【原创】基于.NET的轻量级高性能 ORM - TZM.XFramework


  接上一篇《【原创】打造基于Dapper的数据访问层》,Dapper在应付多表自由关联、分组查询、匿名查询等应用场景时不免显得吃力,经常要手写SQL语句(或者用工具生成SQL配置文件)。试想一下,项目中整个DAL层都塞满了SQL语句,对于后期维护来说无异于天灾人祸,这个坑谁踩谁知道。本框架在API设计上最大程度地借鉴 EntityFramework 的写法,干净的实体,丝滑的增删改查,稳健的导航属性,另外还支持链式查询(点标记)、查询表达式、聚合查询等等。在实体映射转换层面,使用 Emit 来动态构建绑定指令,性能最大限度地接近原生水平。

【XFramework 亮点】

  1. 原生.NET语法,零学习成本
  2. 支持LINQ查询、拉姆达表达式
  3. 支持批量增删改查和多表关联更新
  4. 支持 SqlServer、MySql、Postgre、Oracle,.NET Core
  5. 最大亮点,真正支持一对一、一对多导航属性。这一点相信现有开源的ORM没几个敢说它支持的
  6. 实体字段类型不必与数据库的类型一致
  7. 支持临时表、表变量操作
  8. 提供原生ADO操作
  9. 其它更多亮点,用了你就会知道



【原创】基于.NET的轻量级高性能 ORM - TZM.XFramework_第1张图片

  【原创】基于.NET的轻量级高性能 ORM - TZM.XFramework_第2张图片


 1. 实体定义  

  1.1. 如果类有 TableAttribute,则用 TableAttribute 指定的名称做为表名,否则用类名称做为表名
  1.2. 实体的字段可以指定 ColumnAttribute 特性来说明实体字段与表字段的对应关系,删除/更新时如果传递的参数是一个实体,必须使用 [Column(IsKey = true)] 指定实体的主键
  1.3. ForeignKeyAttribute 指定外键,一对多外键时类型必须是 IList 或者 List
  1.4 ColumnAttribute.DataType 用来指定表字段类型。以SQLSERVER为例,System.String 默认对应 nvarchar 类型。若是varchar类型,需要指定[Column(DbType= DbType.AnsiString)]

 1         [Table(Name = "Bas_Client")]
 2         public partial class Client
 3         {
 4             /// 
 5             /// 初始化  类的新实例
 6             /// 
 7             public Client()
 8             {
 9                 this.CloudServerId = 0;
10                 this.Qty = 0;
11                 this.HookConstructor();
12             }
14             /// 
15             /// 初始化  类的新实例
16             /// 
17             public Client(Client model)
18             {
19                 this.CloudServerId = 0;
20                 this.Qty = 0;
21                 this.HookConstructor();
22             }
24             /// 
25             /// clientid
26             /// 
27             [Column(IsKey = true)]
28             public virtual int ClientId { get; set; }
30             /// 
31             /// clientcode
32             /// 
33             public virtual string ClientCode { get; set; }
35             /// 
36             /// clientname
37             /// 
38             public virtual string ClientName { get; set; }
40             /// 
41             /// cloudserverid
42             /// 
43             [Column(Default = 0)]
44             public virtual int CloudServerId { get; set; }
46             /// 
47             /// activedate
48             /// 
49             public virtual Nullable ActiveDate { get; set; }
51             /// 
52             /// qty
53             /// 
54             [Column(Default = 0)]
55             public virtual int Qty { get; set; }
57             /// 
58             /// state
59             /// 
60             public virtual byte State { get; set; }
62             /// 
63             /// remark
64             /// 
65             [Column(Default = "'默认值'")]
66             public virtual string Remark { get; set; }
68             [ForeignKey("CloudServerId")]
69             public virtual CloudServer CloudServer { get; set; }
71             [ForeignKey("CloudServerId")]
72             public virtual CloudServer LocalServer { get; set; }
74             [ForeignKey("ClientId")]
75             public virtual List Accounts { get; set; }
77             /// 
78             /// 构造函数勾子
79             /// 
80             partial void HookConstructor();
81         }
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2. 上下文定义   

1 SQLSERVER:var context = new SqlDbContext(connString);
2 MySQL:var context = new MyMySqlDbContext(connString);
3 Postgre:var context = new NpgDbContext(connString);
4 Oracle:var context = new OracleDbContext(connString);

3. 匿名类型

 1 //// 匿名类
 2 var guid = Guid.NewGuid();
 3 var dynamicQuery =
 4     from a in context.GetTable()
 5     where a.DemoId <= 10
 6     select new
 7     {
 8         DemoId = 12,
 9         DemoCode = a.DemoCode,
10         DemoName = a.DemoName,
11         DemoDateTime_Nullable = a.DemoDateTime_Nullable,
12         DemoDate = sDate,
13         DemoDateTime = sDate,
14         DemoDateTime2 = sDate_null,
15         DemoGuid = guid,
16         DemoEnum = Model.State.Complete,        // 枚举类型支持
17         DemoEnum2 = Model.State.Executing,
18     };
19 var result0 = dynamicQuery.ToList();
21 // 点标记
22 dynamicQuery = context
23     .GetTable()
24     .Where(a => a.DemoId <= 10)
25     .Select(a => new
26     {
27         DemoId = 13,
28         DemoCode = a.DemoCode,
29         DemoName = a.DemoName,
30         DemoDateTime_Nullable = a.DemoDateTime_Nullable,
31         DemoDate = sDate,
32         DemoDateTime = sDate,
33         DemoDateTime2 = sDate_null,
34         DemoGuid = Guid.NewGuid(),
35         DemoEnum = Model.State.Complete,
36         DemoEnum2 = Model.State.Executing
37     });
38 result0 = dynamicQuery.ToList();
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 4. 所有字段

 1  // Date,DateTime,DateTime2 支持
 2 var query =
 3     from a in context.GetTable()
 4     where a.DemoId <= 10 && a.DemoDate > sDate && a.DemoDateTime >= sDate && a.DemoDateTime2 > sDate
 5     select a;
 6 var result1 = query.ToList();
 7 // 点标记
 8 query = context
 9     .GetTable()
10     .Where(a => a.DemoId <= 10 && a.DemoDate > sDate && a.DemoDateTime >= sDate && a.DemoDateTime2 > sDate);
11 result1 = query.ToList();
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5. 指定字段

 1 // 指定字段
 2 query = from a in context.GetTable()
 3         where a.DemoId <= 10
 4         select new TDemo
 5         {
 6             DemoId = (int)a.DemoId,
 7             DemoCode = (a.DemoCode ?? "N001"),
 8             DemoName = a.DemoId.ToString(),
 9             DemoDateTime_Nullable = a.DemoDateTime_Nullable,
10             DemoDate = sDate,
11             DemoDateTime = sDate,
12             DemoDateTime2 = sDate
13         };
14 result1 = query.ToList();
15 // 点标记
16 query = context
17     .GetTable()
18     .Where(a => a.DemoCode != a.DemoId.ToString() && a.DemoName != a.DemoId.ToString() && a.DemoChar == 'A' && a.DemoNChar == 'B')
19     .Select(a => new TDemo
20     {
21         DemoId = a.DemoId,
22         DemoCode = a.DemoName == "张三" ? "李四" : "王五",
23         DemoName = a.DemoCode == "张三" ? "李四" : "王五",
24         DemoChar = 'A',
25         DemoNChar = 'B',
26         DemoDateTime_Nullable = a.DemoDateTime_Nullable,
27         DemoDate = sDate,
28         DemoDateTime = sDate,
29         DemoDateTime2 = sDate
30     });
31 result1 = query.ToList();
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  用过 EntityFramework 的同学都知道,如果要通过构造函数的方式查询指定字段,除非老老实实重新定义一个新的实体,否则一个 “The entity or complex type cannot be constructed in a LINQ to Entities query“ 的异常马上给甩你脸上。XFramework 框架的这个用法,就是为了让你远离这会呼吸的痛!~

 1 // 构造函数
 2 var query =
 3         from a in context.GetTable()
 4         where a.DemoId <= 10
 5         select new Model.Demo(a);
 6 var r1 = query.ToList();
 7 //SQL=> 
 8 //SELECT 
 9 //t0.[DemoId] AS [DemoId],
10 //t0.[DemoCode] AS [DemoCode],
11 //t0.[DemoName] AS [DemoName],
12 //...
13 //FROM [Sys_Demo] t0 
14 //WHERE t0.[DemoId] <= 10
15 query =
16     from a in context.GetTable()
17     where a.DemoId <= 10
18     select new Model.Demo(a.DemoId, a.DemoName);
19 r1 = query.ToList();
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 7. 分页查询

 1 // 分页查询
 2 // 1.不是查询第一页的内容时,必须先OrderBy再分页,OFFSET ... Fetch Next 分页语句要求有 OrderBy
 3 // 2.OrderBy表达式里边的参数必须跟query里边的变量名一致,如此例里的 a。SQL解析时根据此变更生成表别名
 4 query = from a in context.GetTable()
 5         orderby a.DemoCode
 6         select a;
 7 query = query.Skip(1).Take(18);
 8 result1 = query.ToList();
 9 // 点标记
10 query = context
11     .GetTable()
12     .OrderBy(a => a.DemoCode)
13     .Skip(1)
14     .Take(18);
15 result1 = query.ToList();
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8. 过滤条件

 1 // 过滤条件
 2 query = from a in context.GetTable()
 3         where a.DemoName == "D0000002" || a.DemoCode == "D0000002"
 4         select a;
 5 result1 = query.ToList();
 6 // 点标记
 7 query = context.GetTable().Where(a => a.DemoName == "D0000002" || a.DemoCode == "D0000002");
 8 result1 = query.ToList();
 9 query = context.GetTable().Where(a => a.DemoName.Contains("004"));
10 result1 = query.ToList();
11 query = context.GetTable().Where(a => a.DemoCode.StartsWith("Code000036"));
12 result1 = query.ToList();
13 query = context.GetTable().Where(a => a.DemoCode.EndsWith("004"));
14 result1 = query.ToList();
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9. 更多条件

 1 // 支持的查询条件
 2 // 区分 nvarchar,varchar,date,datetime,datetime2 字段类型
 3 // 支持的字符串操作=> Trim | TrimStart | TrimEnd | ToString | Length
 4 int m_byte = 9;
 5 Model.State state = Model.State.Complete;
 6 query = from a in context.GetTable()
 7         where
 8             a.DemoCode == "002" &&
 9             a.DemoName == "002" &&
10             a.DemoCode.Contains("TAN") &&                                   // LIKE '%%'
11             a.DemoName.Contains("TAN") &&                                   // LIKE '%%'
12             a.DemoCode.StartsWith("TAN") &&                                 // LIKE 'K%'
13             a.DemoCode.EndsWith("TAN") &&                                   // LIKE '%K'
14             a.DemoCode.Length == 12 &&                                      // LENGTH
15             a.DemoCode.TrimStart() == "TF" &&
16             a.DemoCode.TrimEnd() == "TF" &&
17             a.DemoCode.TrimEnd() == "TF" &&
18             a.DemoCode.Substring(0) == "TF" &&
19             a.DemoDate == DateTime.Now &&
20             a.DemoDateTime == DateTime.Now &&
21             a.DemoDateTime2 == DateTime.Now &&
22             a.DemoName == (
23                 a.DemoDateTime_Nullable == null ? "NULL" : "NOT NULL") &&   // 三元表达式
24             a.DemoName == (a.DemoName ?? a.DemoCode) &&                     // 二元表达式
25             new[] { 1, 2, 3 }.Contains(a.DemoId) &&                         // IN(1,2,3)
26             new List<int> { 1, 2, 3 }.Contains(a.DemoId) &&                 // IN(1,2,3)
27             new List<int>(_demoIdList).Contains(a.DemoId) &&                // IN(1,2,3)
28             a.DemoId == new List<int> { 1, 2, 3 }[0] &&                     // IN(1,2,3)
29             _demoIdList.Contains(a.DemoId) &&                          // IN(1,2,3)
30             a.DemoName == _demoName &&
31             a.DemoCode == (a.DemoCode ?? "CODE") &&
32             new List<string> { "A", "B", "C" }.Contains(a.DemoCode) &&
33             a.DemoByte == (byte)m_byte &&
34             a.DemoByte == (byte)Model.State.Complete ||
35             a.DemoInt == (int)Model.State.Complete ||
36             a.DemoInt == (int)state ||
37             (a.DemoName == "STATE" && a.DemoName == "REMARK")// OR 查询
38         select a;
39 result1 = query.ToList();
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10. DataTable和DataSet

 1 // DataTable
 2 query = from a in context.GetTable()
 3         orderby a.DemoCode
 4         select a;
 5 query = query.Take(18);
 6 var result3 = context.Database.ExecuteDataTable(query);
 8 // DataSet
 9 var define = query.Resolve();
10 List sqlList = new List { define, define, define };
11 var result4 = context.Database.ExecuteDataSet(sqlList);
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11. 内联查询

 2 var query =
 3     from a in context.GetTable()
 4     join b in context.GetTable() on a.CloudServerId equals b.CloudServerId
 5     where a.ClientId > 0
 6     select a;
 7 var result = query.ToList();
 8 // 点标记
 9 query = context
10     .GetTable()
11     .Join(context.GetTable(), a => a.CloudServerId, b => b.CloudServerId, (a, b) => a)
12     .Where(a => a.ClientId > 0);
13 result = query.ToList();
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12. 左联查询


FROM [Bas_Client] t0
LEFT JOIN [Sys_CloudServer] t1 ON t0.[CloudServerId] = t1.[CloudServerId] AND N'567' = t1.[CloudServerCode]
WHERE t1.[CloudServerName] IS NOT NULL


 2 query =
 3         from a in context.GetTable()
 4         join b in context.GetTable() on a.CloudServerId equals b.CloudServerId into u_b
 5         from b in u_b.DefaultIfEmpty()
 6         select a;
 7 query = query.Where(a => a.CloudServer.CloudServerName != null);
 8 result = query.ToList();
11 query =
12         from a in context.GetTable()
13         join b in context.GetTable() on new { a.CloudServerId, CloudServerCode = "567" } equals new { b.CloudServerId, b.CloudServerCode } into u_b
14         from b in u_b.DefaultIfEmpty()
15         select a;
16 query = query.Where(a => a.CloudServer.CloudServerName != null);
17 result = query.ToList();
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 13. 右联查询

左关联和右关联的语法我这里用的是一样的,不过是 DefaultIfEmpty 方法加多了一个重载,DefaultIfEmpty(true) 即表示右关联。

2 query =
3         from a in context.GetTable()
4         join b in context.GetTable() on a.CloudServerId equals b.CloudServerId into u_b
5         from b in u_b.DefaultIfEmpty(true)
6         where a.CloudServerName == null
7         select b;
8 result = query.ToList();
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 14. Union查询

我们的Union查询支持 UNION 操作后再分页哦~

 1 // UNION 注意UNION分页的写法,仅支持写在最后
 2 var q1 = context.GetTable().Where(x => x.ClientId == 0);
 3 var q2 = context.GetTable().Where(x => x.ClientId == 0);
 4 var q3 = context.GetTable().Where(x => x.ClientId == 0);
 5 var query6 = q1.Union(q2).Union(q3);
 6 var result6 = query6.ToList();
 7 result6 = query6.Take(2).ToList();
 8 result6 = query6.OrderBy(a => a.ClientId).Skip(2).ToList();
 9 query6 = query6.Take(2);
10 result6 = query6.ToList();
11 query6 = query6.OrderBy(a => a.ClientId).Skip(1).Take(2);
12 result6 = query6.ToList();
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15. 导航属性

 1 // 更简单的赋值方式 
 2 // 适用场景:在显示列表时只想显示外键表的一两个字段
 3 query =
 4     from a in context.GetTable()
 5     select new Model.Client(a)
 6     {
 7         CloudServer = a.CloudServer,
 8         LocalServer = new Model.CloudServer
 9         {
10             CloudServerId = a.CloudServerId,
11             CloudServerName = a.LocalServer.CloudServerName
12         }
13     };
14 result = query.ToList();
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16. 一对一一对多导航

 1 // 1:1关系,1:n关系
 2 query =
 3     from a in context.GetTable()
 4     where a.ClientId > 0
 5     orderby a.ClientId
 6     select new Model.Client(a)
 7     {
 8         CloudServer = a.CloudServer,
 9         Accounts = a.Accounts
10     };
11 result = query.ToList();
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17. Include 语法

EntityFramework 有Include语法,咱也有,而且是实打实的一次性加载!!!

 1 // Include 语法
 2 query =
 3     context
 4     .GetTable()
 5     .Include(a => a.CloudServer);
 6 --query =
 7 --    from a in query
 8 --    join b in context.GetTable() on a.CloudServerId equals b.CloudServerId
 9 --    orderby a.ClientId
10 --    select new Model.Client(a)
11 --    {
12 --        CloudServer = a.CloudServer
13 --    };
14 result = query.ToList();
16 // 还是Include,无限主从孙 ### 
17 query =
18     from a in context
19         .GetTable()
20         .Include(a => a.Accounts)
21         .Include(a => a.Accounts[0].Markets)
22         .Include(a => a.Accounts[0].Markets[0].Client)
23     where a.ClientId > 0
24     orderby a.ClientId
25     select a;
26 result = query.ToList();
28 // Include 分页
29 query =
30 from a in context
31     .GetTable()
32     .Include(a => a.Accounts)
33     .Include(a => a.Accounts[0].Markets)
34     .Include(a => a.Accounts[0].Markets[0].Client)
35 where a.ClientId > 0
36 orderby a.ClientId
37 select a;
38 query = query
39     .Where(a => a.ClientId > 0 && a.CloudServer.CloudServerId > 0)
40     .Skip(10)
41     .Take(20);
42 result = query.ToList();
43 query =
44     from a in context
45         .GetTable()
46         .Include(a => a.CloudServer)
47         .Include(a => a.Accounts)
48     where a.ClientId > 0
49     select a;
50 query = query.OrderBy(a => a.ClientId);
51 result = query.ToList();
53 // Include 语法查询 主 从 孙 关系<注:相同的导航属性不能同时用include和join>
54 var query1 =
55     from a in
56         context
57         .GetTable()
58         .Include(a => a.CloudServer)
59         .Include(a => a.Accounts)
60         .Include(a => a.Accounts[0].Markets)
61         .Include(a => a.Accounts[0].Markets[0].Client)
62     group a by new { a.ClientId, a.ClientCode, a.ClientName, a.CloudServer.CloudServerId } into g
63     select new Model.Client
64     {
65         ClientId = g.Key.ClientId,
66         ClientCode = g.Key.ClientCode,
67         ClientName = g.Key.ClientName,
68         CloudServerId = g.Key.CloudServerId,
69         Qty = g.Sum(a => a.Qty)
70     };
71 query1 = query1
72     .Where(a => a.ClientId > 0)
73     .OrderBy(a => a.ClientId)
74     .Skip(10)
75     .Take(20)
76     ;
77 var result1 = query1.ToList();
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18. 分组查询

1 var query2 =
2     from a in context.GetTable()
3     group a by a.ClientId into g
4     select new
5     {
6         ClientId = g.Key,
7         Qty = g.Sum(a => a.Qty)
8     };
9 query2 = query2.OrderBy(a => a.ClientId).ThenBy(a => a.Qty);
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19. 聚合函数

1 var result1 = query2.Max(a => a.ClientId);
2 var result2 = query2.Sum(a => a.Qty);
3 var result3 = query2.Min(a => a.ClientId);
4 var result4= query2.Average(a => a.Qty);
5 var result5 = query2.Count();
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20. 分组分页

 1 // 分组后再分页
 2 var query8 =
 3         from a in context.GetTable()
 4         where a.ClientName == "TAN"
 5         group a by new { a.ClientId, a.ClientName } into g
 6         where g.Key.ClientId > 0
 7         orderby new { g.Key.ClientName, g.Key.ClientId }
 8         select new
 9         {
10             Id = g.Key.ClientId,
11             Name = g.Min(a => a.ClientId)
12         };
13 query8 = query8.Skip(2).Take(3);
14 var result8 = query8.ToList();
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21. 子查询

 1 // 强制转为子查询
 2 query =
 3         from a in context.GetTable()
 4         join b in context.GetTable() on a.CloudServerId equals b.CloudServerId into u_c
 5         from b in u_c.DefaultIfEmpty()
 6         select a;
 7 query = query.OrderBy(a => a.ClientId).Skip(10).Take(10).AsSubQuery();
 8 query = from a in query
 9         join b in context.GetTable() on a.ClientId equals b.ClientId
10         select a;
11 result = query.ToList();
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22. Any 查询

 1 // Any
 2 var isAny = context.GetTable().Any();
 3 isAny = context.GetTable().Any(a => a.ActiveDate == DateTime.Now);
 4 isAny = context.GetTable().Distinct().Any(a => a.ActiveDate == DateTime.Now);
 5 isAny = context.GetTable().OrderBy(a => a.ClientId).Skip(2).Take(5).Any(a => a.ActiveDate == DateTime.Now);
 6 //SQL=> 
 8 //    SELECT TOP 1 1
 9 //    FROM[Bas_Client] t0
10 //   WHERE t0.[ActiveDate] = '2018-08-15 14:07:09.784'
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 23. 单个删除

1 // 1. 删除单个记录
2 var demo = new TDemo { DemoId = 1 };
3 context.Delete(demo);
4 context.SubmitChanges();
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24. 批量删除

1 // 2.WHERE 条件批量删除
2 context.Delete(a => a.DemoId == 2 || a.DemoId == 3 || a.DemoName == "N0000004");
3 var qeury =
4     context
5     .GetTable()
6     .Where(a => a.DemoId == 2 || a.DemoId == 3 || a.DemoName == "N0000004");
7 // 2.WHERE 条件批量删除
8 context.Delete(qeury);
9 context.SubmitChanges();
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25. 多表关联删除

 1 // 3.Query 关联批量删除
 2 var query1 =
 3     from a in context.GetTable()
 4     join b in context.GetTable() on a.ClientId equals b.ClientId
 5     join c in context.GetTable() on new { b.ClientId, b.AccountId } equals new { c.ClientId, c.AccountId }
 6     where c.ClientId == 5 && c.AccountId == "1" && c.MarketId == 1
 7 select a;
 8 context.Delete(query1);
10 // oracle 不支持导航属性关联删除
11 // 3.Query 关联批量删除
12 var query2 =
13     from a in context.GetTable()
14     join b in context.GetTable() on a.ClientId equals b.ClientId
15     where a.CloudServer.CloudServerId == 20 && a.LocalServer.CloudServerId == 2
16     select a;
17 context.Delete(query2);
18 // 4.Query 关联批量删除
19 var query3 =
20     from a in context.GetTable()
21     where a.CloudServer.CloudServerId == 20 && a.LocalServer.CloudServerId == 2
22     select a;
23 context.Delete(query3);
26  // 5.子查询批量删除
27 // 子查询更新
28 var sum =
29     from a in context.GetTable()
30     where a.ClientId <= 20
31     group a by new { a.ClientId } into g
32     select new Model.Client
33     {
34         ClientId = g.Key.ClientId,
35         Qty = g.Sum(a => a.Qty)
36     };
37 var query4 =
38     from a in context.GetTable()
39     join b in context.GetTable() on a.CloudServerId equals b.CloudServerId
40     join c in context.GetTable() on a.CloudServerId equals c.CloudServerId
41     join d in sum on a.ClientId equals d.ClientId
42     where a.ClientId > 10 && a.CloudServerId < 0
43     select a;
44 context.Delete(query4);
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26. 单个更新

1 var demo = context
2     .GetTable()
3     .FirstOrDefault(x => x.DemoId > 0);
5 // 整个实体更新
6 demo.DemoName = "001'.N";
7 context.Update(demo);
8 context.SubmitChanges();
View Code


1 // 2.WHERE 条件批量更新
2 context.Update(x => new TDemo
3 {
4     DemoDateTime2 = DateTime.UtcNow,
5     DemoDateTime2_Nullable = null,
6     //DemoTime_Nullable = ts
7 }, x => x.DemoName == "001'.N" || x.DemoCode == "001'.N");
8 context.SubmitChanges();
View Code

28. 多表关联更新


 1 // 3.Query 关联批量更新
 2     var query =
 3     from a in context.GetTable()
 4     where a.CloudServer.CloudServerId != 0
 5     select a;
 6 context.Update(a => new Model.Client
 7 {
 8     Remark = "001.TAN"
 9 }, query);
11 // 更新本表值等于从表的字段值
12 query =
13     from a in context.GetTable()
14     join b in context.GetTable() on a.CloudServerId equals b.CloudServerId
15     join c in context.GetTable() on a.ClientId equals c.ClientId
16     where c.AccountId == "12"
17     select a;
18 context.Update((a, b) => new Model.Client
19 {
20     CloudServerId = b.CloudServerId,
21     Remark = "001.TAN"
22 }, query);
23 context.SubmitChanges();
View Code

29. 子查询更新

 1  // 子查询更新
 2 var sum =
 3     from a in context.GetTable()
 4     where a.ClientId > 0
 5     group a by new { a.ClientId } into g
 6     select new Model.Client
 7     {
 8         ClientId = g.Key.ClientId,
 9         Qty = g.Sum(a => a.Qty)
10     };
11 if (_databaseType == DatabaseType.SqlServer || _databaseType == DatabaseType.MySql)
12 {
13     var uQuery =
14         from a in context.GetTable()
15         join b in sum on a.ClientId equals b.ClientId
16         where a.ClientId > 0 && b.ClientId > 0
17         select a;
18     context.Update((a, b) => new Model.Client { Qty = b.Qty }, uQuery);
19 }
20 else
21 {
22     // npg oracle 翻译成 EXISTS,更新字段的值不支持来自子查询
23     var uQuery =
24         from a in context.GetTable()
25         join b in sum on a.ClientId equals b.ClientId
26         where a.ClientId > 0 // b.ClientId > 0
27         select a;
28     context.Update(a => new Model.Client { Qty = 9 }, uQuery);
29 }
30 context.SubmitChanges();
View Code

30. 带自增列新增

 1 // 带自增列
 2 var demo = new TDemo
 3 {
 4     DemoCode = "D0000001",
 5     DemoName = "N0000001",
 6     DemoBoolean = true,
 7     DemoChar = 'A',
 8     DemoNChar = 'B',
 9     DemoByte = 64,
10     DemoDate = DateTime.Now,
11     DemoDateTime = DateTime.Now,
12     DemoDateTime2 = DateTime.Now,
13     DemoDecimal = 64,
14     DemoDouble = 64,
15     DemoFloat = 64,
16     DemoGuid = Guid.NewGuid(),
17     DemoShort = 64,
18     DemoInt = 64,
19     DemoLong = 64
20 };
21 context.Insert(demo);
22 context.SubmitChanges();
24 var demo2 = new TDemo
25 {
26     DemoCode = "D0000002",
27     DemoName = "N0000002",
28     DemoBoolean = true,
29     DemoChar = 'A',
30     DemoNChar = 'B',
31     DemoByte = 65,
32     DemoDate = DateTime.Now,
33     DemoDateTime = DateTime.Now,
34     DemoDateTime2 = DateTime.Now,
35     DemoDecimal = 65,
36     DemoDouble = 65,
37     DemoFloat = 65,
38     DemoGuid = Guid.NewGuid(),
39     DemoShort = 65,
40     DemoInt = 65,
41     DemoLong = 65
42 };
43 context.Insert(demo2);
45 var demo3 = new TDemo
46 {
47     DemoCode = "D0000003",
48     DemoName = "N0000003",
49     DemoBoolean = true,
50     DemoChar = 'A',
51     DemoNChar = 'B',
52     DemoByte = 66,
53     DemoDate = DateTime.Now,
54     DemoDateTime = DateTime.Now,
55     DemoDateTime2 = DateTime.Now,
56     DemoDecimal = 66,
57     DemoDouble = 66,
58     DemoFloat = 66,
59     DemoGuid = Guid.NewGuid(),
60     DemoShort = 66,
61     DemoInt = 66,
62     DemoLong = 66
63 };
64 context.Insert(demo3);
65 context.Insert(demo);
66 context.SubmitChanges();
View Code

31. 批量新增

批量新增翻译的SQL不带参数,只是纯SQL文本。SQLSERVER的同学如果想更快,可以尝尝 SqlDbContext.BulkCopy方法。

 1  // 批量增加
 2 // 产生 INSERT INTO VALUES(),(),()... 语法。注意这种批量增加的方法并不能给自增列自动赋值
 3 context.Delete(x => x.DemoId > 1000000);
 4 demos = new List();
 5 for (int i = 0; i < 1002; i++)
 6 {
 7     TDemo d = new TDemo
 8     {
 9         DemoCode = "D0000001",
10         DemoName = "N0000001",
11         DemoBoolean = true,
12         DemoChar = 'A',
13         DemoNChar = 'B',
14         DemoByte = 64,
15         DemoDate = DateTime.Now,
16         DemoDateTime = DateTime.Now,
17         DemoDateTime2 = DateTime.Now,
18         DemoDecimal = 64,
19         DemoDouble = 64,
20         DemoFloat = 64,
21         DemoGuid = Guid.NewGuid(),
22         DemoShort = 64,
23         DemoInt = 64,
24         DemoLong = 64
25     };
26     demos.Add(d);
27 }
28 context.Insert(demos);
29 context.SubmitChanges();
View Code

32. 关联查询新增

 1  // 子查询增
 2 var sum =
 3     from a in context.GetTable()
 4     where a.ClientId > 0
 5     group a by new { a.ClientId } into g
 6     select new Model.Client
 7     {
 8         ClientId = g.Key.ClientId,
 9         Qty = g.Sum(a => a.Qty)
10     };
11 sum = sum.AsSubQuery();
13 maxId = context.GetTable().Max(x => x.ClientId);
14 nextId = maxId + 1;
15 var nQuery =
16     from a in sum
17     join b in context.GetTable() on a.ClientId equals b.ClientId into u_b
18     from b in u_b.DefaultIfEmpty()
19     where b.ClientId == null
20     select new Model.Client
21     {
22         ClientId = SqlMethod.RowNumber<int>(x => a.ClientId) + nextId,
23         ClientCode = "ABC3",
24         ClientName = "啊啵呲3",
25         CloudServerId = 11,
26         State = 3,
27         Qty = a.Qty,
28     };
29 context.Insert(nQuery);
View Code

33. 增删改同时查出数据

 1 context.Update(x => new Model.Client
 2 {
 3     ClientName = "蒙3"
 4 }, x => x.ClientId == 3);
 5 var query =
 6     from a in context.GetTable()
 7     where a.ClientId == 1
 8     select 5;
 9 context.AddQuery(query);
10 List<int> result1 = null;
11 context.SubmitChanges(out result1);
13 context.Update(x => new Model.Client
14 {
15     ClientName = "蒙4"
16 }, x => x.ClientId == 4);
17 query =
18     from a in context.GetTable()
19     where a.ClientId == 1
20     select 5;
21 context.AddQuery(query);
22 var query2 =
23     from a in context.GetTable()
24     where a.ClientId == 1
25     select 6;
26 context.AddQuery(query2);
27 result1 = null;
28 List<int> result2 = null;
29 context.SubmitChanges(out result1, out result2);
View Code

34. 一次性加载多个列表

 1 // 一性加载多个列表 ****
 2 var query3 =
 3     from a in context.GetTable()
 4     where a.ClientId >= 1 && a.ClientId <= 10
 5     select 5;
 6 var query4 =
 7     from a in context.GetTable()
 8     where a.ClientId >= 1 && a.ClientId <= 10
 9     select 6;
10 var tuple = context.Database.ExecuteMultiple<int, int>(query3, query4);
12 query3 =
13     from a in context.GetTable()
14     where a.ClientId >= 1 && a.ClientId <= 10
15     select 5;
16 query4 =
17     from a in context.GetTable()
18     where a.ClientId >= 1 && a.ClientId <= 10
19     select 6;
20 var  query5 =
21     from a in context.GetTable()
22     where a.ClientId >= 1 && a.ClientId <= 10
23     select 7;
24 var tuple2 = context.Database.ExecuteMultiple<int, int, int>(query3, query4, query5);
View Code

35. 事务操作

借鉴 EntityFramework的思想,本框架也支持自身开启事务,或者从其它上下文开启事务后再在本框架使用该事务。

// 事务1. 上下文独立事务
    using (var transaction = context.Database.BeginTransaction())
        var result = context.GetTable().FirstOrDefault(x => x.ClientId <= 10);
        context.Update(x => new Model.Client
            ClientName = "事务1"
        }, x => x.ClientId == result.ClientId);
        result = context.GetTable().FirstOrDefault(x => x.ClientId == result.ClientId);

        context.Update(x => new Model.Client
            ClientName = "事务2"
        }, x => x.ClientId == result.ClientId);
        result = context.GetTable().FirstOrDefault(x => x.ClientId == result.ClientId);

        //throw new Exception("假装异常");
    // 开启事务后必需显式释放资源

// 事务2. 使用其它的事务
IDbTransaction transaction2 = null;
IDbConnection connection = null;
    connection = context.Database.DbProviderFactory.CreateConnection();
    connection.ConnectionString = context.Database.ConnectionString;
    if (connection.State != ConnectionState.Open) connection.Open();
    transaction2 = connection.BeginTransaction();

    // 指定事务
    context.Database.Transaction = transaction2;

    var result = context.GetTable().FirstOrDefault(x => x.ClientId <= 10);
    context.Update(x => new Model.Client
        ClientName = "事务3"
    }, x => x.ClientId == result.ClientId);
    result = context.GetTable().FirstOrDefault(x => x.ClientId == result.ClientId);

    context.Update(x => new Model.Client
        ClientName = "事务4"
    }, x => x.ClientId == result.ClientId);
    result = context.GetTable().FirstOrDefault(x => x.ClientId == result.ClientId);

    string sql = @"UPDATE Bas_Client SET ClientName = N'事务5' WHERE ClientID=2;UPDATE Bas_Client SET ClientName = N'事务6' WHERE ClientID=3;";

    if (transaction2 != null) transaction2.Rollback();
    if (transaction2 != null) transaction2.Dispose();
    if (connection != null) connection.Close();
    if (connection != null) connection.Dispose();

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36. 表变量


 1 // 声明表变量
 2 var typeRuntime = TypeRuntimeInfoCache.GetRuntimeInfo();
 3 context.AddQuery(string.Format("DECLARE {0} [{1}]", typeRuntime.TableName, typeRuntime.TableName.TrimStart('@')));
 4 List keys = new List
 5 {
 6     new SqlServerModel.JoinKey{ Key1 = 2 },
 7     new SqlServerModel.JoinKey{ Key1 = 3 },
 8 };
 9 // 向表变量写入数据
10 context.Insert(keys);
11 // 像物理表一样操作表变量
12 var query =
13     from a in context.GetTable()
14     join b in context.GetTable() on a.ClientId equals b.Key1
15     select a;
16 context.AddQuery(query);
17 // 提交查询结果
18 List result = null;
19 context.SubmitChanges(out result);
View Code


  XFramework 已成熟运用于我们公司的多个核心项目,完全代替了之前的 Dapper + DbHelper的数据持久方案。从最初只支持SQLSERVER到支持MySQL、Postgre和Oracle,一个多月的熬夜坚持,个中酸爽只有经历过才能体会。你的喜爱和支持是我在开源的路上一路狂奔的最大动力,撸码不易,不喜请轻喷。但我相信,这绝对是一款人性化、有温度的数据持久框架!!!
  XFramework 现已完全开源,遵循 Apache2.0 协议,托管地址:

  ORM 技术交流群:816425449


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