GraphSAGE 代码解析(二) - layers.py
GraphSAGE 代码解析(三) - aggregators.py
GraphSAGE 代码解析(四) - models.py
1. toy-ppi-G.json 图的信息

{ directed: false graph : { {name: disjoint_union(,) } nodes: [ { test: false id: 0 features: [ ... ] val: false lable: [ ... ] } {...} ... ] links: [ { test_removed: false train_removed: false target: 800 # 指向的节点id(默认从小节点指向大节点) source: 0 # 从0节点按顺序展示 } {...} ... ] } }
2. toy-ppi-class_map.json
3. toy-ppi-feats.npy 预训练好得到的features
4. toy-ppi-id_map.json 节点编号与序号的一一对应;数据格式为:{"0": 0, "1": 1,..., "14754": 14754}
5. toy-ppi-walks.txt
例如:0 708 表示从0点走到708点。
1. __init__.py
1 from __future__ import print_function 2 #即使在python2.X,使用print就得像python3.X那样加括号使用。 3 4 from __future__ import division 5 # 导入python未来支持的语言特征division(精确除法), 6 # 当我们没有在程序中导入该特征时,"/"操作符执行的是截断除法(Truncating Division); 7 # 当我们导入精确除法之后,"/"执行的是精确除法, "//"执行截断除除法
2. unsupervised_train.py
1 if __name__ == '__main__': 2 tf.app.run() 3 # https://blog.csdn.net/fxjzzyo/article/details/80466321 4 # tf.app.run()的作用:通过处理flag解析,然后执行main函数 5 # 如果你的代码中的入口函数不叫main(),而是一个其他名字的函数,如test(),则你应该这样写入口tf.app.run(test()) 6 # 如果你的代码中的入口函数叫main(),则你就可以把入口写成tf.app.run()
1 def main(argv=None): 2 print("Loading training data..") 3 train_data = load_data(FLAGS.train_prefix, load_walks=True) 4 # load_data函数在graphsage.utils中定义 5 6 print("Done loading training data..") 7 train(train_data) 8 # train函数在该文件中定义def train(train_data, test_data=None)
3. utils.py - func: load_data
(1) 读入id_map, class_map
1 if isinstance(G.nodes()[0], int): 2 def conversion(n): return int(n) 3 else: 4 def conversion(n): return n
a. isinstance() 函数来判断一个对象是否是一个已知的类型,类似 type()。
isinstance(object, classinfo)
object -- 实例对象。
classinfo -- 可以是直接或间接类名、基本类型或者由它们组成的元组。
如果对象的类型与参数二的类型(classinfo)相同则返回 True,否则返回 False。
>>>a = 2 >>> isinstance (a,int) True >>> isinstance (a,str) False >>> isinstance (a,(str,int,list)) # 是元组中的一个返回 True True
type() 与 isinstance() 区别:
type() 不会认为子类是一种父类类型,不考虑继承关系。
isinstance() 会认为子类是一种父类类型,考虑继承关系。
如果要判断两个类型是否相同推荐使用 isinstance()。

1 class A: 2 pass 3 4 class B(A): 5 pass 6 7 isinstance(A(), A) # returns True 8 type(A()) == A # returns True 9 isinstance(B(), A) # returns True 10 type(B()) == A # returns False
b. G.nodes()

>>> G = nx.path_graph(3) >>> list(G.nodes) [0, 1, 2] >>> list(G) [0, 1, 2]

>>> G.add_node(1, time='5pm') >>> G.nodes[0]['foo'] = 'bar' >>> list(G.nodes(data=True)) [(0, {'foo': 'bar'}), (1, {'time': '5pm'}), (2, {})] >>> list(G.nodes.data()) [(0, {'foo': 'bar'}), (1, {'time': '5pm'}), (2, {})] >>> list(G.nodes(data='foo')) [(0, 'bar'), (1, None), (2, None)] >>> list(G.nodes(data='time')) [(0, None), (1, '5pm'), (2, None)] >>> list(G.nodes(data='time', default='Not Available')) [(0, 'Not Available'), (1, '5pm'), (2, 'Not Available')]
If some of your nodes have an attribute and the rest are assumed to have a default attribute value you can create a dictionary from node/attribute pairs using the default keyword argument to guarantee the value is never None:

>>> G = nx.Graph() >>> G.add_node(0) >>> G.add_node(1, weight=2) >>> G.add_node(2, weight=3) >>> dict(G.nodes(data='weight', default=1)) {0: 1, 1: 2, 2: 3}
在utils.py中,判断G.nodes()[0] 是否为int型(即不带nodedata)。
b. conversion() 函数
1 id_map = json.load(open(prefix + "-id_map.json")) 2 id_map = {conversion(k): int(v) for k, v in id_map.items()}
id_map.json文件中数据格式为:{"0": 0, "1": 1,..., "14754": 14754},也即id_map的迭代中k为str类型,v为int型。数据文件中G.nodes()[0] 显然是带nodedata的,也就算一般采用 def conversion(n): return n,返回的n为类型的(就是前面形参k的类型);
但是为什么当G.nodes()[0] 不带nodedata时,要返回int(n)?
c. class_map: {"0": [.0,1,..], "1": [.0,1,..]...} ?含义?
list(class_map.values()): [ [...], [...], ... ,[...] ]
list(class_map.values())[0]: 表示取第一个[...] =>含义?
if isinstance(list(class_map.values())[0], list):
def lab_conversion(n): return n
def lab_conversion(n): return int(n)
(2) Remove node
1 # Remove all nodes that do not have val/test annotations 2 # (necessary because of networkx weirdness with the Reddit data) 3 broken_count = 0 4 for node in G.nodes(): 5 if not 'val' in G.node[node] or not 'test' in G.node[node]: 6 G.remove_node(node) 7 broken_count += 1
这里删除的节点是不具有'val','test'属性 的节点,而不是'val','test' 属性值为None的节点。
区分开 if not 'val' in G.node[node] 和 if not G.node[n]['val']的不同意义。
broken_count 记录删去的没有val 或者 test的属性的节点的数目。
e. G.edges()
1 for edge in G.edges(): 2 if (G.node[edge[0]]['val'] or G.node[edge[1]]['val'] or 3 G.node[edge[0]]['test'] or G.node[edge[1]]['test']): 4 G[edge[0]][edge[1]]['train_removed'] = True 5 else: 6 G[edge[0]][edge[1]]['train_removed'] = False
G.edges() 得到edge_list, [( , ), ( , ), ... ( , )].list中每一个元素是所表示边的两个节点信息。若设置data = True,则会显示边的权重等属性信息。

>>> G = nx.Graph() # or DiGraph, MultiGraph, MultiDiGraph, etc >>> G.add_path([0,1,2]) >>> G.add_edge(2,3,weight=5) >>> G.edges() [(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3)] >>> G.edges(data=True) # default edge data is {} (empty dictionary) [(0, 1, {}), (1, 2, {}), (2, 3, {'weight': 5})] >>> list(G.edges_iter(data='weight', default=1)) [(0, 1, 1), (1, 2, 1), (2, 3, 5)] >>> G.edges([0,3]) [(0, 1), (3, 2)] >>> G.edges(0) [(0, 1)]
代码中edge对edges迭代,每次去list中的一个元组,而edge[0], edge[1]则分别表示两个顶点。
(3) 获取训练数据features并标准化
1 if normalize and not feats is None: 2 from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler 3 train_ids = np.array([id_map[n] for n in G.nodes( 4 ) if not G.node[n]['val'] and not G.node[n]['test']]) 5 train_feats = feats[train_ids] 6 scaler = StandardScaler() 7 scaler.fit(train_feats) 8 feats = scaler.transform(feats)
这里if not feats is None 等价于 if feats is not None.
fit(X[, y]) : Compute the mean and std to be used for later scaling.
transform(X[, y, copy]) : Perform standardization by centering and scaling
fit_transform(X[, y]) : Fit to data, then transform it.

>>> from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler >>> data = [[0, 0], [0, 0], [1, 1], [1, 1]] >>> scaler = StandardScaler() >>> print(scaler.fit(data)) StandardScaler(copy=True, with_mean=True, with_std=True) >>> print(scaler.mean_) [0.5 0.5] >>> print(scaler.transform(data)) [[-1. -1.] [-1. -1.] [ 1. 1.] [ 1. 1.]] >>> print(scaler.transform([[2, 2]])) [[3. 3.]] # 计算得 # 均值[0.5, 0.5], # 方差:1/4 * [(0 - 0.5)^2 * 2 + (1 - 0.5)^2 * 2] = 1/4 = 0.25 # 标准差:0.5 # 对于[2,2] transform 标准化之后: (2 - 0.5) / 0.5 = 3
(4) Load walks
1 train_data = load_data(FLAGS.train_prefix, load_walks=True)
load_walks = True,需要执行utils.py中的load_walks操作。
1 if load_walks: # false by default 2 with open(prefix + "-walks.txt") as fp: 3 for line in fp: 4 walks.append(map(conversion, line.split()))
map() 的用法:http://www.runoob.com/python/python-func-map.html
map(function, iterable, ...)
map() 会根据提供的函数对指定序列做映射。
第一个参数 function 以参数序列中的每一个元素调用 function 函数,返回包含每次 function 函数返回值的新列表。

>>>def square(x) : # 计算平方数 ... return x ** 2 ... >>> map(square, [1,2,3,4,5]) # 计算列表各个元素的平方 [1, 4, 9, 16, 25] >>> map(lambda x: x ** 2, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) # 使用 lambda 匿名函数 [1, 4, 9, 16, 25] # 提供了两个列表,对相同位置的列表数据进行相加 >>> map(lambda x, y: x + y, [1, 3, 5, 7, 9], [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]) [3, 7, 11, 15, 19]
walks初始化为[], 之后append的是游走的节点对的对象。
0 708 0 3163 0 276

1 def conversion(n): return n 2 walks = [] 3 with open("walks.txt") as fp: 4 for line in fp: 5 print(line.split()) 6 walks.append(map(conversion, line.split())) 7 print(walks) 8 print(len(walks))
['0', '708'] ['0', '3163'] ['0', '276'] [
(5) 函数返回值
1 return G, feats, id_map, walks, class_map
4. unsupervised_train.py - func: train(train_data)
1 def train(train_data, test_data=None):
G = train_data[0] # 图 features = train_data[1] # 训练数据的features id_map = train_data[2] # "n" : n context_pairs = train_data[3] if FLAGS.random_context else None #random walk的点对
1 if not features is None: 2 # pad with dummy zero vector 3 features = np.vstack([features, np.zeros((features.shape[1],))])
这里vstack为features添加列一行0向量,用于WX + b中与b相加。
1 placeholders = construct_placeholders() 2 # def construct_placeholders()定义的placeholders包含: 3 # batch1, batch2, neg_samples, dropout, batch_size
minibatch是EdgeMinibatchIterator的一个实例,转至minibatch.py看class EdgeMinibatchIterator(object)的定义。
5. minibatch.py - class EdgeMinibatchIterator
6. unsupervised_train.py - func train
继续回来看unsupervised_trian.py 中的train函数
1 adj_info_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=minibatch.adj.shape) 2 adj_info = tf.Variable(adj_info_ph, trainable=False, name="adj_info")
a. graphsage_maxpool
1 sampler = UniformNeighborSampler(adj_info)
1 class UniformNeighborSampler(Layer): 2 """ 3 Uniformly samples neighbors. 4 Assumes that adj lists are padded with random re-sampling 5 """ 6 def __init__(self, adj_info, **kwargs): 7 super(UniformNeighborSampler, self).__init__(**kwargs) 8 self.adj_info = adj_info 9 10 def _call(self, inputs): 11 ids, num_samples = inputs 12 adj_lists = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(self.adj_info, ids) 13 adj_lists = tf.transpose(tf.random_shuffle(tf.transpose(adj_lists))) 14 adj_lists = tf.slice(adj_lists, [0,0], [-1, num_samples]) 15 return adj_lists
1. tf.nn.embedding_lookup 用于根据ids在adj_info中找到各个对应位的向量。
2. adj_lists = tf.transpose(tf.random_shuffle(tf.transpose(adj_lists)))
adj_lists = tf.slice(adj_lists, [0,0], [-1, num_samples]) 的过程见下:
id0 id1 id2... --transpose--> id0 [...] --shuffle--> id1 [...] --transpose--> id1 id2 id0 --slice--> id1 id2
[] [] [] id1 [...] id2 [...] [] [] [] [] []
id2 [...] id0 [...]
3. 最后的adj_lists即为均匀采样后的表示邻居信息的矩阵。
回到unsupervised_train.py 的train()函数.
1 sampler = UniformNeighborSampler(adj_info)
1 layer_infos = [SAGEInfo("node", sampler, FLAGS.samples_1, FLAGS.dim_1), 2 SAGEInfo("node", sampler, FLAGS.samples_2, FLAGS.dim_2)]
1 # SAGEInfo is a namedtuple that specifies the parameters 2 # of the recursive GraphSAGE layers 3 SAGEInfo = namedtuple("SAGEInfo", 4 ['layer_name', # name of the layer (to get feature embedding etc.) 5 'neigh_sampler', # callable neigh_sampler constructor 6 'num_samples', 7 'output_dim' # the output (i.e., hidden) dimension 8 ])
namedtuple 命名元组,可以给tuple命名,用法见下:

1 import collections 2 3 MyTupleClass = collections.namedtuple('MyTupleClass',['name', 'age', 'job']) 4 obj = MyTupleClass("Tomsom",12,'Cooker') 5 print(obj.name) 6 print(obj.age) 7 print(obj.job) 8 9 # Output: 10 # Tomsom 11 # 12 12 # Cooker 13 ############################# 14 15 Person=collections.namedtuple('Person','name age gender') 16 # 以空格分开,表示这个namedtuple有三个元素 17 18 print( 'Type of Person:',type(Person)) 19 Bob=Person(name='Bob',age=30,gender='male') 20 print( 'Representation:',Bob) 21 Jane=Person(name='Jane',age=29,gender='female') 22 print( 'Field by Name:',Jane.name) 23 for people in [Bob,Jane]: 24 print ("%s is %d years old %s" % people) 25 26 # Output: 27 # Type of Person:28 # Representation: Person(name='Bob', age=30, gender='male') 29 # Field by Name: Jane 30 # Bob is 30 years old male 31 # Jane is 29 years old female 32 ############################# 33 34 # 在使用namedtyuple的时候要注意其中的名称不能使用Python的关键字,如class def等 35 # 不能有重复的元素名称,比如:不能有两个’age age’。如果出现这些情况,程序会报错。 36 # 但是,在实际使用的时候可能无法避免这种情况, 37 # 比如:可能我们的元素名称是从数据库里读出来的记录,这样很难保证一定不会出现Python关键字。 38 # 这种情况下的解决办法是将namedtuple的重命名模式打开, 39 # 这样如果遇到Python关键字或者有重复元素名 时,自动进行重命名。 40 41 with_class=collections.namedtuple('Person','name age class gender',rename=True) 42 print with_class._fields 43 two_ages=collections.namedtuple('Person','name age gender age',rename=True) 44 print two_ages._fields 45 46 # Output: 47 # ('name', 'age', '_2', 'gender') 48 # ('name', 'age', 'gender', '_3') 49 50 # 使用rename=True的方式打开重命名选项。 51 # 可以看到第一个集合中的class被重命名为 ‘_2' ; 52 # 第二个集合中重复的age被重命名为 ‘_3' 53 # namedtuple在重命名的时候使用了下划线 _ 加元素所在索引数的方式进行重命名 54 ############################## 55 56 # 附两段官方文档代码实例: 57 # 1) namedtuple基本用法 58 >>> # Basic example 59 >>> Point = namedtuple('Point', ['x', 'y']) 60 >>> p = Point(11, y=22) # instantiate with positional or keyword arguments 61 >>> p[0] + p[1] # indexable like the plain tuple (11, 22) 62 33 63 >>> x, y = p # unpack like a regular tuple 64 >>> x, y 65 (11, 22) 66 >>> p.x + p.y # fields also accessible by name 67 33 68 >>> p # readable __repr__ with a name=value style 69 Point(x=11, y=22) 70 71 # 2) namedtuple结合csv和sqlite用法 72 EmployeeRecord = namedtuple('EmployeeRecord', 'name, age, title, department, paygrade') 73 import csv 74 for emp in map(EmployeeRecord._make, csv.reader(open("employees.csv", "rb"))): 75 print(emp.name, emp.title) 76 77 import sqlite3 78 conn = sqlite3.connect('/companydata') 79 cursor = conn.cursor() 80 cursor.execute('SELECT name, age, title, department, paygrade FROM employees') 81 for emp in map(EmployeeRecord._make, cursor.fetchall()): 82 print(emp.name, emp.title)
1 flags.DEFINE_integer( 2 'dim_1', 128, 'Size of output dim (final is 2x this, if using concat)') 3 flags.DEFINE_integer( 4 'dim_2', 128, 'Size of output dim (final is 2x this, if using concat)')
1 flags.DEFINE_integer('samples_1', 25, 'number of samples in layer 1')
2 flags.DEFINE_integer('samples_2', 10, 'number of users samples in layer 2')
对应论文中的K = 1 ,第一层S1 = 25; K = 2 ,第二层S2 = 10。
1 model = SampleAndAggregate(placeholders, 2 features, 3 adj_info, 4 minibatch.deg, 5 layer_infos=layer_infos, 6 aggregator_type="maxpool", 7 model_size=FLAGS.model_size, 8 identity_dim=FLAGS.identity_dim, 9 logging=True)
class SampleAndAggregate(GeneralizedModel)主要包含的函数有:
1. def __init__(self, placeholders, features, adj, degrees, layer_infos, concat=True, aggregator_type="mean", model_size="small", identity_dim=0, **kwargs)
2. def sample(self, inputs, layer_infos, batch_size=None)
3. def aggregate(self, samples, input_features, dims, num_samples, support_sizes, batch_size=None,
aggregators=None, name=None, concat=False, model_size="small")
4. def _build(self)
5. def build(self)
6. def _loss(self)
7. def _accuracy(self)
(2) Session
1 config = tf.ConfigProto(log_device_placement=FLAGS.log_device_placement) 2 # 参数初始化为False: 3 # tf.app.flags.DEFINE_boolean('log_device_placement', False, 4 # """Whether to log device placement.""") 5 6 config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True 7 # 控制GPU资源使用率 8 # 使用allow_growth option,刚一开始分配少量的GPU容量,然后按需慢慢的增加, 9 # 由于不会释放内存,所以会导致碎片 10 11 #config.gpu_options.per_process_gpu_memory_fraction = GPU_MEM_FRACTION 12 # 设置每个GPU应该拿出多少容量给进程使用, 13 # per_process_gpu_memory_fraction =0.4代表 40% 14 15 config.allow_soft_placement = True 16 # 自动选择运行设备 17 # 在tf中,通过命令 "with tf.device('/cpu:0'):",允许手动设置操作运行的设备。 18 # 如果手动设置的设备不存在或者不可用,就会导致tf程序等待或异常, 19 # 为了防止这种情况,可以设置tf.ConfigProto()中参数allow_soft_placement=True, 20 # 允许tf自动选择一个存在并且可用的设备来运行操作。
Initialize session
1 # Initialize session 2 sess = tf.Session(config=config) 3 merged = tf.summary.merge_all() 4 # tf.summary()能够保存训练过程以及参数分布图并在tensorboard显示。 5 # merge_all 可以将所有summary全部保存到磁盘,以便tensorboard显示。 6 # 如果没有特殊要求,一般用这一句就可一显示训练时的各种信息了 7 8 summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(log_dir(), sess.graph) 9 # 指定一个文件用来保存图。 10 # 格式:tf.summary.FileWritter(path,sess.graph) 11 # 可以调用其add_summary()方法将训练过程数据保存在filewriter指定的文件中
Init variables
1 sess.run(tf.global_variables_initializer(), 2 feed_dict={adj_info_ph: minibatch.adj})
(4) Train model
1 feed_dict = minibatch.next_minibatch_feed_dict()
next_minibatch_feed_dict() 在minibatch.py的class EdgeMinibatchIterator(object)中定义。

1 def next_minibatch_feed_dict(self): 2 start_idx = self.batch_num * self.batch_size 3 self.batch_num += 1 4 end_idx = min(start_idx + self.batch_size, len(self.train_edges)) 5 batch_edges = self.train_edges[start_idx: end_idx] 6 return self.batch_feed_dict(batch_edges)
函数中获取下个edgeminibatch的起始与终止序号,将batch后的边的信息传给batch_feed_dict(self, batch_edges)函数,更新placeholders中的batch1, batch2, batch_size信息。

1 def batch_feed_dict(self, batch_edges): 2 batch1 = [] 3 batch2 = [] 4 for node1, node2 in batch_edges: 5 batch1.append(self.id2idx[node1]) 6 batch2.append(self.id2idx[node2]) 7 8 feed_dict = dict() 9 feed_dict.update({self.placeholders['batch_size']: len(batch_edges)}) 10 feed_dict.update({self.placeholders['batch1']: batch1}) 11 feed_dict.update({self.placeholders['batch2']: batch2}) 12 13 return feed_dict
也即next_minibatch_feed_dict()返回的是下一个edge minibatch的placeholders信息。