[Quora] 起床之后如何只用 5 分钟就让一天的生活更加美好?


What can I do in 5 minutes in the morning to make my whole day better?

起床之后如何只用 5 分钟就让一天的生活更加美好?


Minh Killy Le:

I'd say that, for a 5 minutes activity, nothing beats a little exercise.

我以为,没有什么比花 5 分钟的时间做点小小的锻炼来得更好了

Our mind and body are two sides of the same coin, an impact on one side could greatly affect the other. Overnight, your whole body and mind have been sleeping for hours, and upon waking up, it would take time for them to be fully productive again. In this process, you mind can recover much faster than your body, but it can never reach its best state alone because the mind and the body belong to the same coin. That's why even a little 5 minutes exercise can be very helpful to give a strong morning boost to your body.

我们的精神和肉体就是一枚硬币的两面,两者是相辅相成的。你的精神和肉体经过一晚上的睡眠和休息,即使在你醒过来之后,仍然需要一段时间来完全恢复状态。在这个过程中,你的大脑会比你的身体更快的恢复状态,但大脑也不会恢复到最好的状态,因为你的身体还没有完全恢复,谁让他们是一体两面的呢。这就是为什么花 5 分钟小小的锻炼一下就能够促进你身体机能的完全恢复。

Morning exercise does not just wake up your body, it gives you a dose of adrenaline rush to clear your mind out of mental fogs and helps you to focus better. Working out in the morning also results in a numerous benefits such as you'll have a better meal, upbeat mood, positive thinking, more healthy metabolism, etc. The best thing is **all of this could be achieved within only 5 minutes. **

早起锻炼不仅能唤醒你的身体,更能让你分泌肾上腺素来祛除意识中的“晨雾”,以及让你更加专注。早起锻炼还能让你得到几个附加的益处,比如早餐的效果更好,乐观的精神,积极的思考,更加健康的新陈代谢等等。最棒的是所有这一切只要 5 分钟就足够了。

One of the best whole body workout with high efficiency that could be done in such short time is planking. It's basically like push-up, except that you don't push-up. Instead, you hold your whole body against the floor with your arms or elbows. You can check this picture below.


[Quora] 起床之后如何只用 5 分钟就让一天的生活更加美好?_第1张图片

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