Mix In One Network 白皮书 (谷歌翻译)

Mixin Network 

建立最大和最有利于开发者的移动区块链网络, 以无限的吞吐量连接所有现有的区块链。

Motivation 动机

Blockchain and cryptocurrency news have become more familiar to people, but it’s still difficult to get into these fancy things, even for software developers.区块链和加密货币新闻已经变得更加人们熟悉,但即使对于软件开发人员来说,仍然很难了解这些事物。 

Most blockchain projects focus on the distribution factors and secure key management. However these all lead to slow transactions, private keys loss and difficult understanding. And it’s nearly impossible to deploy these distributed nodes on mobile devices, the most popular computing devices.大多数区块链项目都集中在分配因素和安全密钥管理上。然而这些都导致交易缓慢,私钥丢失和理解困难。在移动设备(最流行的计算设备)上部署这些分布式节点几乎是不可能的。

Despite their effort on the distribution dream, we have noticed the reality that even the most distributed blockchain consensus algorithm leads to the control of several large pools. Consider the BCH hard fork to BTC. Some popular blockchain projects have or plan to choose some not so distributed consensus algorithms by design, Ethereum is migrating to PoS and EOS is implementing DPoS. This effort may improve the transaction throughput, but that’s all.  Still, people have to manage fancy private keys and lose them, pools and whale nodes will fork the network endlessly without effort, developers try their best effort to develop some new tokens, and people have no proper way to use the nodes on their mobile devices.


Design 设计

Mixin is an effort to find a balance in distributed network and traditional server clusters, make some tradeoffs to combine the pros of the two together.Mixin是为了在分布式网络和传统中心化服务之间找到一个平衡点,做一些权衡,把两者的优点结合在一起。

• Limited and trusted full nodes with guaranteed data transparency and consistency.有限且可信的完整节点,保证数据的透明度和一致性。

• Zero-knowledge proof and free transactions with high throughput and low latency.具有高吞吐量和低延迟的零知识证明和免费交易。

• Inter-blockchain communication protocol to connect all popular blockchain networks.区块链间通信协议,连接所有流行的区块链网络。

• Non-deterministic transactions and interact directly with trusted external sources.非确定性交易,并直接与可信的外部来源互动。

• Phone number and PIN based account model for easy mobile use.电话号码和基于PIN的账户模式,便于手机端使用。

• Secure and end-to-end encrypted messaging channel to reach every account for notifications.安全且端到端的加密消息通道,可以通知每个帐户。

• Developer friendly to facilitate all Linux libraries and programming languages.开发人员友好,便于所有Linux库和编程语言。

• The largest mobile blockchain network effect should prevent forks.最大的移动区块链网络效应应该防止分叉。

To accomplish these goals, we designed an unique blockchain model that relies on Trusted Execution Environment technology and relationship, while the consensus algorithm mainly acts as the guarantee for data replication, and the mobile nodes will acts as validators to do runtime attestation of the full nodes.为了实现这些目标,我们设计了一个独立的基于可信执行环境技术和关系的区块链模型,而共识算法主要作为数据复制的保证,移动节点作为验证者来完成整个节点的运行时认证。

Mix In One Network 白皮书 (谷歌翻译)_第1张图片

As illustrated in the figure above, the fundamental of Mixin network is some trusted full nodes run in the Trusted Execution Environment.如上图所示,Mixin网络的基础是在可信执行环境中运行的一些可信的完整节点。

All Mixin full nodes are fully trusted because they can verify the identity of all other full nodes and validate the code they run through TEE attestation at runtime. 所有Mixin完整节点都是完全可信的,因为它们可以验证所有其他完整节点的身份,并验证它们在运行时通过TEE证明运行的代码。

Mixin full nodes accept transactions and participate in the network’s consensus algorithm. Due to the code validation, only one node should execute DApp code toachieve high throughput and low latency. mixin全节点接受转账并参与网络的一致性算法。由于代码验证,只有一个节点应该执行DApp代码来实现高吞吐量和低延迟。

All sensitive components of the network must run inside the Trusted Execution Environment and are responsible for protecting security and privacy, for maintaining data transparency and consistency. 网络中的所有敏感组件都必须在受信任的执行环境中运行,并负责保护安全和隐私,以保持数据的透明性和一致性。

End-to-End Encryption Messaging 端到端的加密发送信息

Mixin uses the sender key of Signal protocol to manage all conversations, despite direct message or group chat. Mixin使用Signal协议的发件人键来管理所有的会话,包括直接的消息或群聊。

The protocol is client based, so the server only acts as a proxy of the messages, and due to the strong end-to-end encryption feature, no one could inspect anything from the proxied messages, even the Mixin full nodes.该协议是基于客户端的,因此服务器只充当消息的代理,并且由于强大的端到端加密功能,没有人能够从代理消息中检查任何事情,甚至是Mixin完整节点。

All messages will be permanently deleted on the servers once read by all the recipients in the conversation.一旦对话中的所有收件人阅读,所有邮件将在服务器上永久删除。

Photos, videos and all other attachments are also encrypted with random AES key before uploading to our cloud storage. Then the client will transfer all the meta information, such as thumbnail, AES key to the recipient with Signal sender key encryption. As Mixin is using the mature Signal protocol and open source library as the messaging protocol, we won’t dig into the technical details of the specification in this white paper.上传到云存储之前,照片,视频和所有其他附件也使用随机AES密钥加密。然后,客户端将使用信号发送者密钥加密将所有元信息(如缩略图,AES密钥)传送给接收者。由于Mixin使用成熟的信号协议和开源库作为消息传递协议,所以我们不会在本白皮书中深入探讨技术细节。

Mobile and PIN Based Identity 基于移动手机和PIN的身份验证

The obstacle that prevents people from using blockchain is not the performance, it’s the identity or account management procedure.阻止人们使用区块链的障碍不是性能,而是身份或账户管理程序。

All popular blockchain networks require people to obtain and manage at least one private key to keep an identity. This is too complicated, it’s not a bit but hundreds of times more complicated compared to username and password solution.所有流行的区块链网络都需要人们获取和管理至少一个私钥来保持身份。这太复杂了,与用户名和密码解决方案相比,这不是一点点,而是几百倍的复杂程度。

As all existing blockchain data are open to the world, to use an username and password solution, people are still required to manage a complicated password to keep account secure, think about BTS or EOS.由于所有现有的区块链数据都向世界开放,为了使用用户名和密码解决方案,人们仍然需要管理复杂的密码以保证帐户的安全。想想于BTS或EOS(bts和eos的用户名不是一长串的代码,而是可以自己创建用户名,直接可向该用户名里转账)

Thanks to the zero-knowledge and secure execution environment in the Mixin network, we are able to design a much simpler identity solution that’s based on phone verification code and PIN.由于Mixin网络中的零知识和安全的执行环境,我们能够设计一个基于电话验证码和PIN的更简单的身份识别解决方案。

People just need a phone number and remember a six digit PIN to keep an identity, even easier than username password solution, without complicated private key but comparable security level.人们只需要一个电话号码,并记住一个六位数字的密码,以保持身份,甚至比用户名密码解决方案更容易,没有复杂的私人密钥,但相当安全的级别。

Mix In One Network 白皮书 (谷歌翻译)_第2张图片
手机端pin码管理 私钥更简单、方便

While the phone number verification process to transfer private keys ensure easy phone migration, the 6-digit PIN can be replaced by Touch ID or Face ID on supported mobile phones, this improves the user experience to another level.虽然传送私钥的电话号码验证过程确保了电话的轻松迁移,但在支持的移动电话上,可以使用Touch ID或Face ID替换6位PIN,从而将用户体验提升到另一个级别。

A typical BTC transaction should take as long as one hour to confirm, the fee is also too high to send micro-payments. And the public blockchain data make transaction privacy nearly impossible.一个典型的BTC交易应该需要长达一个小时才能确认,发送小额支付的费用也太高。公开的区块链数据使交易隐私几乎不可能。

To overcome the Bitcoin problem, with the identity procedure above, we designed a cross-chain transaction network similar to the Bitcoin Lighting Network or the Ethereum Raiden Network.为了克服比特币问题,通过上面的身份识别程序,我们设计了一个类似于比特币雷电网络或者以太坊雷电网络的交叉链式交易网络。

The underlying technique of Mixin PIN identity is still private key management, but secured and made easy by the Mixin zero-knowledge trusted execution network. So it’s feasible to treat this as a smart contract like Lighting Network to manage BTC or any other blockchain assets. Mixin PIN身份的基本技术仍然是私钥管理,但是通过Mixin零知识确认执行网络却可以使管理私钥变得安全且容易。所以把它当作一个像闪电网络这样的智能合约来管理BTC或任何其他区块链资产是可行的。

Mix In One Network 白皮书 (谷歌翻译)_第3张图片

After assets from other blockchains come in to the Mixin Network, whenever a Mixin user start a BTC transaction to another user in Mixin, the server won’t do any real transactions on the Bitcoin blockchain, instead it just managed their balance numbers in the Mixin blockchain, which is as fast as general SQL database operations.当其他区块链的资产进入Mixin网络后,只要Mixin用户在Mixin中向另一个用户启动BTC交易,服务器就不会在比特币区块链上进行真正的交易,而只是在Mixin中管理其余额区块链,这与一般的SQL数据库操作一样快。

XIN - The Token 代币XIN

XIN is the sole token used by many services in Mixin, especially full node pledge, the DApp creation and API calls. XIN是Mixin中许多服务使用的唯一代币,特别是完整的节点承诺,DApp创建和API调用。

To join the network as a full node, it should pledge at least 10,000 XIN token to establish the initial trust. Every DApp creation will cost some XIN for one time, the cost is determined by the resources the DApp claimed to consume.要作为一个完整的节点加入网络,应该承诺至少有一万个XIN代币来建立初始信任。每创建一次DApp都会花费一些XIN,成本是由Dapp要求消耗的资源决定的。

The Mixin API calls from DApp will cost some XIN depends on the call type and count.来自DApp的Mixin API调用将花费一些XIN,具体取决于调用类型和数量。

All the XIN fees charged by platform will be burned to increase the existing XIN tokens value.平台收取的所有XIN费用将被烧毁,以增加现有的XIN代币价值。

This means normal users won’t get charged to use the service while only DApp developers are charged, however, the DApp may charge users for its service.这意味着普通用户不会被收取使用服务的费用,只有DApp开发者被收费,但是DApp可能会向用户收取服务费用。

1,000,000 permanent total XIN token is issued to the world at one time, and to make the calculation easier, the Mixin Messenger will mainly use milli XIN as the main currency symbol. We abbreviate milli XIN as MIX, that’s the same thing as one thousandth XIN.一次向全世界发行总共100万个XIN代币,为使计算更容易,Mixin Messenger将主要使用milli XIN作为主要货币符号。我们把milli XIN简写为MIX,这与千分之一XIN是一样的。

Conclusion 总结

Mixin network has unlimited throughput, easy and familiar account model for people, ability to connect and use all currencies on any existing blockchain networks. Mixin网络具有无限的吞吐量,简单且熟悉的账户模式,能够在任何现有的区块链网络上连接和使用所有货币。

Besides the underlying Mixin network, we are building the Mixin Messenger as the first DApp and entrance to it, all code are open sourced to give the developers an overview of how to develop on Mixin.除了底层的Mixin网络之外,我们正在构建Mixin Messenger作为第一个DApp并加入其中,所有的代码都是开源的,为开发者提供了关于如何在Mixin上开发的概述。

Treat Mixin Network as the open Android ecosystem, all existing blockchain networks as different phone manufactures and countries, the Mixin Messenger acts as the Google Play role to provide DApp discovery for users, easy notifications and payments for developers. 将Mixin Network视为开放的Android生态系统,将所有现有的区块链网络视为不同的手机制造商和国家,Mixin Messenger充当Google Play的角色,为用户提供DApp发现,为开发者提供便捷的通知和支付。

With nearly 1,000,000 pre-registered users, Mixin network welcome all developers to develop or port their existing app to the platform, with familiar development environment. Mixin网络拥有近1,000,000名预注册用户,欢迎所有开发者开发或移植他们现有的应用程序到平台,熟悉的开发环境。

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