《DevOps for Finance》CHAPTER 1 -The High Cost of Failure-案例

NASDAQ Fails on Facebook’s IPO
纳斯达克在Facebook IPO中的失败

On May 18, 2012, Facebook’s IPO—one of the largest in history—
failed while the world watched.
Problems started during the pre-IPO auction process. NASDAQ’s system could not keep up with the high volume of orders and cancels,because of a race condition in the exchange’s matching engine.As more orders and requests to cancel some orders came in, the engine continued to fall further behind, like a puppy chasing its own tail.

NASDAQ delayed the IPO by 30 minutes so that its engineers could make a code fix on the fly and fail over to a backup engine running the new code. They assumed that in the process they would miss a few orders, not realizing just how far behind the matching engine had fallen. Tens of thousands of orders (and requests to cancel
some orders) had built up over the course of almost 20 minutes.
These orders were not included in the IPO cross, violating trading rules. Orders that should have been canceled got executed instead,which meant that some investors who had changed their minds and decided that they didn’t want Facebook shares got them anyway.
For more than two hours, traders and their customers did not know the status of their orders. This created confusion across the market,and negatively affected the price of Facebook’s stock.3
In addition to the cost of lost business during the incident, NASDAQ
was fined 41.6 million in
compensation to market makers (who had actually claimed up to
26.5 million to settle a class action suit
brought by retail investors. And although NASDAQ made significant changes to its systems and improved its operations processes after this incident, the next big tech IPO, Alibaba, was awarded to NASDAQ’s biggest competitor, the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).

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