title: ssh 批量分发
tags: sshkey,批量,分发
1. 批量发简述
2. ssh 连接原理
ssh 建立连接方式有密码登录验证和 密钥登录验证,我们现在用的是密钥登录来让主机之间添加互信关系。其中密钥登录的原理图如上图。
- 客户端和服务端建立通道连接
- 客户端向服务端发送公钥(其中公钥和私钥都可以用ssh-keygen生成,默认生成一次就是一对,分别是公钥和私钥,私钥是保存在客户端,公钥是保存在服务端,其中生成公钥私钥可以理解为去超市买一把锁,默认都是有锁有钥匙,其中锁给服务端,钥匙自己留着,用来去服务端开锁)
- 客户端发送过来公钥,服务端会检查自有的known_hosts文件进行验证,如果服务端发现这次访问时第一次,它会提示客户端,让客户端敲yes后,服务端会把客户端的指纹信息写在known_hosts,然后让客户端输入服务端的密码,如果客户端输正确了,服务端会把该公钥放在自己的.ssh目录中
- 客户端带着私钥过来要求连接服务端
- 服务端用公钥质询加密发给客户端
- 客户端拿配套的私钥进行解密后的质询发送回服务端
- 验证通过,双方建立连接,客户端终于连接上了服务端
3. scp工具解析
- scp命令和cp命令很像,cp是本地拷贝,scp是加密的远程拷贝,参数的区别是,-p 是保持属性,-P是端口号。
- scp可以把数据从一台机器推送到另一台机器,也可以从其他服务器把数据拉回本地。
- scp和rsync的区别是,scp不支持增量拷贝,且没有daemon模式,每一次都是全量拷贝,效率低,适合第一用,如果是增量备份还是推荐使用rsync。举例如下:
推 [root@server ~]# scp -r -p -P22 GNU-Linux-x86/ [email protected]:/tmp [email protected]'s password: confxml.xml 100% 2214 2.2KB/s 00:00 拉 [root@server ~]# scp -p -P22 [email protected]:/tmp/rsync_fail_log.sh ~/ [email protected]'s password: rsync_fail_log.sh 100% 0 0.0KB/s 00:00 [root@server ~]# ls |grep rsync_fail_log.sh rsync_fail_log.sh
4. 密钥生成与分发
[root@server .ssh]# ssh-keygen -t dsa
Generating public/private dsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/root/.ssh/id_dsa):
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_dsa.
Your public key has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_dsa.pub.
The key fingerprint is:
b8:42:03:c2:9d:ee:bf:10:83:6c:44:a5:1f:c8:39:80 root@server
The key's randomart image is:
+--[ DSA 1024]----+
|o... |
|E = . |
|.O.+ |
|o.=.. . |
| + =o . S |
|. ..o. . |
| o. . |
| o. |
| o. |
[root@server .ssh]# ls -a
. .. id_dsa id_dsa.pub
[root@server .ssh]# ls -l
total 8
-rw-------. 1 root root 668 May 23 01:30 id_dsa
生成密钥我们用ssh-keygen,分配公钥给对方我们使用ssh-copy-id ,
[root@server .ssh]# ssh-copy-id -i
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: ERROR: No identities found
[root@server .ssh]# ssh-copy-id -i id_dsa.pub
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 41:8a:f8:19:54:e2:e1:fa:eb:9e:3a:22:d2:1f:08:00.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
[email protected]'s password:
Now try logging into the machine, with "ssh ''", and check in:
to make sure we haven't added extra keys that you weren't expecting.
[root@server .ssh]#
[root@server .ssh]# ssh-copy-id -i id_dsa.pub "-P22 [email protected]"
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 41:8a:f8:19:54:e2:e1:fa:eb:9e:3a:22:d2:1f:08:00.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
[email protected]'s password:
Now try logging into the machine, with "ssh '-P22 [email protected]'", and check in:
to make sure we haven't added extra keys that you weren't expecting
5. 文件分发实例讲解
[root@NFSserver-C .ssh]# ssh-keygen -t dsa Generating public/private dsa key pair. [root@NFSserver-C .ssh]# ls id_dsa id_dsa.pub [root@NFSserver-C .ssh]# ssh-copy-id -i id_dsa.pub "-P22" The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established. [root@NFSserver-C .ssh]# ssh-copy-id -i id_dsa.pub "-P22" The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established. [root@NFSserver-C .ssh]# ssh-copy-id -i id_dsa.pub "-P22" The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established 确认是不是互信成功 [root@NFSserver-C .ssh]# vim /service/scripts/check-ssh.sh #!/usr/bin/env bash ############################################################## # File Name: /service/scripts/check-ssh.sh # Version: V1.0 # Author: OuYoung # Blog: https://blog.51cto.com/ouyangtao # Created Time : 2018-05-23 12:49:19 # Description: ############################################################## for n in 2 3 4 do echo "This is 192.168.50.$n" ssh [email protected].$n hostname done [root@NFSserver-C .ssh]# sh /service/scripts/check-ssh.sh This is MYSQL-B This is LAMP-A1 This is backup-D 写个简单的批发脚本,执行成功后写入crontab里,默认每30分钟执行一次分发。 [root@NFSserver-C .ssh]# vim /service/scripts/fengfa1.sh #!/usr/bin/env bash ############################################################## # File Name: /service/scripts/fengfa1.sh # Version: V1.0 # Author: OuYoung # Blog: https://blog.51cto.com/ouyangtao # Created Time : 2018-05-23 13:18:25 # Description: ############################################################## . /etc/init.d/functions FILE=$1 REMOUTEDIR=$2 if [ $# -ne 2 ] then echo "WARNINT: $0: LOCAL FILE AND REMOUTE DIR " exit 1; fi for n in 2 3 4 do cp -r $FILE /fengfa/ &&\ scp /fengfa/$(basename $FILE) [email protected].$n:$REMOUTEDIR >/dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ] then action "192.168.50.$n fengfa $1 is OK" true else action "192.168.50.$n fengfa $1 is fail" false fi done 执行测试脚本,先在分发机上/etc/hosts文件上改动,然后执行脚本,再看每台被分发机上是否有覆盖。 [root@NFSserver-C .ssh]# echo "# test fengfa is ok" >>/etc/hosts [root@NFSserver-C .ssh]# sh /service/scripts/fengfa1.sh /etc/hosts /etc fengfa /etc/hosts is OK [ OK ] fengfa /etc/hosts is OK [ OK ] fengfa /etc/hosts is OK [ OK ] [root@MYSQL-B ~]# tail -1 /etc/hosts # test fengfa is ok [root@LAMP-A1 .ssh]# tail -1 /etc/hosts # test fengfa is ok [root@backup-D ~]# tail -1 /etc/hosts # test fengfa is ok 在分发机上的cron文件写入,每三十分钟执行一次 [root@NFSserver-C ~]# echo "*/30 * * * * sh /service/scripts/fengfa1.sh /etc/hosts /etc " >>/var/spool/cron/root [root@NFSserver-C ~]# crontab -l |grep "/etc/hosts" */30 * * * * sh /service/scripts/fengfa1.sh /etc/hosts /etc
- 方法1中存在安全隐患问题,如果分发机和各个主机都是root互信的话,那么分发机就拥有所有主机的root权限,那么分发机可以随时百分百的控制各个主机,这样稍有不慎就会酿成大错,非常的不安全。我们可以在选择用普通用户做互信,先将hosts文件发送到该用户的家目录,然后给rsync添加SUID权限,然后让该用户用rsync将hosts文件在推送到本地的/etc
[root@backup-D ~]# chmod u+s /usr/bin/rsync [root@backup-D ~]# ls -l `which rsync` -rwsr-xr-t. 1 root root 410536 Apr 30 2014 /usr/bin/rsync [root@LAMP-A1 ~]# chmod u+s /usr/bin/rsync [root@LAMP-A1 ~]# ls -l `which rsync` -rwsr-xr-x. 1 root root 410536 Apr 30 2014 /usr/bin/rsync [root@MYSQL-B ~]# chmod u+s /usr/bin/rsync [root@MYSQL-B ~]# ls -l `which rsync` -rwsr-xr-x. 1 root root 410536 Apr 30 2014 /usr/bin/rsync 我们把分发脚本稍微改一下,重新命名fengfa2.sh [test@NFSserver-C ~]$ vim /service/scripts/fengfa2.sh #!/usr/bin/env bash ############################################################## # File Name: /service/scripts/fengfa1.sh # Version: V1.0 # Author: OuYoung # Blog: https://blog.51cto.com/ouyangtao # Created Time : 2018-05-23 13:18:25 # Description: ############################################################## . /etc/init.d/functions FILE=$1 REMOUTEDIR=$2 if [ $# -ne 2 ] then echo "WARNINT: $0: LOCAL FILE AND REMOUTE DIR " exit 1; fi for n in 2 3 4 do cp -r $FILE /fengfa/ &&\ scp /fengfa/$(basename $FILE) [email protected].$n:~/ &>/dev/null &&\ ssh [email protected].$n "rsync ~/$(basename $FILE) $REMOUTEDIR" &>/dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ] then action "192.168.50.$n fengfa $1 is OK" true else action "192.168.50.$n fengfa $1 is fail" false fi done 再次进行测试发现: [test@NFSserver-C ~]$ sh /service/scripts/fengfa2.sh /etc/hosts /etc fengfa /etc/hosts is OK [ OK ] fengfa /etc/hosts is OK [ OK ] fengfa /etc/hosts is OK [ OK ]
- 当然方法二也不安全,把rsync的权限设置为SUID的话,那么任何用户执行rsync都可以像root执行rsync一样,那安全隐患也很大,我们继续限制让只有test用户才可以执行rsync,其他的普通用户依然不能执行rsync,这样安全性减少很多。因此我们利用sudo,在每个客户端上将rsync设置为test用户可以执行,如:
[root@backup-D ~]# chmod u-s `which rsync` [root@backup-D ~]# echo "test ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/rsync" >>/etc/sudoers [root@backup-D ~]# tail -1 /etc/sudoers test ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/rsync [root@backup-D ~]# visudo -c /etc/sudoers: parsed OK [root@LAMP-A1 ~]# chmod u-s `which rsync` [root@LAMP-A1 ~]# echo "test ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/rsync" >>/etc/sudoers [root@LAMP-A1 ~]# tail -1 /etc/sudoers test ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/rsync [root@LAMP-A1 ~]# visudo -c /etc/sudoers: parsed OK [root@MYSQL-B ~]# chmod u-s `which rsync` [root@MYSQL-B ~]# echo "test ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/rsync" >>/etc/sudoers [root@MYSQL-B ~]# chmod u-s `which rsync` [root@MYSQL-B ~]# tail -1 /etc/sudoers test ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/rsync [root@MYSQL-B ~]# visudo -c /etc/sudoers: parsed OK 分发脚本稍微改一下,重新命名fengfa23.sh [test@NFSserver-C ~]$ vim /service/scripts/fengfa3.sh #!/usr/bin/env bash ############################################################## # File Name: /service/scripts/fengfa1.sh # Version: V1.0 # Author: OuYoung # Blog: https://blog.51cto.com/ouyangtao # Created Time : 2018-05-23 13:18:25 # Description: ############################################################## . /etc/init.d/functions FILE=$1 REMOUTEDIR=$2 if [ $# -ne 2 ] then echo "WARNINT: $0: LOCAL FILE AND REMOUTE DIR " exit 1; fi for n in 2 3 4 do cp -r $FILE /fengfa/ &&\ scp /fengfa/$(basename $FILE) [email protected].$n:~/ &>/dev/null &&\ ssh -t [email protected].$n "sudo rsync ~/$(basename $FILE) /etc/" &>/dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ] then action "192.168.50.$n fengfa $1 is OK" true else action "192.168.50.$n fengfa $1 is fail" false fi done [test@NFSserver-C ~]$ sh /service/scripts/fengfa3.sh /etc/hosts /etc fengfa /etc/hosts is OK [ OK ] fengfa /etc/hosts is OK [ OK ] fengfa /etc/hosts is OK [ OK ]
6. 批量分发小结
其实现在很多人批量分发都看不起sshkey,他们大都采用puppet和saltstack,诚然puppet和saltstack必然是更加专业而且更加强大,但是配置起来比起sshkey的方案难太多了,根据linux的基本原则,如果简单易用的方法可以解决需求,那请尽量选择简单易用的方案,如果不满足需求才考虑其他更优的方案,因为我们的运维法则是简单,易用,高效,毕竟ssh key才是中小企业最基本实用的批量分发,管理方案。