two crucial commerce areas. Firstly, they benefit from competition for product and second they can easily find products that are otherwise difficult to locate [9].

C2C e-commerce differs from a business-to-business model or business-to-consumer model because consumers interact directly with each other. However, a business does operate the online platform on which C2C transaction takes place. Buyer can shop for free, but sellers sometimes have to pay a fee to list their products. Consumers often play an active role in monitoring e-commerce sites for scam and other inappropriate content [12].

In most cases, C2C e-commerce is helped along by a third party who officiate the transaction to make sure goods are received and payments are made. This offers some protection for consumers taking part in C2C e-commerce, allowing the chance to take advantage of the prices offered by motivated seller. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the origin, definition, business model, statistics, advantages and disadvantages of C2C e-commerce. The paper will further look at some features of C2C e-commerce website.




2.阅读一篇以上ecommerce  innovate相关英文文章,按最新要求列出相关内容

ecommerce  innovatehttp://ecommerce-innovation.com/

You will need a marketing and advertising plan to correctly position your eCommerce website and all the products that you are featuring on it. Back in the day, “build it and they will come” theory held true. However, in this day and age, without an effective marketing plan you will not be able to last long. Make sure you have identified your target market and demographics, and invest your money to attract the right kind of customers who are looking to buy products rather than those who are simply looking for information. This is called buyer intent and you must understand it to increase your so called conversion ratios, ie. to increase the number of prospective clients becoming actual clients.

conversion ratios:转换率
