- 2019-nCoV发病和年龄、吸烟无关;
- 男性易感;
- 华南海鲜市场是否不是唯一感染源?证据不充分,需要追踪第一例患者的家族史和日常接触地点,加以判断;主要原因:2019-nCoV无症状态可以感染,且在年轻人或儿童中表现不发热症状;潜伏期2-12天,使得感染源存在很多不确定性;
- 普通医用外科口罩真的能有效隔离病毒,不需要N95;
- 27例有华南海鲜市场暴露史,13例有基础性疾病;
- 13例ICU患者,其中6例死亡;
- ICU患者血浆细胞因子含量较高,有细胞因子风暴;
【SARS 细胞因子】
Early studies have shown that increased amounts of proinflammatory cytokines in serum (eg, IL1B, IL6, IL12, IFNγ, IP10, and MCP1) were associated with pulmonary inflammation and extensive lung damage in SARS patients.
【MERS 细胞因子】
MERS-CoV infection was also reported to induce increased concentrations of proinflammatory cytokines (IFNγ, TNFα, IL15, and IL17).
【2019-nCoV 细胞因子】
We noted that patients infected with 2019-nCoV also had high amounts of IL1B, IFNγ, IP10, and MCP1, probably leading to activated T-helper-1 (Th1) cell re- sponses.
Moreover, patients requiring ICU admission had higher concentrations of GCSF, IP10, MCP1, MIP1A, and TNFα than did those not requiring ICU admission, suggesting that the cytokine storm was associated with disease severity.
In view of the high amount of cytokines induced by SARS-CoV,22,24 MERS-CoV,25,26 and 2019-nCoV infections, corticosteroids were used frequently for treatment of patients with severe illness, for possible benefit by reducing inflammatory-induced lung injury.
However, current evidence in patients with SARS and MERS suggests that receiving corticosteroids did not have an effect on mortality, but rather delayed viral clearance.27–29 Therefore, corticosteroids should not be routinely given systemically, according to WHO interim guidance.
- 第一例病例,19年12月1日发现,没有任何华南海鲜市场接触史,其家庭成员也未表现发热或其他呼吸道症状,且第一例病人和后续病例没有任何关联。
- 第一例死亡病例,7天发烧、咳嗽、呼吸困难症状,其患病5天后,她妻子也表现肺炎感染症状,她妻子没有任何华南海鲜市场暴露史
- 部分年轻感染者可能不发热,当前网络描述的发热、干咳、呼吸困难的症状可能普遍存在于年纪大患者中;
- 无症状患者可能胸部CT呈现毛玻璃状,提示是感染者;
- 无症状感染者具有感染能力,和SARS潜伏期不具感染性不同;
- 口罩可有效隔离病毒,P6在武汉全程口罩,未受到感染;
案例描述: 由6位患者组成的家庭聚类(1至6位患者)于2019年12月29日从深圳飞往武汉,并于2020年1月4日飞往深圳,他们没有与动物接触的历史,也没有参观过包括武汉华南海鲜批发市场在内的市场,也没有在餐馆吃野味的历史。整个旅行过程中,一家人住在同一家酒店。患者1和2住在一个房间,患者3–6则住在另一个房间。
The boxes with an internal red cross are the dates on which patients 1 and 3 or relatives 1, 2, and 3 had stayed overnight (white boxes) at or had visited (blue boxes) the hospital in which relative 1 was admitted for febrile pneumonia.
The information of relatives 1–5 was provided by patient 3.
患者1-6与亲戚见过(亲戚2-5): 在武汉逗留期间,每天有一位女表亲和三位病人的3位阿姨在武汉吃饭。
【亲戚1,2019.12.26发病,亲戚2-6 2020.1.4发病】
自2020年1月4日起,亲戚2至5出现发烧,咳嗽和虚弱。患者1和3于2019年12月29日在武汉一家医院接受了高热性肺炎治疗的亲属1,亲属2的儿子和亲戚2的儿子(亲戚2在亲戚1陪同下过夜) ;
患者1-4有症状,仅在症状发作后6-10天才到我们医院(香港大学深圳医院)就诊。对于两个无症状的儿童(患者5和6),患者5具有通过CT扫描确定的毛玻璃样肺部混浊。与年龄10岁且不符合父母指导的5号患者不同,6号患者 在武汉期间,她的母亲报告她大部分时间戴外科口罩,当时她7岁,她没有被病毒学或放射学调查所感染。患者6的血液检查和CT扫描正常。
近期单细胞分析表示,ACE2受体在肺部一个细胞亚群type II alveolar cells(AT2)高表达.
- 作者分析8个捐赠者正常肺组织,43134个单细胞,鉴定8~11个细胞亚群。
In total, we analyzed 43,134 cells derived from normal lung tissue of 8 adult donors. We performed unsupervised graph-based clustering (Seurat version 2.3.4) and for each individual, we identified 8~11 transcriptionally distinct cell clusters based on their marker gene expression profile. Typically the clusters include type II alveolar cells (AT2), type I alveolar cells (AT1), airway epithelial cells (ciliated cells and Club cells), fibroblasts, endothelial cells and various types of immune cells. The cell cluster map of a representative donor (Asian male, 55-year-old)
- 1.4% 的AT2细胞表达ACE2;
- 部分内皮细胞和AT1细胞也表达ACE2。
we analyzed the cell-type-specific expression pattern of ACE2 in each individual. For all donors, ACE2 is expressed in 0.64% of all human lung cells. The majority of the ACE2-expressing cells (averagely 83%) are AT2 cells. Averagely 1.4±0.4% of AT2 cells expressed ACE2. Other ACE2 expressing cells include AT1 cells, airway epithelial cells, fibroblasts, endothelial cells, and macrophages. However, their ACE2-expressing cell ratio is low and variable among individuals.
To further understand the special population of ACE2-expressing AT2, we performed gene ontology enrichment analysis to study which biological processes are involved with this cell population by comparing them with the AT2 cells not expressing ACE2. Surprisingly, we found that multiple viral process-related GO are significantly over-presented, including “positive regulation of viral process” (P value=0.001), “viral life cycle” (P value=0.005), “virion assembly” (P value=0.03) and “positive regulation of viral genome replication” (P value=0.04). These highly expressed viral process-related genes in ACE2-expressing AT2 include: SLC1A5, CXADR, CAV2, NUP98, CTBP2, GSN,HSPA1B,STOM, RAB1B, HACD3, ITGB6, IST1,NUCKS1,TRIM27, APOE, SMARCB1,UBP1,CHMP1A,NUP160,HSPA8,DAG1,STAU1,ICAM1,CHMP5,D EK, VPS37B, EGFR, CCNK, PPIA, IFITM3, PPIB, TMPRSS2, UBC, LAMP1 and CHMP3. Therefore, it seems that the 2019-nCov has cleverly evolved to hijack this population of AT2 cells for its reproduction and transmission.
男性肺部ACE2-expressing cells数量远远高于女性。
男性表达ACE2受体的细胞数量比女性多,1.66% VS 0.41%,细胞类型也较女性多,5 VS 2~4.
Of note, the 2 male donors have a higher ACE2-expressing cell ratio than all other 6 female donors (1.66% vs. 0.41% of all cells, P value=0.07, Mann Whitney Test)
In addition, the distribution of ACE2 is also more widespread in male donors than females: at least 5 different types of cells in male lung express this receptor, while only 2~4 types of cells in female lung express the receptor.
亚洲男性比非洲美洲男性易感,亚洲男性ACE2细胞比例多,2.5% VS 0.47%
We also noticed that the only Asian donor (male) has a much higher ACE2- expressing cell ratio than white and African American donors (2.50% vs. 0.47% of all cells).
No association was detected between the ACE2- expressing cell number and the age or smoking status of donors,这和Lancet 的文章统计的前41例结果相似。