Control calculation 控制计算







Control calculation 控制计算_第1张图片
Figure18: Simple Tank



Control calculation 控制计算_第2张图片
Figure19: Ramp Response to Setpoint change at Time=0




Control calculation 控制计算_第3张图片
Figure20: Out-flow Movement to a Ramp Setpoint Change at Time=0



DMCplus提供了几个选项允许在指定时间间隔次数内斜坡失衡。详情请参考Ramp Types。



The DMCplus control calculation consists of two parts: a Steady-State Optimization and the actual DMCplus Move calculation.The Steady-State Optimization canbe a Linear Program (LP) or Quadratic Program (QP). In both cases, ramps are dealt with somewhat differently than are steady-state variables.

The steady-state optimization determines the steady-state operating point for the DMCplus controller. The objective of the steady-state optimization is to find the economically optimal steady-state operating point, where all steady-state error is eliminated in the steady-state dependent variables; that is, where all ramp dependent variables are "balanced."

The optimal steady-state operating point is specified by steady-state targets for both the manipulated variables and steady-state dependent variables. The steady-state target for a steady-state dependent variable becomes the DMCplus controller setpoint for that variable.

However, for a ramp variable, the steady-state optimization calculates a consistent set of manipulated variable steady-state targets which ensure that the ramp is balanced. (Incorporating a ramp variable into the DMCplus controller uses up one degree of freedom in the system since the ramp must always balance.)

When the manipulated variables reach their steady-state targets, the ramp variable will eventually line out at a constant value, assuming the model is correct. The actual value at which the ramp lines out is determined by the control move calculation in the DMCplus algorithm itself.

To better explain this, see Figure 18 below, which shows a single input/single output system with a tank,an uncontrolled flow in, and a controlled flow out.

At time=0, the level is at steady state at 50%; the in-flow and out-flow are equal and the ramp is balanced. At time=0, the ramp setpoint is changed from 50% to 55% and the ramp responds to the setpoint change as shown in Figure 19.

In Figure 20 below, the movement in the out-flow is shown. Note that since the level is in balance, the correct steady-state value for the out-flow is the same as the initial value at time=0.In order to make the ramp rise to its new setpoint and line out, it is necessary to reduce the out-flow to put the system out of balance and wait until the ramp approaches its setpoint; then, put the out-flow back where it originally was to again balance the system at the new setpoint value.

So while the steady-state optimization can determine the proper manipulated variable steady-state value to balance the ramp, it is the dynamic move plan that determines where the ramp actually lines out.

In early versions of DMCplus, if the steady-state optimization was unable for any reason to find a solution of manipulated variable targets at which the ramp was balanced, then the DMCplus controller was turned off. Usually, a ramp imbalance results because a key manipulated variable has hit a limit. Solutions to this problem include relaxing the limits on the manipulated variables and retuning the DMCplus controller.

DMCplus provides several options to allow the ramp to be out of balance for a specified number of intervals. See Ramp Types for more information.

The actual setpoint for the ramp variable at a given control cycle is based on the operator-entered limits. The steady-state target for a ramp variable is simply the last element in the prediction vector (with control moves).


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