2019-07-28 Nice day with nice people

Had a nice weekend with Jam. I am right now heading to some article writing but I thought it will be great to write down some of my thoughts.

The days have been rough for me last week. I have a few tasks going on but I have no idea if I am doing the right thing.

1. I did review a paper with Mike

2. Teaching Kayla on the cryostat

3. RNAscope for the two groups

4. Did an analysis for the fetal brain

5. Writing for a book

But I was told that:

The data I gathered was not good. I should look back into it. The attitude of her influences me. Her mood is up and down. I should not be like that. 

I should not care too much of other people but just do what I have to do. 

Therefore, I should always be 1) polite 2)cival 3) focue on my task

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