Preacher’s ammo

Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet.---John13:14

To serve at the present opportunity is not to choose one’s own circumstance, but to be chosen by God in whatever circumstances he chooses. The characteristics we display in our current environment can represent the performance in any other environment.

Jesus did the humblest of daily tasks, which means that I need the full power of God to do the most ordinary things according to his steps. Can I use a towel like him? Towels, dishes, shoes, and the humbleness of everyday life say more about us than anything else. The humblest task, to be complete, requires the omnipotence of the incarnate Lord within us.

“I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.” Notice the people God places around you. He wants you to know who you are in his eyes, and you’ll be ashamed of it. Now he says, “do to that man what I have done to you.” You will say, “oh, when I go to the overseas factory, I will do them all.” To say so would be to go to the trenches to make ammunition, and as a result, die while doing so. We will walk the second mile with God. Some people give up after the first ten yards because God wants us to take an invisible path. We said, “I’ll wait until the chips are down.” If you don’t make steady progress on the small things, you won’t be able to do anything when the crisis comes.

Dear God, may your power to rule be revealed in your servant today for your glory.

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