SpaceVim 发布 v0.6.0

New Features

  • Add c/cpp syntax file #1188
  • Add NeoSolarized guide theme #1187
  • Add gf support in windows for plugin manager #1184
  • Add solarized guide theme #1180
  • Add php runner #1174
  • Add lsp support for vim8 #1165
  • Add lsp support for php #1163
  • add description to the DOC of golang layer #1140
  • add doc of searching files to managing project #1116
  • Add a new plugin for JavaScript #1099
  • Add language server configurations for Haskell #1094
  • Add chat config #1085
  • Add runner syntax file #1068
  • Add func for custom group name #1052
  • Add hunks summary #1046
  • Add mapping for Increase/Decrease numbers #1039
  • Add signatures api #1036
  • Added a new layer lsp #1014
  • Add: Improve spacevim statusline #1012
  • Add mappings for git blame and git log #1009
  • Added a new plugin vim-jplus #1002
  • Added autocmd to update status-line #1000
  • Add gd for help desc buffer && fix SPC p f #997
  • Added a runner for Ruby language #993
  • Added a runner for Crystal language #992
  • Added language features for JavaScript #991
  • Added filetypes for Emmet #990
  • Added zsh support #989
  • Added Denite sources #988
  • Added Rust language features #973
  • Added Haskell runner #972

Feature Changes

  • Change gitk plugin #1131

Bug Fixs

  • fix issue 1196 (tab list bug) #1201
  • fix typo #1198
  • Fix win project manager #1182
  • Fix lua repl && add layer doc #1155
  • Fix lua repl #1149
  • fix spelling error for stage all files #1139
  • Fix SPC f b for show bookmarks #1125
  • Fix transient state api #1124
  • Fix two typos. #1108
  • Fix an issue occurd in ALE-enabled environment #1103
  • Fix for ctrlp with ag searcher. #1081 #1082
  • Fix statusline for small windows. #1076
  • Fix ycm config #1074
  • Fix #1070 #1072
  • Fix bot #1063
  • Fix Duplicate meta descriptions #1060
  • fix a syntax error of markdown table in documentation. #1057
  • Fix Yggdroot/indentLine configuration #1037
  • Fix typo whit -> with #1033
  • Fix lint #1030
  • Fix windows installation #1029
  • fix mac fc-cache mkfontdir mkfontscale not exists #1016 #1017
  • Fix lsp support #1013
  • fix word #1006
  • Fixed plugin 'vim-rtags' initialization errors #995
  • Fix Logger #985
  • Fix server error #979
  • Fixed Haskell layer config #974
  • Fixed cursor mode-sensitive issue #971
  • Fix capitalization on website #970

Unmarked PRs

  • [SPC b t] Open Vimfiler by buffer file dir #1200
  • Auto update neoinclude config #1195
  • Disable welcome when load session at startup #1191
  • Close #1157 #1189
  • Support cwd in job #1186
  • Improve plugin manager #1179
  • Update project index #1175
  • Update JavaScript language server #1170
  • Update c layer doc #1169
  • git: ignore swp files. #1167
  • Update language layer #1161
  • Support disable tabline #1156
  • Update doc for layers #1154
  • [Ready] Improve lua layer #1147
  • Update blog #1144
  • Update java layer #1138
  • Update project key bindings #1137
  • Clear cmdline after open file in flygrep #1136
  • Set sign text #1135
  • [WIP] Lua layer improvements #1134
  • Update init.vim #1130
  • Project manager #1129
  • Update elixir layer #1127
  • Update Home page #1126
  • Update key bindings for debug layer #1118
  • reimplement move text down and up #1114
  • Improve guide cursor #1113
  • Improve lang#ruby layer #1112
  • Improve Emmet configuration #1111
  • Update python layer documentation #1110
  • Update wiki & website & readme #1106
  • Improve implementations of tmux integration #1105
  • doc: fix g:spacevim_terminal_cursor_shape default #1095
  • Add language server configuration for JavaScript #1093
  • Update documents about colorscheme #1091
  • [WARNING!] Implement Sass - second pull request #1083
  • Mouse support in tabline #1071
  • Improve Tabline #1067
  • Update lang#c layer #1065
  • zsh:support autocomplete #1064
  • bashcomplete: can not trigger omnicomplete in some pos #1061
  • Update runner #1055
  • get_complete: compatiable with macOS. #1054
  • bugfix start zsh error #1050
  • File clipboard #1043
  • Update community page #1041
  • Enable syntax error/warning counts in status line #1040
  • Update issue.vim #1034
  • uninstall section added #1027
  • Makefile: fix covimerage integration: use installed #1026
  • Update autocomple layer #1025
  • Run EmmetInstall on vue and eex filetypes #1020
  • Update website #1011
  • Version control #1005
  • Auto install fonts #998
  • Enable deoplete in vim8 && lsp support #994
  • Made Markdown preview use open-browser.vim #987
  • Update version #984
  • Update travis setting #981
  • Server client #976
  • Disabled completions by deoplete #968

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  • 中文官网:
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你可能感兴趣的:(SpaceVim 发布 v0.6.0)