feature#0001852: Another 10% speedup in spine
feature#0001878: Add Linux Capabilities to Spine
feature: Add additional ping methods to allow more precise snmp pings
feature: Clean up directory, update bootstrap
bug#0001669: Problems with getting data from script using SPINE on Windows Server 2003 x32
bug#0001829: Wrong string numerical value got from Spine SNMP poller
bug#0001899: spine treats undef replies as 0
bug#0001968: Spine Error with Cisco FWSM firewalls
bug#0001974: PRIV_PROC_EXEC is required for Spine on Solaris 10
bug#0002059: Spine doing too many (80+) connections when polling
bug: Net-snmp API issues cause spine crashes with some SNMP agents
bug: Host list not properly initialized
bug: Mutex locking issues cause deadlocks in Windows
bug: Escape windows type back slashes in scripts
bug: Use safer Non Net-SNMP string parsing calls for snmpget and snmpgetnext
bug: be smart for SNMP V3 and use AuthNoPriv when privacy passphrase is empty
bug: Do not fail on insert for a duplicate record
bug: Script server results with special characters can cause segfaults