manager-user password-modify enable #开启管理员登录时修改自身密码功能(默认缺省值)
undo manager-user password-modify enable #关闭管理员登录时修改自身密码的功能
在设备启动过程中,看到提示信息“Press Ctrl+B to Enter Main Menu...3”时按下Ctrl+B,
Press Ctrl+B to Enter Main Menu...3
Password: O&m15213
For the sake of security, please modify the original password.
====================< Extend Main Menu >====================
| <1> Boot System
| <2> Set Startup Application Software and Configuration
| <3> File Management Menu...
| <4> Load and Upgrade Menu...
|<5> Modify Bootrom Password
| <6> Reset Factory Configuration
| <0> Reboot
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| Press Ctrl+T to Enter Manufacture Test Menu...
| Press Ctrl+Z to Enter Diagnose Menu...
Enter your choice(0-6): 5
Change Password.
Old Password: O&m15213 #默认密码
New Password: Admin@123 #新密码
Confirm Password: Admin@123 #新密码
Save new password ... Done.
====================< Extend Main Menu >====================
| <1> Boot System
| <2> Set Startup Application Software and Configuration
| <3> File Management Menu...
| <4> Load and Upgrade Menu...
| <5> Modify Bootrom Password
| <6> Reset Factory Configuration
| <0> Reboot
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| Press Ctrl+T to Enter Manufacture Test Menu...
| Press Ctrl+Z to Enter Diagnose Menu...
Enter your choice(0-6): 2 #选择2,进入设置启动文件和配置文件的子菜单
Current boot application software:
Current boot configuration:
<1> Modify setting
<0> Quit
Enter your choice (0-1): 1 #选择1,进入修改配置子菜单
File(s) in hda1:
1:hda1:/sup.bin 139720443 bytes
2:hda1:/vrpcfg.zip 17142 bytes
Total size: 1201569792 bytes.
Free size: 1061832207 bytes.
File(s) in hda2:
1:hda2:/keylog/log_1389968546.txt 442185 bytes
Total size: 640745472 bytes.
Free size: 640253952 bytes.
Input the name of application software(eg: hda1:/sup.bin):
Input the name of configuration or '.' to clear setting(eg: hda1:/vrpcfg.zip):. 输入“.”来将下次启动配置改为空配置。
Modifed configuration successful.
Next boot configuration: NULL
====================< Extend Main Menu >====================
| <1> Boot System
| <2> Set Startup Application Software and Configuration
| <3> File Management Menu...
| <4> Load and Upgrade Menu...
| <5> Modify Bootrom Password
| <6> Reset Factory Configuration
| <0> Reboot
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| Press Ctrl+T to Enter Manufacture Test Menu...
| Press Ctrl+Z to Enter Diagnose Menu...
Enter your choice(0-6): 1 选择1引导系统启动
user-manage web-authentication enable #开启web管理认证功能