Inheritance Note

Hypernym and Hyponym

We use the word hyponym for the opposite type of relationship.

  • “dog”: Hypernym of “poodle”, “malamute”, “dachshund”, etc.
  • “poodle”: Hyponym of “dog”

Hypernyms and hyponyms comprise a hierarchy.

  • A dog “is-a” canine.
  • A canine “is-a” carnivore.
  • A carnivore “is-an” animal.


  • Interface is a specification of what a class is able to do, not how to do it.

Overriding vs. Overloading

  • If a “subclass” has a method with the exact same signature as in the “superclass”, we say the subclass overrides the method.
  • Methods with the same name but different signatures are overloaded.
  • the @Override annotation: the only effect of this tag is that the code won’t compile if it is not actually an overriding method.

Interface Inheritance

Specifying the capabilities of a subclass using the implements keyword is known as interface inheritance.

  • Interface: The list of all method signatures.
  • Inheritance: The subclass “inherits” the interface from a superclass.
  • Specifies what the subclass can do, but not how.
  • Subclasses must override all of these methods!

Implementation Inheritance: Default Methods

Use the default keyword to specify a method that subclasses should inherit from an interface.

  • If you don’t like a default method, you can override it.

Static and Dynamic Type, Dynamic Method Selection

Every variable in Java has a “compile-time type”, a.k.a. “static type”.

  • This is the type specified at declaration.

Variables also have a “run-time type”, a.k.a. “dynamic type”.

  • This is the type specified at instantiation (e.g. when using new).
  • Equal to the type of the object being pointed at.

Suppose we call a method of an object using a variable with:

  • compile-time type X
  • run-time type Y

Then if Y overrides the method, Y’s method is used instead.

  • If we have a variable has static type X and dynamic type Y, then if Y overrides the method, Y's method is used instead.
  • At compile time, the compiler will verify X has a method that can handle the given parameter. If multiple methods can handle, it records the most specific one.
  • At runtime, if Y overrides the recorded signature, use the overridden method.

Implementation Inheritance: Extends

When a class is a hyponym of an interface, we used implements. If you want one class to be a hyponym of another class, you use extends.

  • All instance and static variables.
  • All methods.
  • All nested classes.
    Constructor are not inherited.

Type Checking and Casting

  • Compiler allows method calls based on compile-time type of variable.
  • Compiler also allows assignments based on compile-time types.

Expressions have compile-time types:

  • An expression using the new keyword has the specified compile-time type.
  • Method calls have compile-time type equal to their declared type.

Java has a special syntax for specifying the compile-time type of any expression.

  • Put desired type in parenthesis before the expression.
    • Compile-time type Dog: maxDog(frank, frankJr);
    • Compile-time type Poodle: (Poodle) maxDog(frank, frankJr);

Subtype Polymorphism

Polymorphism: “providing a single interface to entities of different types”

Interfaces and Abstract Classes

implements and extends can be used to enable interface inheritance and implementation inheritance.

  • Interface inheritance: What (the class can do).
  • Implementation inheritance: How (the class does it).

Interfaces may combine a mix of abstract and default methods.

  • Abstract methods are what. And must be overridden by subclass.
  • Default methods are how.
  • Unless you use the keyword default, a method will be abstract.
  • Unless you specify an access modifier, a method will be public.
  • Can provide variables, but they are public static final.
  • A class can implement multiple interfaces.
  • Cannot be instantiated.
  • Java 9 added private methods to interfaces.

Abstract classes are an intermediate level between interfaces and classes.

  • Cannot be instantiated.
  • Can provide either abstract or concrete methods.
  • Use abstract keyword for abstract methods.
  • Use no keyword for concrete methods.
  • Can provide variables (any kind).
  • Can provide protected and package private methods.

Abstract classes are often used as partial implementations as interfaces.


  • Primarily for interface inheritance. Limited implementation inheritance.
  • Classes can implement multiple interfaces.

Abstract classes:

  • Can do anything an interface can do, and more.
  • Subclasses only extend one abstract class.

Generalized Comparison


The industrial strength approach: Use the built-in Comparable interface.

Already defined and used by tons of libraries. Uses generics.

public interface Comparable {
     public int compareTo(T obj);
  • Lots of built in classes implement Comparable (e.g. String).
  • Lots of libraries use the Comparable interface (e.g. Arrays.sort)
  • Avoids need for casts.
public class Dog implements Comparable {
    public int compareTo(Dog uddaDog) {
        return this.size - uddaDog.size;


In some languages, we’d write two comparison functions and simply pass the one we want :

  • sizeCompare()
  • nameCompare()

The standard Java approach: Create sizeComparator and nameComparator classes that implement the Comparator interface.

  • Requires methods that also take Comparator arguments
public interface Comparator {
    int compare(T o1, T o2);

public class Dog implements Comparable {
  private String name;
  private int size;
  public static class NameComparator implements Comparator {
    public int compare(Dog d1, Dog d2) {

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