




一. 先来回顾国内的  《高等院校毕业证书》,正文如下:

学生XXX,性别女,1985年7月7日生,于二OO七年十月至二O一O年9月在本校护理学(网络教育 专升本)专业三年制本科学习,修完教学计划规定的全部课程,成绩合格,准予毕业。

​二. 从网络上找出靠谱的外文毕业证书学习句式,正文如下:

​This is to certify that


has satisfactorily completed the four-year Agriculture curriculum in this school and having met the requirements for graduation with the necessary number of credits as indicated on the accompanying certificate is entitled to this


Given at Woodstown New Jersey This Thirteenth Day of June 1935


--》学生保罗·高恩特 · 布鲁克斯(Paul Gaunt Brooks)于本校四年制农学专业学习,修完教学计划的全部课程,成绩合格(具体学分详见附件),准予毕业。

--》毕业证书颁发时间:1935年6月13日     毕业证书颁发地点:新泽西伍兹顿

三. 接下来仿照该材料翻译图1正文。

This is to certify that

student XXX

female, born on July 7, 1985

satisfactorily completing the three-year Nursing undergraduate program (distance education for students upgrading from associate degree to bachelor's degree) from October 2007 to September 2010 in this university


having met the requirements for graduation with the necessary number of credits

is entitled to this diploma


1. 由于毕业证书旨在证明学生修完课程而被准予毕业,因此,尽管原证书中没有“兹证明”等字眼,译文开篇仍需要增译“This is to certify (that)”。

2. 外国毕业证书的正文格式一般设为居中,且每个单词的每个字母都大写,此处不好排版,所以居左设置了,为便于阅读,也没有将每个字母大写。

3. 大专学位:associate degree。

4. 本科学位:bachelor's degree。

四. 其他细枝末叶的翻译。

此部分翻译略。但需要强调的一点是,证件加盖钢印的位置,下方需要说明钢印的内容,一般格式为:[embossed seal: XXXX];至于红章,需要截取原图,适当调整大小后粘贴于译文中,然后加注红章内容,一般格式为:[seal:XXXX]。

五. 接下来,我们一起看看国内其它翻译模板,把图1的内容套进去,对比一下。

This is to certify that studentXXX, female,born on July 7, 1985, has studied in this university with a speciality of Nursing (distance education for students upgrading from associate degree to bachelor's degree)  from October 2007 to September 2010. Upon completing and passing all the required courses of the 3-year undergraduate program , she is granted graduation.


1. “from  September 1995 to June 1999”是过去时间,应使用过去时态,因此,“has studied” 应改为 “studied”;

2. “speciality of”后跟具体专业名称,因此,“a speciality of ”应改为“the speciality of”;

3. “完成课程”、“通过考试”,逻辑应该如此,因此,“passing all the required courses”应改为 “passing the examinations of all the required courses”;

4. 毕业证书的终极目的应该在于证明“学生修完课程,成绩合格,准予毕业”,可是该译文却将这部分内容另起一句,放在“this is to certify”句子之外,显然不符合该文件的目的。


This is to certify that

student XXX, female, born on July 7, 1985

studying in this university with the speciality of Nursing (distance education for students upgrading from associate degree to bachelor's degree)  from October 2007 to September 2010

having completed and passed the examinations of all the courses required  in the 3-year undergraduate program

is granted graduation

