.NET DLR 上的IronScheme 语言互操作&&IronScheme控制台输入中文的问题


Lisp是古老的函数式语言,跟C,C++等命令式语言完全不一样的编程风格,但Lisp的方言很多,最后Lisp标准委员制定了Common Lisp,但内容很长,有1000多页,因此功能比较强大;而Lisp的另外一个主要分支就是Scheme,它的标准内容只有不到100页,所以非常简单,适合学术研究和大学计算机语言教学以及一般的工程应用。目前Lisp有在JVM上的实现,在.NET上的实现就是 IronScheme,于是我便开始选择了IronScheme作为Lisp研究的第一站。


IronScheme在Codeplex上有开源项目, https://ironscheme.codeplex.com/ ,可以下载它的源码和编译好的程序,在 https://ironscheme.codeplex.com/SourceControl/latest 可以下载源码,我下载时候的文件名是 ironscheme-103684,下载的源码可以用VS2008打开。如果没有开发环境,直接用 debugbuild.bat 也就可以直接编译。另外还可以直接运行测试 r6rstest.bat


在网站上下载IronScheme的应用程序后,可以直接看到它已经提供了不同环境下的控制台程序,分别有64位与32位,.NET 2.0与4.0的程序: IronScheme.Console32-v2.exe IronScheme.Console32-v4.exe IronScheme.Console-v2.exe IronScheme.Console-v4.exe



.NET DLR 上的IronScheme 语言互操作&&IronScheme控制台输入中文的问题_第1张图片

Lisp程序有一个天然的执行多个参数运算的特点,所以我们可以执行多个数字相加。也可以使用 display 函数显示一个字符串。


写一个简单的Hello 程序文件来加载 试试:

.NET DLR 上的IronScheme 语言互操作&&IronScheme控制台输入中文的问题_第2张图片

 执行这个程序,成功 ,但是乱码,不管是存储成 ANSI格式还是UTF8格式均乱码:

.NET DLR 上的IronScheme 语言互操作&&IronScheme控制台输入中文的问题_第3张图片



最后干脆直接搜索编码格式 Encoding...,好歹涉及这个关键词的地方只有3个:

在 IronScheme.Console 项目下的 Program 文件中,找到下面的代码:

 Encoding oo = Console.OutputEncoding;


          //Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;
        return IronSchemeConsoleHost.Execute(args);
        Console.OutputEncoding = oo;

将原来的 Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.UTF8 注释即可,由于我的电脑是中文环境,这样程序便以GBK的编码运行了,此时即可正常显示Scheme 程序中的 汉字。但是,如果要加载的文件名有汉字,则悲剧了,控制台无法输入汉字...




 既然是截获了键盘敲击,那么我就顶一个特殊的键,按下它在弹窗出来一个窗口,在里面输入中文就可以了吧,于是找到文件 SuperConsole.cs ,找到 Insert(ConsoleKeyInfo key) 方法,修改成下面的代码:

 private void Insert(ConsoleKeyInfo key) {
            char c;
            if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.F6)
              Debug.Assert(FinalLineText.Length == 1);
              c = FinalLineText[0];
            else if (key.Modifiers == ConsoleModifiers.Alt && (key.Key >= ConsoleKey.NumPad0 && key.Key <= ConsoleKey.NumPad9))
              c = '?';
              c = key.KeyChar;
            //Ctrl+Z 输入汉字
            if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.Z && key.Modifiers == ConsoleModifiers.Control)
                frmInputString frm = new frmInputString();
                string s = frm.Text;
                _rendered += s.Length;
                _current += s.Length;

.NET DLR 上的IronScheme 语言互操作&&IronScheme控制台输入中文的问题_第4张图片

控制台默认的字体是 “点阵字体”,这种字体在输入中文后,Scheme 定位字符位置会有问题,应该使用非点阵字体,例如如下图的设置(控制台窗口标题--属性--字体):

.NET DLR 上的IronScheme 语言互操作&&IronScheme控制台输入中文的问题_第5张图片

3,Scheme 调用 .NET

按照 作者官方的说法,IronScheme是可以签入在.NET应用程序里面的,但是单独执行Scheme程序的时候,是否可以调用 .net已有的程序呢?这个IronScheme也提供了,下面是 https://ironscheme.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=clr-syntax&referringTitle=Documentation 页面的内容:

These macro's are exported from the (ironscheme clr) library.

Common parameters

type is either:

  • a symbol. Eg: Int32 or System.IO.Stream
  • a list implying a generic type. Eg: (Action Int32)
  • #f (false) meaning the type should try to be inferred

Primary syntax

(clr-namespaces) Returns all the imported at the lexical scope
(clr-reference reference) reference can be a symbol for the assembly short name (ie System.Web) or a string containing the fully qualified assembly name.
(clr-using namespace) namespace is a symbol. Eg System.IO .
(clr-call type method instance arg ...) method is a symbol for a simple name, eg ToInt32 or a string to resolve specific methods, eg "ToInt32(Object)" . instance is a reference to the object of type . Can be null ('()) for static methods. arg ... is the arguments passed to the method.
(clr-cast type expr) expr is the instance to be cast.
(clr-is type expr) expr is the instance to be tested.
(clr-new type arg ...) arg ... is the arguments passed to the constructor.
(clr-new-array type size) size is the size of the array. Must be an integer.
(clr-event-add! type  event instance handler) event is a symbol for the name of the event. Eg Click . instance is a reference to the object of type . Can be null ('()) for static events. handler is a procedure taking the same number of arguments as the event's delegate.
(clr-event-remove! type  event instance handler) event is a symbol for the name of the event. Eg Click . instance is a reference to the object of type . Can be null ('()) for static events. handler is a procedure taking the same number of arguments as the event's delegate.
(clr-field-get type field instance) field is a symbol for the name of the field. Eg m_foo . instance is a reference to the object of type . Can be null ('()) for static fields.
(clr-field-set! type field instance expr) field is a symbol for the name of the field. Eg m_foo . instance is a reference to the object of type . Can be null ('()) for static fields. expr is the value to set the field.
(pinvoke-call library method arg ...) arg ... is the arguments passed to the method.

Derived syntax

(clr-indexer-get type instance arg ...) instance is a reference to the object of type . arg ... is the arguments passed to the indexer.
(clr-indexer-set! type instance arg ... expr) instance is a reference to the object of type . arg ... is the arguments passed to the indexer. expr is the value to set the indexer.
(clr-prop-get type property instance) property is the name of the property. Eg Height . instance is a reference to the object of type . Can be null ('()) for static properties.
(clr-prop-set! type property instance expr) property is the name of the property. Eg Height . instance is a reference to the object of type . Can be null ('()) for static properties. expr is the value to set the property.
(clr-static-call type method arg ...) method is a symbol for a simple name, eg ToInt32 or a string to resolve specific methods, eg "ToInt32(Object)" . arg ... is the arguments passed to the method.
(clr-static-event-add! type  event handler) event is a symbol for the name of the event. Eg Click . handler is a procedure taking the same number of arguments as the event's delegate.
(clr-static-event-remove! type  event handler) event is a symbol for the name of the event. Eg Click . handler is a procedure taking the same number of arguments as the event's delegate.
(clr-static-field-get type field) field is a symbol for the name of the field. Eg m_foo .
(clr-static-field-set! type field expr) field is a symbol for the name of the field. Eg m_foo . expr is the value to set the field.
(clr-static-prop-get type property) property is the name of the property. Eg Height .
(clr-static-prop-set! type property expr) property is the name of the property. Eg Height . expr is the value to set the property.




  (ironscheme clr))

;Define a function write-ln
(define (write-ln fmt . args)
  (clr-static-call System.Console WriteLine (clr-cast System.String fmt)
    (clr-cast System.Object[]
      (list->vector args))))

; And invoke it!
(write-ln "{0}" "Hello World!")
(write-ln "1:{0}" "aaa")
(write-ln "1:{0} 2:{1}" "张三" "李四")

这个程序是调用 .net的 Console.WriteLine 方法的,运行这个程序试试:

.NET DLR 上的IronScheme 语言互操作&&IronScheme控制台输入中文的问题_第6张图片

注意程序文件需要保存为 UTF8格式的,IronScheme 才可以正常显示中文。

3.2,为是么要用 Scheme调用 .NET?

利用 Lisp的强大表达能力,调用.net强大的类库

Scheme可以当作脚本语言,可以.net程序动态生成一个 Scheme程序,Scheme程序再调用.net。。。。 这个过程的用途,明白了吧?

比如工作流程序,调用一个Scheme 脚本..



更多的 Lisp,Scheme学习资源,可以参考下面的链接 :

Lisp 的永恒之道




Scheme 语言概要



Read access to a .NET Assembly

Playing with IronScheme




本文程序下载 “IronScheme中文版”



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