


wget https://github.com/downloads/cea-hpc/clustershell/clustershell-1.5.1-1.el6.noarch.rpm

rpm -ivh clustershell-1.5.1-1.el6.noarch.rpm



wget https://github.com/downloads/cea-hpc/clustershell/clustershell-1.5.1.tar.gz

tar -xvf clustershell-1.5.1.tar.gz

cd clustershell-1.5.1

sudo python setup.py install

mkdir /etc/clustershell

cp conf/* /etc/clustershell



首先,对于我们要管理的节点,创建一个组。假如我们需要管理的是10台web server,主机名分别为web1-web10,那么我们先创建一个文件/etc/clustershell/groups,内容如下:

web: web1 web2 web3 web4 web5 web6 web7 web8 web9 web10




clush --user=root -g web "uptime"  ### --user指明了ssh登录的用户;-g指明了组名;最后是批量执行的命令,将会在组下面所有节点执行该命令。




Usage: clush [options] command

  --version             show program's version number and exit            
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit            
  -s GROUPSOURCE, --groupsource=GROUPSOURCE            
                        optional groups.conf(5) group source to use            
  --nostdin             don't watch for possible input from stdin

  Selecting target nodes:          
    -w NODES            nodes where to run the command            
    -x EXCLUDE          exclude nodes from the node list            
    -a, --all           run command on all nodes            
    -g GROUP, --group=GROUP            
                        run command on a group of nodes            
    -X EXGROUP          exclude nodes from this group

  Output behaviour:          
    -q, --quiet         be quiet, print essential output only            
    -v, --verbose       be verbose, print informative messages            
    -d, --debug         output more messages for debugging purpose            
    -G, --groupbase     do not display group source prefix            
    -L                  disable header block and order output by nodes            
    -N                  disable labeling of command line            
    -b, --dshbak        gather nodes with same output            
    -B                  like -b but including standard error            
    -r, --regroup       fold nodeset using node groups            
    -S                  return the largest of command return codes            
    --color=WHENCOLOR   whether to use ANSI colors (never, always or auto)

  File copying:          
    -c, --copy          copy local file or directory to remote nodes            
    --rcopy             copy file or directory from remote nodes            
    --dest=DEST_PATH    destination file or directory on the nodes            
    -p                  preserve modification times and modes

  Ssh options:          
    -f FANOUT, --fanout=FANOUT            
                        use a specified fanout            
    -l USER, --user=USER            
                        execute remote command as user            
    -o OPTIONS, --options=OPTIONS            
                        can be used to give ssh options            
    -t CONNECT_TIMEOUT, --connect_timeout=CONNECT_TIMEOUT            
                        limit time to connect to a node            
    -u COMMAND_TIMEOUT, --command_timeout=COMMAND_TIMEOUT            
                        limit time for command to run on the node