
本期选自The Economist 2016-07-30

  1. loss-making 经常亏损的,无利的,not making a profit
    原文句子:The loss-making site also suggested revenue for the current quarter might be as low as $590m, well below market expectations.

  2. better bet 更聪明的选择, 更好的选择
    原文句子:For the time being at least, human judgment is still a better bet than cold-hearted code.

  3. on a roll 连续获胜中,正在走好运,超常发挥,飞黄腾达,experiencing a series of successes
    原文出现在Science and Technology板块Printed electronics,用这个词形容打印电子产品的良好发展态势。

  4. mean girl 坏女孩,women who use passive-agressive or outright aggressive tactics to shame, humiliate, ostracize, or hurt other women, often with the intention of making herself look better by comparison

  5. time capsule 时空胶囊; 内存具有时代特征的文章、文件等的密藏容器,埋在地下或新建建筑物地基下供后人发现并了解现代情况
    原文相关句子:Now, Nigel Blamey of Brock University, in Ontario, Canada, has brought some evidence to bear on the question. His study, just published in Geology, is the first to measure directly the composition of samples of air from this ancient time. They were trapped in rock salt from the Officer Basin in south-western Australia, laid down by the evaporation of seawater between 830m and 800m years ago.

  6. Abenomics 安倍经济学
    原文句子:Abenomics may have failed to live up to the hype but it has not failed.

  7. sprawl 蔓延,无计划地扩展
    原文句子:Instead of focusing, Yahoo sprawled.

  8. self-serving 自私自利的,interested only in yourself
    原文句子:Besides their suspicion of trade and immigration, nearly all rail against their country’s elite, whom they invariably describe as self-serving.

  9. think-tank 智囊团,a group or institution organized for intensive research and solving of problems, especially in the areas of technology, social or political strategy, or armament.
    原文句子:Timbro, a Swedish free-market think-tank, has compiled an index of what it calls “authoritarian populism”, which tracks the strength of drawbridge-up parties in Europe.

  10. (be at) cross purposes 南辕北辙 , 互相误解 , 意见相左
    原文出现在Europe板块Catholic youth in Poland
    相关句子:As the global church trends liberal, the Polish church is not following.

